“It’s just a little fish, not very colourful – there’s not much interest in terms of global conservation,” explains Gerardo Garcia.
Biodiversity: The tale of the ‘un-extinct’ fish
Written by BBC
Written by BBC
“It’s just a little fish, not very colourful – there’s not much interest in terms of global conservation,” explains Gerardo Garcia.
Written by howbad
Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines
Written by scitechdaily.com
A new video looks back on the six-wheeled scientist’s first 10 months on the Red Planet and all that it’s accomplished so far.
Written by Didi Rankovic
London-based rights group Big Brother Watch, a vocal opponent of Covid passes being introduced in England, has launched a legal challenge to the scheme it considers an example of divisive and discriminatory dystopia.
Written by Patrick Wood
Having just written eleven essays showing how Technocracy is a malignant cancer growing at breakneck speed all around the world, and especially in the United States, I will not sugar coat either the problem or the solution.
Written by wnd.com
The CDC’s latest count of deaths attributed to COVID-19 vaccines is nearly 20,000, but a study by researchers at Columbia University estimates the actual number is 20 times higher.
Written by theepochtimes.com
A man in Finland has blown up his Tesla vehicle with 66 pounds of dynamite in defiance over the cost of a new battery after he claimed to face a $22,000 repair bill.
Written by The Lancet
High COVID-19 vaccination rates were expected to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in populations by reducing the number of possible sources for transmission and thereby to reduce the burden of COVID-19 disease.
Written by theepochtimes.com
Dr. Robert Malone, a key contributor to mRNA vaccine technology and an outspoken critic of COVID-19 mandates and rules, had his Twitter account permanently suspended yesterday.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
Net Zero Watch has called on Boris Johnson to declare an energy emergency and introduce radical policy reforms to prevent the energy cost crisis from turning into an economic and social disaster.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
A winter snowstorm this weekend dumped nearly 40 inches of snow on the Sierra Nevada mountains from Sunday into Monday, breaking the record for snowfall in December, and possibly signaling relief in California’s two-year-old drought.
Written by Dr Joseph Mercola
In a stunning video interview with a doctor treating COVID-19 patients, The Desert Review uncovers the secrets health officials and hospitals aren’t telling — and that is that “they are being held hostage and segregated from loved ones. And the reason is money.”
Written by BBC
The mummified body of the Pharoah Amenhotep I has been studied for the first time in 3000 years after being digitally “unwrapped”.
Written by lifesitenews.com
A baby whose mother received two COVID vaccine shots during her last trimester of pregnancy was born bleeding from his mouth and nose, and died the day after his birth, according to a recent report to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System from a foreign “regulatory authority.”
Written by europerenaissance.com
Why are journalists called Presstitutes? Billionaire Bill Gates has secretly funnelled $319 million to select mainstream media outlets around the world as part of an effort to ‘brainwash the public,’ a bombshell new report has revealed.
Written by Steve Kirsch
This will blow your mind, I promise. I’m pretty sure that the rate of myocarditis is a LOT more than the CDC is telling people. I think the rate is ~100X higher than they claim. What do you think?