Third exoplanet found orbiting Proxima Centauri

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A little over four light-years away is Alpha Centauri, the closest star system to the Sun. And in August 2016, researchers announced they’d found a long-searched-for planet around Proxima Centauri, the smallest — and closest — component of this three-star system.

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Rare Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome Found in Vaxxed Young

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Some vaccinated youngsters in the 12–20 age group have reported a hyper-inflammatory condition where the body’s immune system goes into overdrive and shows symptoms of fever and systemic inflammation involving multiple organ systems, according to a study published Tuesday.

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The imploding new world economic order

Written by Terence Corcoran

As Canada staggered through another day of the truckers’ convoy crisis, on Saturday, February 12, the province of Ontario’s electricity generating corporation released a dazzling video of the highlight of the day, the deliberate implosion of four coal-fired power generating plants.

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