Broadcaster reveals: government told us to tow the line

Written by Tom Woods

Yesterday our friend Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University brought to the public’s attention what he called an “explosive interview” with former Sky News and ITV executive Mark Sherman about the way the UK government pressured the media to portray COVID and the government’s response a particular way.

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Climate Change Panic Is Killing Us

Written by Climate Change Dispatch

Alarmists like to take ideas that are initially good and push them to the avaricious extreme in order to gain political power and money. A perfect example of this pertains to the issue of ‘climate change’.

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FIFA Soccer Deaths Up 300% After Vaccinations

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Deaths of professional football / soccer players due to cardiovascular issues such as cardiac arrest and heart attack are doubling every three months, with the number of deaths occurring in December 2021 alone equalling the annual average over the previous 12 years.

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