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G20 Ministers Meet in Brazil To Discuss “Disinformation” Censorship Agenda
Written by Didi Rankovic
Written by Didi Rankovic
Written by Bret Swanson
Last week, Mario Draghi, the former president of the European Central Bank, sounded the economic alarm. In a 400-page white paper, Draghi warned an uncompetitive European economy faces “an existential challenge” of flagging dynamism and slow productivity growth
Written by Eduard Harinck
Scientists have discovered the cause of the massive tremors that left seismologists around the world in amazement last year
Written by James Alexander
The book of the year is The Scythian Empire by the American historian and scholar Christopher Beckwith.
Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
When the media claims we’re experiencing a “once in 500-year” or “once in 1,000-year” weather event, they’re missing a fundamental point about how data works
Written by Efrat Fenigson
In April 2024, the Knesset passed Israel’s climate bill through first reading. The bill, just like everywhere else in the western world, complies with UN’s agenda 2030 goals and 2050 targets.
Written by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.
Dr. Marty Makary, a public researcher with Johns Hopkins University and author of “Blind Spots: When Medicine Gets it Wrong, and What It Means for Our Health,” said more doctors are “refusing to kiss the ring of the medical oligarchs, and instead are teaming up with creative people to redesign medical care.”
Written by Will Jones
Shrinking islands, vanishing polar bears, collapsing coral reefs — the media loves a good climate scare story
Written by BBC
About 1,500 stretches of Welsh roads could be considered to have speed limits put back to 30mph a year after they were reduced to 20mph, BBC research shows
Written by Oscar L Martin
The Barakah nuclear power plant in the UAE has reached full capacity, which will now generate a staggering 40TWh of electricity annually
Written by News Roundup
Scientific American can barely conceal its relief that disaster looms, emailing that “Weeks of eerie quiet in the Atlantic Ocean basin are over.
Written by Kevin killough
Penn State celebrity climate scientist Michael Mann announced in April that his research group’s 2024 North Atlantic season forecast was expecting an “unprecedented” 33 named storms, with a range between 27 and 39. [emphasis, links added]
Written by Peter A. Mccullough, MD, MPH
I attended an integrative medicine meeting recently and one of the speakers said that ozone was one of the most important tools in his practice.
Written by Donna Andersen
Over the last three years, we have been documenting the ecological catastrophe quietly unfolding on the East Coast. With the support of the US government, the wind industry is killing whales and other sea life
Written by Lisa Pacheco
The COVID-19 Goliath — powerful forces promoting fear and censoring challenges to the official narrative, according to Norman Fenton, Ph.D. — can be slain by small stones of “truth and scientific analysis.”
Written by Bjorn Lomborg
Looking back on more than 20 years of climate agitation, two themes emerge: a stubborn unwillingness by campaigners to acknowledge any inconvenient science and ever-shifting favorite stories, first elevated and then dropped by the wayside. [emphasis, links added]