Can the COVID Vaccine Affect Fertility?

Written by Joseph Mercola

Researchers have noted that a link between the experimental jabs and menstrual changes are plausible. The outcomes are not especially pleasant reading for women. Read below to discover what the findings say.

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Young people and vaccine hesitancy – what role does social media play?

Written by Orna Herr, Communications Officer (Education) at the British Science Association


Every year, the Oxford English Dictionary choses a Word of the Year – a word that embodies the zeitgeist. In 2013 it was ‘selfie’ and the choice for 2014 was ‘vape’. Times had changed by the end of the decade, with the 2019 term being ‘climate emergency’ and 2020 proving too eventful to be summed up in a word. The choice for 2021, announced earlier this month, is ‘vax’.

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New Podcast / LiveStream YouTube!

Written by Kathy Joseph

So I have exciting news! I have decided to start a podcast / live-stream YouTube. It will be every Tuesday at 10 am PST. In the podcast I will attempt to explain the history and physics behind the ideas to a guest that is an expert in their field.

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Moon landing conspiracy theories, debunked

Written by Royal Museums Greenwich

Yes, Apollo 11 did go to the Moon. No, the US flag isn’t ‘waving’ in the wind. The Moon landings were faked. Apollo 11 didn’t happen. Humans never set foot on the Moon. Heard all this before?

Conspiracy theories surrounding the Moon landings have proved worryingly persistent in the 50 years since Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took their first small steps on the lunar surface. NASA’s landmark achievement is still being challenged.

Despite there being a wealth of information online debunking these conspiracy theories, the cries of hoax continue. Why?

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Covid Exposed the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Government Complex

Written by Mark Oshinskie

In college, I took a Latin American politics and development class. When discussing Latin American medical care, professor Eldon Kenworthy presented a deeply countercultural idea. Echoing a journal article by the scholar Robert Ayres, Kenworthy maintained that building hospitals there costs lives.

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The Latest Tragedy: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

Written by Dr Joseph Mercola

Media outlets around the world have started highlighting a medical phenomenon called ‘sudden adult death syndrome’ – people dying with no sign of illness or underlying health condition. They simply collapse during the day or don’t wake up in the morning.

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