How Sudying Physics Causes Stupidity
Written by Herb Rose
Written by Herb Rose
Written by Joseph Postma
The most explosive video on ontological mathematics to date! This one’s good.
Written by Ethan Huff
Up until recently, the U.S. CDC was still hawking the notion that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” spike proteins do not stay inside the body for any longer than just a few days following injection. Now that this is debunked – spike proteins persist inside the body, it turns out – the CDC has quietly removed its former claim from the internet with no announcement whatsoever.
Written by Benjamin Ryan
Since the outset of the global monkeypox outbreak in May, public health and infectious disease experts have told the public that the virus is largely transmitting through skin-to-skin contact, in particular during sex between men.
Written by John O'Sullivan
In this lively and convivial two-hour radio interview Maryam Henein covers so much territory as a dedicated investigative journalist – topics from her functional medicine services to the fake narrative around George Floyd and even aliens.
Written by el gato malo
That phrase may not mean what they hope you think it does
Written by
On Wednesday, Aug. 17, without warning, Facebook informed Children’s Health Defense that our page was deplatformed (unpublished). Simultaneously, our Instagram account was suspended.
Written by Guy K. Mitchell, Jr.
A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.
—Albert Einstein
In 1912, amateur archaeologist Charles Dawson claimed to have discovered the “missing link” between ape and man, known as “The Piltdown Man.”
Written by Stavroula Pabst
Dutch farmers’ protests offer a preview of the resistance to come as transnational “green” billionaires advance a “reset” of the global food system. The elite agenda threatens to deepen an international cost of living crisis and spark unrest well beyond The Netherlands.
Written by BBC
Chemists have identified how to destroy “forever chemicals” in a low-cost way for the first time, new research says.
Written by Ian Miller
The CDC and Dr. Fauci have done incalculable damage to society with their incessant promotion of ineffective restrictions on normal life.
Written by Philip Grad
As an accompaniment to our post about Maryam Henein’s appearance on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying show (hosted by Principia Scientific experts), below we share with readers 10 important facts about bees and honey (source: Philip Grad) .
Written by Patricia Tolson
Written by Whitney Webb
Since late last year, messenger RNA for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines, including its recently reformulated Omicron booster, has been exclusively manufactured by a little known company with significant ties to US intelligence.
Written by John O'Sullivan
Special guest this weekend on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying show is intrepid independent journalist, Maryam Henein. Maryam is founder, and editor-in-chief of the health magazine and marketplace HoneyColony. Listen live Saturday 7pm -9pm (New York time).
Written by Doug Brodie
My last email has been posted online with Joel, PSI, White Rose and Exposé and and I thank them for their support.