Season’s Greetings!

Written by PSI Team

We would like to wish all our readers and contributors a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Thank you for the kind donations you have made this year, especially during the difficult financial times in which we find ourselves, and we very much hope you feel able to continue to support us in 2023.

Your editorial team; John O’Sullivan, Andy Rowlands, Tom Richard.

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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The Induced Fields Of Callisto And Europa And Their Lessons For Earth

Written by Koen Vogel, Ph.D.

jupiter magnetosphere

Alternate models for planetary processes, part 4

This is the fourth post of seven in support of the PROM article “An integrated physical model for planetary magnetism and heat”, which proposes an alternate origin for the geomagnetic field versus the consensus geodynamo theory. Each PSI post documents an alternate model to the existing scientific consensus on planetary processes.

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New Study Falsely Claims Unvaccinated More Likely to Crash Cars

Written by Children's Heath Defense

A new study claims people who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 face a substantially higher risk of getting in a car crash than vaccinated people, which could justify higher insurance rates for the unvaccinated, prompting critics to pounce on the study’s flaws and researchers’ motives.

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The War of Uniformitarianism on Catastrophism

Written by Martin Sieff

The extraordinarily influential English Cambridge economist John Maynard Keynes rightly observed that the most basic assumptions about life and public policy are held by millions of people who are not even aware of the ideas and influences that shape them.

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Global 5G Protest for Freedom

Written by Tanja Katarina Rebel

On the weekend of 17/18 December, people from across the world rose to shine a light on the harms caused by 5G to Public Health, Ecology and personal Freedom.

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