Talkin’ Bout a Revolution or Your Own Personal Rubicon

Written by Robert J Brennan. BSc. BHSc(Hons1). MB. BS.

Take any garden variety film of the mafia or western genre. The villains either run the town or make their occasional runs into town for tribute. Though outnumbering the villains sometimes a hundred to one or more, the townspeople capitulate, some even collaborate.

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How Now Cow of Brown?

Written by Heather Heying

This week, the Canadian province of British Columbia announced its fealty to a naked emperor, when it introduced ‘new modernizing legislation to correct outdated language by amending more than 2,300 instances of outdated gendered and binary terms from 21 ministries across 210 provincial statutes’

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Don’t trust their plan to rebuild our trust in science

Written by Alliance for Natural Health International

The elimination of dissent and the marginalisation of scientists sceptical of the establishment’s scientific and medical agenda will destroy the scientific process – unless reversed.

Find out how the concept of ‘scientific misinformation’ has been deliberately spun to make it the primary weapon aimed at protecting the interests of the status quo. As well as what we can do about it.

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