I consider both Robert Malone and Catherine Austin Fitts good friends and extremely effective and knowledgeable, creative, brilliant warriors
Breggin and Malone: analysis and suggested solution
Written by Meryl Nass MD
Written by Meryl Nass MD
I consider both Robert Malone and Catherine Austin Fitts good friends and extremely effective and knowledgeable, creative, brilliant warriors
Written by Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser
Just think of a nut on a rusted bolt: A bit of quality lubricant can make it to move without breaking the tool or the bolt
Written by Michael P Senger
Zeynep Tufekci and Jeremy Howard played a decisive role in shifting CDC guidance and ushering in mask mandates across America
Written by Koen Vogel
Written by Douglas Burton
Maryland parents are on the warpath against gender ideology, which they believe is steering their children onto the wrong track
Written by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
Proof that the miscarriage rate after the COVID vaccines is far higher than the real background rate and how the pharma corporations tried to hide it
Written by Pierre Gosselin
Last Sunday’s “Berlin Climate Neutrality By 2030” referendum failed resoundingly despite the more than a million euros spent in a massive run-up campaign that included plastering the city with posters, concerts by famous performers, huge support and propaganda by the media, and hefty donations coming from activists in the USA
Written by Dr John Constable
Commenting on today’s package of energy policies released by the UK government, Net Zero Watch warned that Rishi Sunak and his colleagues appear to have learned nothing from the bitter experiences of the energy cost crisis and are ignoring the growing burden of renewable energy
Written by Alan Moran
The IPCC’s Synthesis Report (authored by political activists not scientists) states that emissions from “existing fossil fuel infrastructure without additional abatement would exceed the remaining carbon budget for 1.5C”
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
A new poll by Rasmussen has some data that validates what many of us here on this Substack already believe
Written by Welcome The Eagle
This weekly pitch count blurb is what I usually throw up on Twitter as a quick high view of the new data just dropped as I wait for the downloadable files to become available.
Written by Suzanne Burdick
Just when you thought climate alarmists had plumbed the depths of stupidity, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation this month awarded a $4.8 million grant to a company that sells “smart” face masks for cows
Written by Dr Peter McCullough MD, MPH
I am commonly asked by concerned parents about the relatively sudden interest in gender dysphoria and the desire to change from one gender to another.
Written by Meryl Nass MD
The Covid-skeptic world has been claiming the World Health Organization (WHO) plans to become some sort of global autocratic government, removing national sovereignty and replacing it with a totalitarian health state.
Written by George Citroner
The benefits of a ketogenic diet may extend far beyond weight loss. It may also benefit those with autoimmune disorders
Written by BBC
Key figures in artificial intelligence want training of powerful AI systems to be suspended amid fears of a threat to humanity