Researchers have detected fluctuations in Earth’s magnetosphere created by the same tidal forces that the moon exerts on the oceans
The Hidden Lunar tide that pulls on Earth’s magnetosphere
Written by Harry Baker
Written by Harry Baker
Researchers have detected fluctuations in Earth’s magnetosphere created by the same tidal forces that the moon exerts on the oceans
Written by Colleen Huber
There are back door routes to the brain. COVID vaccine developers have traversed a path through those doors. And they knew they had entered the brain by November 2020, before the vaccine rollout
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
So yesterday, I spent two hours getting thoroughly depressed reading about trans legislation and court actions across the country and around the world.
Written by Dr Peter McCullough MD, MPH
The news is buzzing about the food supply from fears over food shortages to genetic modification
Written by Brian Shilhavy
After 674,375,206 doses of COVID-19 “vaccines” injected into 270,045,602 Americans (source) over the past 2+ years, and over 11,000 petitions from COVID-19 “vaccine” injured people filed with the U.S. Government’s CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program, the U.S. Government just announced the first settlements for COVID-19 “vaccine” injuries
Written by Anton Petrov
In this video, Anton Petrov, discusses some very interesting and intriguing discoveries in regard to the very famous experiment involving light, the Double Slit Experiment.
Written by Jim Crenshaw
This video opens with footage from around the world of various electric vehicles catching fire and exploding which isn’t something that has been reported through the mainstream media.
Written by Russell Brand
In this video, Russell Brand speaks to Dr Rhonda Patrick, who is a cell biologist and cofounder of FoundMyFitness, a compendium of resources focused on promoting health-span and longevity. They discuss the benefits of saunas, cold exposure and exercise to live a longer healthier life.
Written by Dr Peter McCullough MD, MPH
The mRNA and adenoviral DNA COVID-19 vaccine debacle in humans has set populations on edge, distrustful of poorly conceived genetic technology.
Written by Raw Egg Nationalist
How different would things be—how much healthier and happier would we be, as individuals and as a society—if we took the approach that innovations to our way of life were likely to be harmful until proven otherwise?
Written by C G Jones
A criminology professor at Florida State University suddenly left his lucrative position after it was discovered that he skewed statistical data to make racism seem more prevalent than it actually is
Written by Parker Gallant
Canada’s Federal Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, has in the past consistently regarded nuclear power in a derogatory fashion.
Written by Science World
It’s a sound we’ve come to associate with our happy felines: the purr
Written by Elina Charatsidou
In today’s eye-opening video, Elina Charatsidou, a nuclear physicist, tackles some of the biggest misconceptions and outright falsehoods about nuclear energy perpetuated by Greenpeace on their website.
Written by Dr. Clifford Saunders
Do you know how to move blood around your body, using just your mind, to help heal an injury, soothe pain, relieve inflammation, calm your brain …? If so, do you remember to do it when you need to? If not, would you like to know how?
It’s very easy.
Written by Chris Williamson
Hannah Barnes is an award-winning analytical and investigative journalist at the BBC, and an author.