Where Planck Got It Wrong
Written by Herb Rose
Written by Herb Rose
Written by Jeffrey A. Tucker
Been to the movies lately? Maybe you are trying them out again. They seemed to have improved under the desperate desire to get audiences back
Written by Nathan Worcester
Nobel Prize-winning physicist John Clauser isn’t afraid to go against the flow
Written by Joachim Hagopian
Having survived the “hottest” month on record, I couldn’t resist exposing their ‘climate change’ fraud…
Written by Thomas Lifson
The current heat wave is being relentlessly blamed on increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but there is a much more plausible explanation, one that is virtually endorsed by two of the world’s leading scientific organizations
Written by Marco Cáceres
The prevalence of children diagnosed with developmental disabilities continues to rise in the United States, according to a new report from the CDC
Written by Dr Benny Peiser
In interviews with German news media over the weekend the new head of the IPCC; Professor Jim Skea (pictured) said it was wrong and misleading for climate activists to imply that temperature increases of 1.5 degrees Celsius posed an existential threat to humanity
Written by Nikolas Lanum
An article they published has been labeled ‘peak climate idiocy’ after saying we should accept blackouts for ‘the greater good’
Written by BBC
Nasa has picked up a “heartbeat” signal from its Voyager 2 probe after it lost contact with it billions of miles away from Earth, the space agency said
Written by Meryl Nass MD
The aim is to provide doctors in schools, bill Medicaid and hide it from the parents. It’s not the nanny state any more; it is the kidnapper state
Written by John Leake
Video circulates of Nicole Schwab explaining how lessons learned from the ‘Covid Crisis’ can be applied to the ‘Climate Crisis’
Written by BBC
Europe’s new space telescope, Euclid, has returned its first images
Written by Edward Malnick
Rishi Sunak promised drivers that he is “on their side” as he ordered a review of controversial anti-car schemes being rolled out across Britain
Written by Sachin Ravikumar and Susanna Twidale
On July 31st, Britain committed to granting hundreds of licenses for North Sea oil and gas extraction as part of efforts to become more energy independent, drawing criticism from environmental campaigners
Written by Louis E. Frenzel
Okay, I am probably as guilty as you in believing that Marconi actually invented radio. But he did not and it has taken decades – actually, over a century – for the truth to come out
Written by Jillian Ambrose
The government’s green energy ambitions have been dealt a blow after plans for a giant offshore windfarm off the Norfolk coast ground to a halt due to spiralling supply chain costs and rising interest rates