Notice how all of the ‘voluntary’ actions connected to the Great Reset include preying upon the young or desperate
Austria Offering 12 months Free Travel If You Get Climate Tattoo
Written by Martin Armstrong
Written by Martin Armstrong
Notice how all of the ‘voluntary’ actions connected to the Great Reset include preying upon the young or desperate
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
For instance (h/t Patrick Moore) Bill Gates is helping fund a scheme to bury trees to keep “carbon” out of the air
Written by James Roguski
The Director-General of the World Health Organization has issued ‘Standing Recommendations’ for COVID-19 in accordance with the International Health Regulations (2005)
Written by Ivana Saric
The number of 9/11 first responders who have died from Ground Zero-related health complications is now nearly equal to number of first responders who died during the attacks
Written by The Daily Mail
Scientists have made an exciting and potentially ground-breaking discovery in the search for alien life, after detecting signs of a gas produced only by living organisms on a distant water planet
Written by The Angry Astronaut
The ISRO Vikram Lander has made some incredible discoveries about the Moon! Not only is colonization far easier than we thought, but our natural satellite is rich in critical resources!
Written by Dr. Becky Smethurst
In this video, Dr. Smethurst discusses JWST adding more fire to the crisis in cosmology and the latest evidence from the Curiosity Rover on Mars, showing that Mars once had a water cycle like Earth’s, plus of course, the Chandrayaan-3 mission.
Written by Charge Drive
BMW CEO just shocked the EV industry, clearly stating that the world isn’t ready for EVs.
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
Cory Doctorow in the New York Times “Opinion Today” swooped on the chaos at the aggressively pagan “Burning Man” party/art festival and complained about the “unprecedented rain“ as proof of ‘climate change’
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
The biggest news of the week on climate, perhaps the year, is the confessional essay by Patrick T. Brown, Ph.D. in The Free Press entitled “I Left Out the Full Truth to Get My Climate Change Paper Published”
Written by Tyler Durden
After six months of fierce debate, Germany’s left-wing government has passed the country’s controversial green heating law, the Building Energy Act (GEG), with high estimates indicating the law will cost Germany’s economy over €1 trillion over the next 20 years
Written by Joanna Thompson
Earth is the only rocky body in the inner solar system with strong magnetic poles. But where do these poles come from, and what do they do?
Written by Earthing
There are two weeks until Autumn Equinox and until Global 5G Protest 23/24 September! I ask you all to join in so we can finally get back to pre-Covid numbers and make this HUGE! Please can you ask the Stands in the Park to make a stand?
Written by CDN
In this new feature from the Climate Discussion Nexus, Dr. John Robson examines the credibility of various prominent climate alarmists, starting with former United States Senator, Presidential candidate, Secretary of State and now the first United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Special Envoy, John Kerry.
Written by Astrum
In this video, we ask the question climate change is happening, but has it ever happened before?
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we continue looking at the evidence for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) number one, which is fundamental to determining the evidence for angiotensin converting enzyme 2.