In this video, we look at the Vaccination Acts that added compulsory Vaccination to England.
History of Virology Part 3: Did The Smallpox Vaccine Actually Work?
Written by Well Here We Go
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we look at the Vaccination Acts that added compulsory Vaccination to England.
Written by Anton Petrov
Polaris or The North Star is a star that many of us are incredibly familiar with, the star that many of us when we were younger are taught to use as a kind of guide because it always points directly North.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we begin to take a look at virology, starting with a mainstream overview.
Written by Phillip Altman
Informed Consent prior to medical treatment is not optional – it is mandatory
Written by Jan Bartek
A rare and important find has been unearthed in the Cotswolds
Written by John O'Sullivan
Listen to LIVE NEWS TALK on TNT Radio this Saturday 23rd September (7pm to 9pm Eastern). Dr Clifford Saunders speaks with Principia Scientific’s trio followed by Professor Gloria Moss giving you insight into science and tech stories the mainstream would rather you didn’t know.
Written by KUSI News
The FDA just approved a new set of Covid-19 vaccine booster and in this video, Dr. Kelly Victory discusses this news with KUSI.
Written by Well Here We Go
This lecture is the culmination of several other lectures so reviewing the lectures on CPE, cDNA and the previous Renin, Hypertensin, and angiotensin lectures will be necessary to understand it.
Written by Well Here We Go
This video is a quick update on the EG.5 narrative and why we are gonna start to see more people getting sick and why the mechanism of their illness will matter!
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we continue to look at Edward Jenner, the logical flaws in his reasoning on the original papers for small pox.
Written by Professor Gloria Moss PhD; FCIPD
Professor Gloria Moss, a respected British academic, writer and researcher, takes a Critical Thinking approach to the evidence concerning the UK’s ‘worst child serial killer‘, Lucy Letby, who was convicted of 7 murders and 7 attempted murders of new borns at Manchester Crown Court in August 2023.
Written by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.
The United Nations alarmist-in-chief António Guterres said this week humanity must urgently find solutions to climate change because it “has opened the gates of hell.”
Written by Dr Peter McCullough MD, MPH
A new study has found the platform is cleansing side effect information and promoting unbridled use of experimental products
Written by The Impossible Build
Energy mega projects like offshore wind power fields have been booming lately but for some reason America has stopped building them.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we finally cover staining procedures for viewing images of virus in electron microscopes.
Written by Arthur Peck
This video is the result of Arthur Peck’s sabbatical research into some of the lesser-known aspects of ocean tides (but also covers the basics).