Cancer Reactivation

Written by Dr. John Campbell

In this video, Dr. John Campbell discusses cancer reactivation and profound new medical research from Professor Angus Dalgleish, MD, FRCP, FRCPA, FRCPath, FMedSci.

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Here, Now and Coming Soon

Written by CDN

The question of when exactly the serious negative effects of man-made climate change hit, are hitting, will hit or will hit even harder continues to perplex friend and foe alike.

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Prove It!

Written by CDN

Periodically someone sends us a paper, a video or just some reflections to the effect that “Greenhouse-warming theory has never been verified by experiment”. And it has a slightly annoying “gotcha” feel because some key aspects of AGW certainly have been experimentally verified, like that CO2 absorbs and scatters infrared radiation at certain frequencies, as does water vapour.

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Women accused of killing babies: time to stop this targeting

Written by Professor Gloria Moss PhD; FCIPD


          In October 2022, a baby in the US, Sawyer, died at just eight weeks of age, 34 hours after receiving a series of vaccines.  The police suspected the parents were at fault and the State medical examiner said the death was caused by improper sleeping position – thereby essentially blaming the parents – and refused to order a series of toxicology tests.

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Tonight! TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying w/Fred Litwin, Professor Gloria Moss

Written by John O'Sullivan

Saturday 14th October: hear two-hours of live – often controversial – radio discussion. First hour: author, Fred Litwin argues Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating JFK. Second hour: Prof Gloria Moss on shaken baby syndrome and how young mothers can often be falsely accused of infant death when the real cause is deliberately hidden to protect vested interests.

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