In December 2016, Donald Trump had just been elected President. He had been widely accused of calling the climate scare a “hoax”
Funding For The Climate Scam Soars As ‘Green Transition’ Collapses
Written by Francis Menton
Written by Francis Menton
In December 2016, Donald Trump had just been elected President. He had been widely accused of calling the climate scare a “hoax”
Written by Joel Smalley
Legal claims like the one expounded below by Dr John Campbell will not relent
Written by The Vigilant Fox
“The Trudeau government wants you sick. They want you dependent on big pharma. They want you dependent on their mRNA vaccines and their other drugs that they’re all heavily invested in,” warned Canadian oncologist and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis in a recent video. “This is how they’re going to get rich.”
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
Apparently our sinister plot to take over the world has been exposed
Written by Hayley Dixon
One of Britain’s wealthiest men has been bankrolling the campaign for low-emission zones and has made a £46 million donation to a climate network chaired by Sadiq Khan, The Telegraph can reveal
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
In 2015 the BBC ran a program called “Climate Change by the Numbers”, in which they picked three numbers they thought were representative of the ‘climate change’ issue and handed them to three professors previously uninvolved with that topic and asked them to spend half an hour explaining what they meant
Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events are one of the most striking discoveries in earth science related to past climate
Written by The Daily Mail
Archeologists have found that Indonesia‘s pyramid, a 98-ft-deep ‘megalith’ submerged within a hill of lava rock, ranks as the world’s oldest pyramid
Written by Patricia Harrity
On November 8th 2023, a virtual launch event took place for what was termed the “50-in-5” agenda
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
Written by 2nd smartest guy in the world
According to InsuranceNewsNet, insurers are especially concerned by data from the CDC that show “mortality rates alarmingly rising for different categories,” including younger adult mortality rates that are up more than 20 percent above historic norms in 2023
Written by Yudi Sherman
Globalist spokesmen in media and government are voicing concern over a huge boom in homeschooling across the USA that has the trend becoming more mainstream
Written by
The alleged cancer cures presented in the excellent video documentary “Cancer: The Forbidden Cures” are well worth exploring
Written by Kenneth Richard
Significant 21st-century cooling in the Central Pacific, Eastern Pacific, and nearly all of Antarctica “implies substantial uncertainties in future temperature projections of CMIP6 models.” – Zhang et al., 2023
Written by Dr Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D.
Have you ever wondered why most medicines are kept behind the counters, obtainable through prescriptions only, and sold by pharmacists only, while the products are approved by authorities such as the FDA, Health Canada, and others as safe and effective?
Written by Alex Newman
Leading voices in the climate alarmist community are in an uproar as their warming hypothesis is coming under fresh assault by new scientific papers