Chris Keefer, the Toronto-based physician and founder of Canadians for Nuclear Energy, calls the electric grid a “civilizational life support system”
Last Christmas, the U.S. narrowly averted an energy disaster
Written by Robert Bryce
Written by Robert Bryce
Chris Keefer, the Toronto-based physician and founder of Canadians for Nuclear Energy, calls the electric grid a “civilizational life support system”
Written by WSJ Editorial Board
Things have gone from bad to worse in Germany this week after a court ruling forced the government to do something truly shocking: level with voters about how much the net-zero energy transition will cost
Written by Welcome The Eagle
There is a big difference between a “dose series” versus “dose units” which means a pretty dynamic algorithm script needs to be created and applied to properly calculate the doses administered for each report
Written by Meryl Nass MD
It turns out the World Health Organisation constitution has no provisions to get out. But our international legal consultant has identified two ways to do it
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
A serious critique of why preponderance of clinical evidence was disregarded by public health officials during the COVIDcrisis
Written by Climate Depot
He will be joining a rogue team of climate skeptics from CFACT to expose the climate agenda
Written by Norman Fenton
I have provided several updates to the story of my cancellation from the NHS Health and Care Analytics Conference 2023
Written by Mr Law, Health and Technology
Yesterday I was forwarded two different emails that both suffer from the current trend of misguided ideological narratives infiltrating and poisoning the well of academia
Written by Dr Benny Peiser
Net Zero Watch is warning that the new ‘Zero Emission Mandate’ is just the latest in a series of blows that the political establishment has struck at motorists, and says it will not be the last
Written by Steve Kirsch
I was just contacted by this organization. So awesome that we now have a organization that will expose the people who spread misinformation, isn’t it?
Written by John Leake
U.S. government agencies are fond of talking about “Pandemic Preparedness,” passing extravagant legislation such as the PREP ACT, and throwing hundreds of billions at the development of vaccines against viral respiratory illnesses—vaccines that are useless at best
Written by Collin Anderson
Covering Climate Now sells top journalists on plan to ‘transform media’ in response to climate ’emergency’
Written by Yuhong Dong
Written by Phillip Altman
The following parliamentarians on the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT), will decide to speed up the review and adoption of the WHO International Health Regulations (IHR) in May of 2024
Written by Steve Goreham
The United Nations Climate Conference began today in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. More than 70,000 delegates are expected to attend from almost 200 nations
Written by Amie Dahnke
For the nearly one million Americans suffering from painful intestinal inflammation of ulcerative colitis, a simple vitamin supplement could offer hope