In this video, Dr. John Campbell discuss a recent speech given by Mr. Andrew Bridgen in Parliament on excess death.
Parliamentary Speech on Excess Deaths
Written by Dr. John Campbell
Written by Dr. John Campbell
In this video, Dr. John Campbell discuss a recent speech given by Mr. Andrew Bridgen in Parliament on excess death.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we continue looking into transgenderism, this time focusing on sexologists.
Written by H. Sterling Burnett
The mainstream media, among them ABC News, Reuters, and the New York Times ran prominent stories claiming new research shows that Atlantic hurricanes have now become much more likely to strengthen into powerful hurricanes in a short period than in the past due to ‘climate change’. This is false
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
On Sunday, Jill and I turned on Netflix to try to decompress after our long road trip. As usual, what I found was the usual “woke” TV shows – banal and not worth our time
Written by Claudio Resta
To understand what one of the objectives of the Israeli attack on Gaza is, you have to go deep, exactly 600 meters below sea level, 30 km off its coast
Written by Dr Peter McCullough MD, MPH
The Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee convened a hearing to review new developments on the COVID-19 vaccine safety debacle and broader issues of informed consent and freedom of choice for parents on the routine childhood vaccine schedule
Written by Phillip Altman
AMPS held an inquiry into the alarming number of Australia’s Excess Deaths recorded following the COVID-19 “vaccine” rollouts in Canberra at the Australian Federal Parliament on 18 October
Written by KlimaNachrichten
We have carefully read the definition of a “tipping point” as conveyed by the Potsdam Institute (PIK):
“It’s like a pencil that you push further and further over the edge of a table with your finger. First nothing happens – then it falls.” That’s what the PIK website says
Written by Science Alert
Leaded fuel might be a thing of the past, but a new report from The World Bank reveals the chemical’s toxic legacy continues to take a toll worldwide.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we are continuing to look at transgenderism and are delving deep into the Christine Jorgensen story.
Written by Jess Thomson
The 2022 eruption of the Hunga-Tonga Hunga-Haapai volcano tore a chunk out of the Earth’s ozone layer due to the huge volumes of water vapor it poured into the atmosphere, according to a new study published in the journal Science
Written by Marina Zhang
New research observing rat and human heart cells shows that within 48 hours of vaccination, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines form spike proteins
Written by Julian Gillespie, LLB, BJuris
For over a decade, medical researchers Neil Miller and Gary Goldman have been looking at links between infant vaccines and Infant Mortality Rates, or IMR, becoming specialists on the subject since first examining IMR data from 34 countries back in 2011
Written by John Leake
Dr. Pierre Kory and former federal prosecutor George Parry take opposing views
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
The FDA’s job is to ensure that drugs, vaccines, medical devices and foods are not adulterated. The remedy for adulteration is immediate recall and seizure if necessary
Written by Meryl Nass MD
This version of the Treaty is very similar to the June 2 version, but I felt an updated analysis was needed before the hearing on the WHO tomorrow