WHO Pandemic Treaty Raise Red Flags for US Freedoms

Written by Kevin Stocklin

As the May deadline approaches for finalizing negotiations between the World Health Organization (WHO) and its 194 member nations over how much authority they will cede to the WHO once it declares a global health emergency, many health and policy experts are urging the Biden administration not to sign the United States up to the agreement.

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Photos Expose the WHO Power Grab

Written by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

This is just a quick post with some photos from our Irish trip this past week to engage Irish Parliamentarians on threat posed to national sovereignty by the proposed expansion of power of the World Health Organisation.

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Blue Pill or Red Pill?

Written by Rollo Tomassi

There’s been an ideological schism in the Manosphere for a long time. Religious conviction combined with ego investments in Blue Pill social conditioning makes Red Pill truths difficult to consider.

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‘Climate Change’ Is NOT Causing Lake Mead’s Decline

Written by H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D

With an atmospheric river dumping trillions of gallons of precipitation on California and other western states, some news outlets have asked how the precipitation might affect Lake Mead, suggesting that rainfall will do little for the lake or the Colorado River basin that feeds it because it’s drying out due to ‘climate change’

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How To Manufacture Consensus And Silence Dissent

Written by Climate Change Dispatch

Manufacturing consensus refers to the idea that certain organizations, for example, the IPCC, and groups such as climate scientists, use various strategies to create the illusion of widespread agreement on an issue, even when it might not exist.

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Cases of POTS on the Rise After COVID-19

Written by George Citroner

For the estimated 1 to 3 million Americans living with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), standing up can trigger a racing heartbeat, lightheadedness, and fainting that’s relieved only by sitting or lying down.

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WHO’s Fooling Who?

Written by Meryl Nass

The WHO lawyers are trying to play us, saying the nations are sovereign because they still make the laws. What the WHO omits saying is that under the Treaty and proposed IHR Amendments, nations will be forced to pass the laws that the WHO tells them to pass. Examples of this and other word games below.

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California Democrats Have Epiphany Over Electricity Prices

Written by WSJ Editorial Board

Remember Nancy Pelosi’s famous line that Democrats had to pass ObamaCare to learn what was in it? Democrats in Sacramento are now having second thoughts about a law they passed two years ago that would effectively establish a second progressive income tax in California.

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