10 worst eco commercials

Written by Doug McIntyre, Twawki

greenpolice300x200OK this is the 10 (well OK I ended up with a lot more than 10) worst list of eco commercials:

At No. 10 Green Police. I actually found this commercial quite funny in one way but alarmingly real and frightening in another with regards the future and big green brother. I think yet again the message of the ad backfired on the green movement as people saw the orwellian, 1984, socialist/dictatorship philosophy of the green/environmental movement and their eco elitist plans where even your garbage is now screened.

No. 9 Obama the celebrity. This ad another disaster for the left but brilliantly done as it exposes a ‘green’ president who talks the talk but cant walk the walk. In the mould of Al Gore, Pachauri, Cameron etc these eco elites want to tell the rest of us to cut back on our necessities whilst they live in opulence and extravagance. As the Ad says “Two vacations, a half dozen parties, and several rounds of golf later, Barack Obama finally addressed the nation on the BP oil spill this Tuesday. He finally spoke with BP officials yesterday after 57 days“.

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