The true definition of Capitalism is in High-Finance’s role as the servant of Science, Commerce, and Investment in vision and courage; in personal and family savings and philanthropy! Science can advance, when a Capitalist is convinced to help for profit and the common good. Totalitarians have a penchant for integrity-compromising pre-conceived outcomes to advance their power.
My theory is far from scientific, rather a road map for long term scientific accomplishment for the greatest number of individuals working in the chaos of human interaction.
About two years ago, I started seeing a series of causes and effects in human interaction that first sparked my imagination in the political arena, then in the debate between social and equal justice, and most recently in the field of science. There are three groups of three philosophical ideas that suddenly fell in like a Conga Line. Their plausibility is easily seem when starting with finance and ending with beauty or the reverse, starting with beauty and ending with finance. The end results are dramatically opposite.
P = Σ(T+A+O) [1]
1. The quality or state of being relative.
2. A state of dependence in which the existence or significance of one entity is solely dependent on that of another.
Executive Summary
The Science Theory of Functional Relativity is an exercise in realignment of political and philosophical priorities. The purpose is to clear the way for greater freedom to explore, discover, and develop new ideas; and to improve on the older ones. These processes have their own trials and challenges. It shouldn’t be necessary for the government and financiers to stand in the way of real achievement, that both will ultimately profit from.
Scientific advancement has always required inquisitive, visionary and persistent explorers, experimentors and developers, who can draw from the wealth of discovery from those who went before. They require an environment where exploration and experimentation can take place within the bounds of human dignity.
Editor’s Introduction: With another review of the Renewable Energy Target commencing we felt it was important to revisit the results of a modelling exercise assessing potential wind power grid integration technical issues undertaken by the Australian Energy Market Operator back in late 2013. This study attracted little attention but gave strikingly different answers to prior modelling exercises, suggesting greater grid integration costs for levels of wind consistent with achieving the Renewable Energy Target. While this study was fine for its purpose of helping AEMO to explore potential technical changes that might be required to manage high levels of wind penetration, it made simplifying assumptions that made it unsuitable for assessing the likely economic costs of achieving the Renewable Energy Target. To head off the potential for this study to be misinterpreted and misused in the forthcoming review of the Renewable Energy Target, we asked Jenny Riesz to provide this review of the report.
AEMO’s Wind Integration Studies report, released in late 2013, suggests that technical constraints and grid limitations could lead to the significant curtailment by 2020 of around 35 per cent of the wind energy generated in Victoria, and around 15 per cent of the wind energy generated in South Australia.
Have other studies failed to capture the impact of grid constraints that mean meeting the 41,000 GWh Renewable Energy Target will be much more expensive than we thought?