The UK’s Daily Mail newspaper showcases a worrying new study titled, “’Scientists falsify data to get research published and whistleblowers are bullied into keeping quiet,’ claim their own colleagues.”
The national newspaper reports (January 12th 2012) that a newly published BMJ survey of almost 2,800 experts in Britain found six per cent of doctors and scientists knew of possible research misconduct at their own institution that has not been properly investigated.
In an editorial, Dr Richard Lehman from Oxford University and the journal’s clinical epidemiology editor Dr Elizabeth Loder called for an end to the ‘culture of haphazard publication and incomplete data disclosure’.
PSI spokesman, John O’Sullivan commented, “This survey starkly underlines what many principled scientists and researchers fear: a denigration of standards caused by relentless pressure to provide the ‘right’ answers to justify costly budgets. We are seeing that coercion from over eager corporations and government paymasters is invariably behind this.”
Read more here.