With almost all media outlets “sold” on subscribing to the “man-is-evil and causing global warming and/or climate change and/or climate disruption” meme, what do you expect kids and ordinary folk to “know” about “global temperatures”?
The latest alarmist propaganda piece by Bloomberg typifies the pattern, as penned by compliant (unthinking) author, Alex Nussbaum with his question to schoolkids: “Boys and girls, are global temperatures rising or falling?”
Bloomberg isn’t letting on about all those cherry-picked temperature stations – with no less than 806 inconvenient ‘cold’ weather stations dropped from climate scientists’ official sampling. So it’s no wonder Nussbaum can disingenuously claim “scientists almost universally agree the world is warming.” His assertion, itself, is doubly misleading because science has also never depended on consensus.
Specific historical proof of the fallibility of this is the 1,400 year “consensus” that the sun revolved around the earth, as well as all the planets and stars – a position enforced by the Papal seat no less. There are many other examples, although none so extreme as to have lasted 14 centuries.
In those days scientists who went against that consensus were either burnt at the stake or confined to house arrest. Nowadays they lose their government funding an/or university tenures. No denial can be tolerated!
We have an identical situation now with the hype over human produced carbon dioxide (CO2), with even the current Pope adding his name to the charade and no debate is allowed – after all “the science is settled” – nothing is further from the truth!