Ben Hur “a la moderne.” That’s what the new technology of “autonomous cars” is promising. How long until “Hollywood” is providing an updated version of the epic movie? Movie star Charles Heston (RIP) would probably have to take “driving lessons” on autonomous chariots for that too; the unplanned non-autonomous kind of chariot experience was scary enough, see picture nearby.
Screenshot of the chariot race in the 1959 movie Ben Hur—actor Charles Heston (or stunt double ?) barely managed to hang on (it wasn’t planned to be that way).
The modern chariots come with additional benefits like “back-seat comfort” while you text your significant other and so forth. But that’s nothing in the grand scheme of modern civilisation, where your every step is recorded for eternity by cameras at every intersection, drones in the sky to scrutinize your every move, recording and analysis of your email and phone conversation, internet searches, etc. Of course, it’s all solely for your comfort, convenience and—most importantly—safety.