The Lithium Squeeze

Written by Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser

You will be familiar with lithium-ion batteries, the little knob-sized things that keep your wrist watch and other small electronic devices going for years. Slightly larger lithium batteries power cell phones, cameras, walkie-talkies, and other small portable devices.  So, why should such batteries not be able to power your electric car as well?battery

Indeed, hybrid (electric/gasoline) and fully electric cars rely on lithium-type batteries at this time. To add to the electric (or should this read eclectic?) excitement, new battery technology breakthroughs are touted quite frequently.

Lithium Ores

Lithium is one of five naturally occurring alkali elements, with sodium and potassium the most common other ones. In contrast to sodium and potassium, lithium salts are not known to be vital components or nutrients for organisms. Also, though widespread, this element is relatively uncommon in the earth’s crust of rocks. There are few lithium ores and the high solubility of lithium salts in water means that they will precipitate or crystallize out last from any salt water lakes. But that’s exactly where much of our current lithium supply comes from, with Chile and China currently the major producers.

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The Invisibility Cloak

Written by Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser

The Khaleej Times reports that you’ll soon be able to hide – perhaps even make your shadow invisible – with the headline: Coming soon: Invisibility cloaks! But that’s not all. The article’s writer goes on to say the new research “may in the not too distant future protect a building from earthquakes by bending seismic waves around it.”invisibility cloak

Some say that invisibility is next to invincibility. I presume the NSA will be interested in that and fostering the research. Canadian and US military are said to be in discussions already, but bending seismic waves? Isaac, as in Newton, and others may have a word to say about that.

What makes you Visible?

To solve the perennial problem of how to hide from whatever, you have to determine what makes you visible in the first place. In the case of (visible) light that is easy to answer. The light bestowed upon you from the sun or another light source in form of electromagnetic (EM) wave radiation is reflected by your body and seen by another eye. Therefore, in total darkness you will be invisible to a human eye. But an “eye” that can see EM radiation of other wavelengths would have no problem in seeing you.

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Scaremongering Climate Professor Gets Trapped in Thick Antarctic ice

Written by New Nostradamus of the North

Australian climate change professor who warned about melting East Antarctic remains trapped in thick ice

“there is an increasing body of evidence, including by the AAE members, that have identified parts of the East Antarctic which are highly susceptible to melting and collapse from ocean warming” The Australasian Antarctic Expedition trapped ice ship
The reality:
Chris Turney, the leader of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition (and Professor of Climate Change at the University of New South Wales) who, together with 73 scientists, tourists and crew is trapped in thick Antarctic ice, is still waiting to be rescued.
This is the latest tweet from Turney:

Still waiting. #spiritofmawson Alok Jha

Even the Chinese icebreaker which was supposed to rescue the professor and his team had to retreat:

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The Citizen Scientist

Written by Scottish Sceptic

The House of Commons Energy and Climate Committee have now published the submissions of the review of the IPCC and what an impressive collection it is. It is great to see so many citizens putting in their own time and effort to produce these superb submissions.

citizen scienceIn one of the numerous pages that didn’t make it to my submission I introduced the idea of the “citizen scientist” which is the scientific equivalent of the “expert patient”. Reading the submissions, I regret not including it.

The Expert Patient is the phenomenon in medicine, that more and more, doctors are coming across patients, that not only know more about their own illness than the doctor, but even know more about the latest medical research. Initially – and for obvious reasons – many doctors were quite hostile to this phenomena: it fundamentally changes the balance of power and therefore the relationship between doctor and patient.

However, after some initial resistance, it has now been accepted in medicine, as a de facto outcome of the internet, that many patients will be experts in their own condition. This phenomenon is one which doctors have not only learnt to live with, to the extent there are now numerous papers, but some are now encouraging patients to become their own experts.

In a very similar way that the latest medical information can be easily found on the internet and there are communities interested enough to analyse and discuss medical information, there are also numerous other “hobbies” where people have a keen interest. Through the medium of the internet, these people & communities can gain a level of expertise that surpasses the “official sources”.

From train-spotters, to bird-spotters, from environmentalists to climatology, there are now groups of citizen-experts, very much akin to the expert-patient phenomena in medicine. Their interest and the ready availability of information through the internet has enabled them to become experts in their own right. But more importantly, they can do this outside the normal power-relationship between academic and student. As such there is no requirement to effectively “bow” to the supposed superiority of academia which legitimises their authority.

We citizens are no longer students of academia but researchers and even professors in our own right.

This is extremely threatening to academia. It is understandable that when a close-knit group is threatened in this way, that they react viciously. We have seen some very reprehensible attacks from those like Gleick and Lewandowski very much in the vein of the union activist attempting to protect their closed shop; but perhaps a closer analogy is the way the Catholic church reacted to printing (~1500) by introducing the Roman Inquisition (1588) which was responsible for prosecuting heretics like Galileo (1633).

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German scientists predict a century of global cooling

Written by Cliff Harris,

Two German scientists, Horst-Joachin Luedecke and Carl-Otto Weiss of the European Institute for Climate and Energy, say that “two naturally occurring climate cycles will combine to lower global temperatures during the next century.”

They added, “by the year 2100, temperatures on this planet will plunge to levels seen at the end of the ‘Little Ice Age’ in 1870.” iciclesThese researchers used historical data detailing temperatures as well as cave stalagmites to show a recurring 200-year solar cycle called the DeVries Cycle.

They likewise featured into their studies a well-established 65-year Atlantic and Pacific Ocean oscillation cycle of warming that has occurred since 1870 and will soon shift to a much cooler cycle of sea-surface temperatures, in other words, more chilly ‘La Ninas’ and less warm ‘El Ninos.’

Solar activity is one area of evidence that scientists have used for decades in predicting both global warming and global cooling. Low sunspot activity has been linked to the ‘Little Ice Age’ between 1350 and 1870. The recent warmer periods have been associated with much higher than normal solar activity.

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35-Year Cooling of South Pole Confirmed By NASA

Written by

Those Stubborn Facts:Antarctica Ice Sheets Safe

The IPCC’s climate science has long claimed that human CO2 emissions are producing an accelerated global warming, with a “runaway” warming trend, which is then being amplified in the north and south polar extremes. This dangerous warming is, of course, causing the ice sheets to melt, unleashing catastrophic sea level rise, and thus swamping coastal regions and low-lying islands, as we speak!South Pole Cooling

Hmmm…..despite over 845 billion tons of human CO2 emissions being added to the biosphere since 1978, that predicted dangerous warming, and associated catastrophes, have yet to materialize.A BIG-TIME FAIL, no? As many are now saying, a rather robust and very significant embarrassment for all of the “consensus” involved: including the IPCC, the United Nations’ science “experts,” the governing elites and bureaucrats.This huge fail is amplified because the South Pole region that includes Antarctica has done the opposite – literally a cooling temperature trend over the last 35 years.NASA’s satellites have now been measuring global temperatures for a full 35 years (420 months through November 2013), including the Antarctic. The chart (right) documents the measured southern polar region temperatures.
As can be seen, there has been a cooling trend – granted, a very tiny -0.04°C/century, but it remains far removed from the IPCC’s unicorn science of “amplified” and dangerous polar warming. And not only has it not warmed, the Antarctic sea ice has grown to a record amount.Well, you might now be wondering if that imminent, catastrophic Antarctica ice sheets melting and collapse are still imminent…as predicted. Nope. Eating a huge amount of that cooling crow, the IPCC has recently labeled that outcome as “extremely unlikely“…..Ooops!!

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A Science Journal Sting

Written by Jack Dini, Canada Free Press

Want to get your work published in a scientific journal? No problem if you have a few thousand dollars you are willing to part with. 

These days a number of journals display trappings of a journal, promising peer-review and other services, but do not deliver.  They perform no peer review, and provide no services, beyond posting papers and cashing checks for the publication fees. 

bribeThere has been a recent dramatic increase in the number of publishers that appear to be engaged in the practice, growing by an order of magnitude in 2012 alone. (1)

Network of bank accounts based mostly in the developing world

From humble and idealistic beginnings a decade ago, open-access journals have mushroomed into a global industry, driven by author publication fees rather than traditional subscriptions. Most of the players are murky. The identity and location of the journals’ editors, as well as the financial workings of their publishers, are often purposefully obscured.

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Schekman’s Criticisms of Science Don’t Go Far Enough

Written by The Daily Bell

What’s wrong with Science. And Nature. And Cell. A Nobel prize-winner attacks elite journals … BLUNT criticism is an essential part of science, for it is how bad ideas are winnowed from good ones. So when Randy Schekman, one of the 2013 crop of Nobel prize-winners (for physiology or medicine, in his case), decided to criticise the way scientific journals are run, he did not hold back.Randy Scheckman

Dr Schekman chose the week of the prizegiving (the medals and cheques were handed over on December 10th) to announce that the laboratory he runs at the University of California, Berkeley, will boycott what he describes as “luxury journals”. By that he meant those commonly regarded as the most prestigious, such as Cell, Nature and Science. – The Economist Dominant Social Theme: There is nothing wrong with modern science that a bit of stern criticism can’t cure.

Free-Market Analysis: We’ve often wondered what constitutes civilization. Ayn Rand believed civilization’s highest art was privacy. But perhaps, to a degree, it is the rigorous adoption and promulgation of the scientific method. We arrive at the idea by returning to the Renaissance, which changed the West by rediscovering science. What came after that, the Enlightenment and more importantly, the Age of Reason, were steps back from the initial brilliance of the Age.

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America’s Most Evil Betrayal?

Written by PSI Staff

American congressional representatives, recently permitted to read a controversial 10,000 word section censored from the original official government 9/11 Report, have sensationally asserted that the redacted pages place full responsibility for the planning and execution of 9/11 on one or more foreign intelligence agencies, not “terrorists.” President Bush and Isreali intelligence (Mossad) implicated (full story below).

Ground ZeroPrincipia Scientific International takes the position that the greater community of scientists, engineers and expert analysts would not to shirk from addressing concomitant technical, forensic and logistical details that would prove or disprove what is now palpably beyond the realms of mere “conspiracy theory.”


‘Mossad, Bush planned, executed 9/11’

By Gordon Duff and Press TV

Recent revelations published on the Press TV website, the New York Post and Veterans Today have changed history. 

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Crooked labs, agencies and prosecutors

Written by Paul Driessen

EPA Nifong and Beales prosecute US hydrocarbons, jobs, living standards and health

Former Durham, NC district attorney Mike Nifong was disbarred for withholding evidence from the defense and lying to the court in the trumped-up Duke lacrosse team rape case. Ex-Boston crime lab technician Annie Dookhan was prosecuted for faking test results and contaminating drug samples, to get accused dealers convicted. In both cases, charges against their victims were dismissed or are under review.EPA

So how should we handle federal officials who’ve become unethical researchers and prosecutors – determined to get convictions, basing their cases on esoteric circumstantial evidence, allowing tainted and fraudulent evidence, hiding exculpatory information, rewriting the law, and denying defense counsel the right to cross-examine adverse witnesses or present their case?

As the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow explains in its amicus curiae brief to the US Supreme Court, that’s what Environmental Protection Agency regulators have been doing with global warming. They’re pulling every dirty prosecutorial trick in the book, to convict fossil fuels, carbon dioxide, and America’s economy and living standards of “endangering” the public welfare.

Since 2009, EPA regulators have shown a single-minded determination to slash hydrocarbon use, drive up the price of energy, and impose huge costs on companies, industries and an economy struggling to stay afloat and retain jobs. They want to control CO2 emissions from vehicles, electrical generating plants, and eventually the sources of nearly everything we make, grow, ship, eat and do. The damage to our livelihoods, liberties, living standards, legal system, health, welfare and life spans will be enormous.

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Fabricating Climate Doom

Written by Jim Steele,

Part 3: Extreme Weather Extinctions Enron Style

Adapted from the chapter Deceptive Extremes  in Landscapes & Cycles: An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skepticism by Jim Steele

An Illusion of Extreme Climate Disruption

“While clearing larvae were starving in response to destruction of their hosts, survival in the outcrop was higher than previously recorded: an estimated 80% of larval groups survived.” 1

C. D. Thomas, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

In Part 1, I documented how Camille Parmesan’s 1996 paper (heralded as proof that global warming was forcing butterflies northward and upward) had misread landscape change for climate change, how she failed to publish that “extinct” populations had now recovered and refused to provide the data to permit replication of her iconic paper. In Part 2, I documented how Parmesan hijacked the conservation success story of the Large Blue and the detailed conservation science of Jeremy Thomas in order to again blame global warming for expanding the range of endangered UK butterflies. In Part 3, I document how Parmesan kept half the evidence “off the books” to suggest extreme weather, supposedly caused by rising CO2, was causing population extinctions in the Sierra Nevada, and our top climate scientists then embraced and spread that myth. 

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Endangered Species

Written by Dr. Vincent Gray

All living organisms depend for their survival on their range of genetic variability. 

Early evolution favours increasing complexity but, as a result, the organism becomes progressively more vulnerable to threats.  Eventually the genetic variability range is unable to cope, the organism becomes endangered, and finally extinct.elephant

This process has happened many times in geological history. The larger dinosaurs, which existed over a period of over 135 million years from the Jurassic to the Cretaceous, became extinct after they became too large for their territory and for their ability to move – possibly assisted by the arrival of an asteroid. Their smaller cousins who survived were the ancestors of our birds.

Much effort is currently being exerted to prevent or reverse the process of decline of supposedly “endangered species”. One strategy is to provide more living space. This seems to have succeeded, at least for a while, in African wildlife parks where human predators are causing the evolution of elephants without tusks.

The strategy has been less successful in the USA, where the available territory is more limited. A recent article in “Time” magazine shows how many smaller communities in the USA are now threatened with black bears, wolves, cougars. wild pigs, alligators and even bald eagles, who sometimes eat pets and attack children. There are now foxes on the White House lawn. The extra creatures can only find food from human dwellings.

By comparison with the mid 1900s, the population of raccoons has gone up 2.700{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117},  beaver 2.400{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117},  cougar 1,600{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} wild turkey 1,500{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117},  deer 800{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117},  gray wolf 610{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117},  alligator 400{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117},  Canada goose 370{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117},  black bear 320{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}, wild pig 120{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}.

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The Health Risks of Small Apartments

Written by Jacoba Urist, The Atlantic

Living in tiny spaces can cause psychological problems

New York City has a housing problem. Currently, it has 1.8 million one- and two-person households, and only one million studios and one-bedroom apartments. The obvious solution seems to be to develop more small residential units.NY apartment

But how small is too small? Should we allow couples to move into a space the size of a suburban closet? Can a parent and child share a place as big as a hotel room?

In January, Bloomberg’s office announced the winner of its 2012 competition to design and build a residential tower of micro-units—apartments between 250 and 370 square feet—on a city-owned site at East 27th street in Manhattan. According to the Mayor’s press release, the winning proposal, by the Brooklyn-based firm nARCHITECTS was chosen for its innovative layout and building design, with nearly 10 foot ceilings and Juliet balconies that give residents “substantial light and air.”

But as New York City’s “micro-apartment” project inches closer to reality, experts warn that micro-living may not be the urban panacea we’ve been waiting for. For some residents, the potential health risks and crowding challenges might outweigh the benefits of affordable housing. And while the Bloomberg administration hails the tiny spaces as a “milestone for new housing models,” critics question whether relaxing zoning rules and experimenting with micro-design on public land will effectively address New York’s apartment supply problem in the long run.

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The Availability of Research Data Declines Rapidly with Article

Written by Timothy H Vines, Current Biology

New peer reviewed paper in ‘Current Biology’ (December 2013) shows that there is a strong link between the age of a science article and the availability of data, based on 516 studies.

Lead Author, Timothy H. Vines of ‘The Availability of Research Data Declines Rapidly with Article Age,’ describes how the major cause of the reduced data availability for older papers is the rapid increase in the proportion of data sets reported as either lost or on inaccessible storage media.

Main points:data loss

  • We examined the availability of data from 516 studies between 2 and 22 years old

  • The odds of a data set being reported as extant fell by 17{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} per year

  • Broken e-mails and obsolete storage devices were the main obstacles to data sharing

  • Policies mandating data archiving at publication are clearly needed

Vines show that author responses included authors admitting their data was lost, stolen, stored in some distant or held on outmoded technology (e.g. floppy disk). Authors reported reluctance to retrieve such data. In two cases, authors complained that they would have to devote hours or days to retrieving the data.

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Two high school students take on teacher over climate and win standing ovation

Written by Jo Nova,

A reader Russell writes in to tell me his Year 9 son Jordan and his friend, Tom, took on their teacher’s sacred belief in man-made global warming. Given no warning, and called insulting names in front of the class, they took up the challenge with gusto and stayed up til 1am that night to put the presentation together. Not surprisingly the teacher tried to pull out the next day, but the class would not let her.pupil presentation

One of the slides quotes Al Gore mocking “the tiny minority”, like the ones “who still believe that the moon landing was faked…”. Then it shows and quotes four Apollo Astronauts and Burt Rutan (the first private astronaut).

From reader Russell:

The other week at school my eldest son (15) was challenged by his teacher to present to the class why he is a ”climate change denier”. He had to do this presentation the next day.

At the start of his class the next day he advised the teacher he was ready.  She told him she wasn’t interested now, maybe another day. His classmates started heckling her saying ”You Chicken Miss”. She eventually agreed and got another teacher to sit in as well. Before my son spoke she showed the class the promo to Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth. After his presentation the class gave him a standing ovation. There is a lot more to this story, the above overview sort of explains what occurred.

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