Written by Terri Jackson MSc (Physics)

Higher carbon dioxide levels are coming from undeveloped countries in equatorial Africa and South America not from UK, EU and US, shows Japanese government satellite data.  Japan abandons its CO2 targets as separate scientific evidence suggests Earth is fast approaching a new ice age.fig 1

Japanese climate satellite data supports climate realist Professor Murry Salby in rejecting global warming theory; humans are not responsible for measured increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) affirm evidence in Report from Japanese Aerospace exploration agency (JAXA).The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has revealed that its climate satellite IBUKI data shows that the growth in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is coming from third world under developed forested equatorial regions of Africa and South America. 

The Japanese satellite maps show that the asphalt and concreted industrial nations are “mopping up” carbon dioxide faster than their manufacturers and consumers can emit it.  Astonishingly, this is the opposite to what is being relayed to the public from an unswerving alarmist climate media lobby.  The JAXA evidence shows that US and western european nations are areas where the carbon dioxide levels are lowest! 

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Funding Our Work in 2014 – your donation sought

Written by John O'Sullivan, Principia Scientific, Intl

To all our loyal members, thanks for your support throughout 2013. But now we are well into a new year and new challenges, so once again, we need new money.

We ask you, our generous friends and supporters, to make a small donation to keep Principia Scientific International (PSI) truly independent, as we step up the fight against officially-sanctioned junk science. Please give $30 (£20, 30 Euros) generously and be part of something awesome.

All you existing PSI members know that PSI represents the traditional scientific method, upholding full disclosure as we strive towards uncovering scientific truth, in the ongoing man-made climate change debate, such as it can be called a debate.

From our site menu (above) you can freely read the best of our peer-reviewed papers crafted by ground-breaking scientists and related experts. Our papers have turned climate science on its head by refuting the so-called ‘greenhouse gas theory.’  As such, there is now no credible scientific basis for any government to pursue policies aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions. To us, some of the ‘science’ that is trumpeted appears criminal.

Of course, the climate change scam occupied most of our time and resources in 2013, and we expect no let up now we are into the New Year.

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The Temperature of the Universe before the Jury

Written by Stephen J. Crothers

Did the COBE, WMAP and Planck satellites really measure the temperature of the Universe?

Question (1): When you put a glass of water inside a microwave oven and turn it on does the water in the glass reflect the microwaves or does it absorb them?

Answer: The water absorbs the microwaves. Indeed, foodstuffs too, placed inside the microwave oven, absorb the microwaves. That is how the oven works and why it is called ‘a microwave oven’.

Question (2): Is a powerful absorber of microwaves also a powerful emitter thereof?

Answer: It is very well known that a powerful absorber of microwaves is also a powerful emitter of microwaves.

Thus, by (1) and (2), water is a powerful emitter of microwaves.


Approximately 70{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the Earth’s surface is covered by water (oceans). The Earth’s atmosphere also contains water in solid, liquid and gaseous phases. Oceanic and atmospheric water microwave and far-infrared emission is facilitated by a fundamental physical oscillator, the hydrogen bond (Robitaille 2009). These emissions are scattered by the Earth’s atmosphere to produce an omnidirectional microwave and far-infrared isotropic bath under steady state conditions, that is independent of seasonal changes (Robitaille 2007, 2008), from initial anisotropic sources (reservoirs of water).

The Cosmic Microwave Background Explorer (COBE) satellite was in Earth orbit at an altitude of about 900 to 950 km. The Far Infrared-Red Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS) aboard COBE was fitted with a shield to block extraneous radiation entering the detector and heating it. The COBE Team reported “best blackbody curve ever measured” is actually the difference between the sky and the calibrator aboard FIRAS. Although the FIRAS horn was designed as a broadband horn 30-3,000 GHz, it operated primarily from ~30-600 GHz. It is impossible to construct an effective shield to protect from extraneous signals over the entire range 30-3,000GHz. The FIRAS shield was NOT designed to shield for microwaves and so it was susceptible to microwave diffraction over it and into its detector.

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By Definition, Aren’t All Gases ‘Greenhouse Gases’?

Written by Alan Siddons

Increasing observational evidence (not climate models!) proves that all gases, not just that trace amount of “dangerous” carbon dioxide (0.04{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}), operate in our atmosphere like a “greenhouse gas”. As more scientists accept such irrefutable truths the very foundation of the “theory” collapses, as explained below by Alan Siddons.baffled science

What I wrote in The Hidden Flaw in Greenhouse Theory (2010):

[M]eteorologists acknowledge that our atmosphere is principally heated by surface contact and convective circulation. Surrounded by the vacuum of space, moreover, the earth can only dissipate this energy by radiation. On one hand, then, if surface-heated nitrogen and oxygen do not radiate the thermal energy they acquire, they rob the earth of a means of cooling off — which makes them “greenhouse gases” by definition. On the other hand, though, if surface-heated nitrogen and oxygen do radiate infrared, then they are also “greenhouse gases,” which defeats the premise that only radiation from the infrared-absorbers raises the Earth’s temperature. Either way, therefore, the convoluted theory we’ve been going by is wrong.

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Breaking: New Climate Data Rigging Scandal Rocks US Government

Written by John O'Sullivan

A newly-uncovered and monumental calculating error in official US government climate data shows beyond doubt that climate scientists unjustifiably added on a whopping one degree of phantom warming to the official “raw” temperature record.  Skeptics believe the discovery may trigger the biggest of all “climate con” scandals in Congress and sound the death knell on American climate policy.

Independent data analyst, Steven Goddard, today (January 19, 2014) released his telling study of the officially adjusted and “homogenized” US temperature records relied upon by NASA, NOAA, USHCN and scientists around the world to “prove” our climate has been warming dangerously.

Goddard reports, “I spent the evening comparing graphs…and hit the NOAA motherlode.” His diligent research exposed the real reason why there is a startling disparity between the “raw” thermometer readings, as reported by measuring stations, and the “adjusted” temperatures, those that appear in official charts and government reports. In effect, the adjustments to the “raw” thermometer measurements made by the climate scientists “turns a 90 year cooling trend into a warming trend,” says the astonished Goddard.

Goddard’s plain-as-day evidence not only proves the officially-claimed one-degree increase in temperatures is entirely fictitious, it also discredits the reliability of any assertion by such agencies to possess a reliable and robust temperature record.

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Chance determines cell death or normal sugar consumption

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Fundamental new insight into the regulation of metabolism in cells

Some cells fail by chance, and not due to a genetic defect, to properly initiate the molecular processes for the breakdown of sugar. These cells are unable to grow and subsequently die. This discovery was done by a multidisciplinary team led by Bas Teusink, professor in Systems biology at VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands.cancer
This discovery fundamentally changes our perceptions of such metabolic pathways and their regulation, and could potentially lead to novel ways of treating cancer cells. Einstein said: “God does not play dice”.
It appears, however, that cells do: the chance of a metabolic failure can be predicted and manipulated, but it is not possible to predict which individual cells will be affected. The results from this study were published in Science on 16 January.Glycolysis is a metabolic pathway that is central to the energy generating activities inside cells: this route breaks glucose (sugar, a carbohydrate) down, step-by-step, to lactic acid (in humans) and alcohol (in yeast), and in this process generates the energy required for growth and survival.
This pathway plays a key role in both disease (diabetes, cancer) and biotechnology (biofuels, food fermentation). Teusink: “One expects that when you offer sugar to cells, a chemical flux (movement of molecules) through the pathway follows.”

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Silence Of The Lambs: Climate Coverage Drops At Major U.S. Newspapers, Flatlines On TV

Written by Joe Romm, Climate Progress


Back in November, we reported that climate coverage had dropped sharply at the New York Times after the paper closed its environmental desk.climate coverage

The final numbers for the year are in and NY Times climate coverage — stories in which the words “global warming” or “climate change” appeared — has plummeted more than 40 percent. That is a bigger drop than any of the other newspapers monitored by the University of Colorado, though the Washington Post’s coverage dropped by a third, no doubt driven in part by its mind-boggling decision to take its lead climate reporter, Juliet Eilperin, off the environment beat.

And remember, this drop happened from levels of climate coverage that were already near a historical low and in a year that was HUGE on climate news. We’ve had devastating extreme weather around the planet. In May, CO2 levels in the air passed the 400 parts per million threshold for the first time in millions of years. In June, President Obama announced his Climate Action Plan. And in September, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its latest alarming review of the scientific literature.

As the chart above shows, when the IPCC released its previous reports (2001, 2007), media coverage spiked at the major newspapers. These days, the media herd is not to be heard from.

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Tenacious Dr Ryan and the Battle for CO2 Sanity

Written by PSI Staff

Dr Judy Ryan is proving to be remorseless in her battle on behalf of Aussie climate realists. Once again she’s turning up the heat via official bureaucratic channels over government misrepresentation in official literature over carbon dioxide (CO2).

The cause of her ire are those discredited alarmist professors Steffen, Karoly and Flannery who seem to be the instigators of a blatant misrepresentation; science fraud, if you like. We’ve provided coverage of Dr Ryan’s ongoing saga here, here,  here, and here.

By either deceit or plain ignorance, Australian officialdom has for long been portraying CO2 as a pollutant in taxpayer-funded literature. This is graphically potrayed in misleading campaigns depicting an industrial chimney stack belching black smoke (see right).CO2 graphic But the emotive image is utterly false. CO2 emissions are colorless. But, more crucially, this benign atmopsheric trace gas (< 0.04{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}) is non-toxic, being the very stuff we exhale as we breath and plants require as food.

As a scientist, Dr Ryan, forthrightly put such facts across in her correspondence berating the dunderheaded professors. But the Ombudsman’s apparent continued disregard of her Formal Complaint, originally lodged against the then Department for Climate Change (DCC) on 29th August 2013, won’t deter Dr. Ryan. She reports:

“The DCC had 28 days to respond before we could exercise our right to take it to the Ombudsman. The elections intervened and DCC became the Department of the Environment (DOE). Nobody from DOE contacted us so we took the formal complaint to the Ombudsman on the 10th October 2013.”

Nothing happened for a while, but Judy was assured over the phone that her complaint was waiting to be attended to.

“Time passed, and passed, and passed, until on the afternoon of the 26th November 2013, I left a message on the Ombudsman’s answering machine, stating that If the matter was not dealt with within the next 48 hours we would lodge it again by public email. The following morning 27th of November an officer from the Ombudsman’s office contacted me, deeply apologetic because evidently even  though they had received it, the original formal complaint to DCC had somehow got lost in the change over.” Sounds like “Yes Minister” doesn’t it.

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The burning of the journal Pattern Recognition in Physics

Written by Giordano Bruno

The burning of the journal Pattern Recognition in Physics is just the last of a long series of actions to suppress not only the scientific freedoms and the academic independence, but even the simple freedom of speech.prp Because of one inconveniently true sentence in one paper commenting how the lack of measured warming is casting “doubt” on “the continued, even accelerated, warming as claimed by the IPCC project” all the journal has been terminated by the publisher.

The only truth about global warming is that there has been no measured warming over the last 16 years in the global air temperature of the land and the sea surface, the same global air temperature over the last century has been more naturally oscillating than following the carbon dioxide emission, there has been no warming and no change of salinity of the oceans 0 to 2000 metres depth over the first 10 years these parameters have been measured.

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‘Sixth Sense’ Can Be Explained by Science

Written by Tia Ghose, Yahoo News

At least one type of “sixth sense” isn’t real, new research suggests. The new study, detailed Monday (Jan. 13) in the journal PLOS ONE, found that what people perceive as a sixth sense may simply be their vision systems detecting changes they can’t articulate. sixth sense

“People can sense things that they believe they cannot see,” such as changes in a person’s appearance, said study co-author Piers Howe, a vision scientist at the University of Melbourne in Australia. “But this isn’t anything magical or a sixth sense; this can be explained in terms of known visual processing.”

Sixth sense?

Most Americans believe in the supernatural. In fact, one survey found that almost one-third of people believe in extrasensory perception and more than two-thirds reported a paranormal experience. [Teleportation, ESP & Time Travel: 10 Tales of Superpowers]

While a few scientific studies have hinted that people can sense the future just before it happens, follow-up studies concluded these results were artifacts of statistics or flawed study design.

Howe’s interest was piqued when a student came to him claiming she had a quasi-magical sixth sense.

“She claimed that she could sense things that she couldn’t see,” such as when a friend was recently in an accident, Howe told LiveScience.

Howe was skeptical, so he and University of Melbourne psychology graduate student Margaret Webb decided to test this sense.

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The Scientific Method (as Applied to Climate Science)

Written by Dr Vincent Gray

Science is supposed to take place by the use of the “Scientific  Method” defined in the following way.

“The principles and empirical processes of discovery and demonstration considered characteristic of or necessary for scientific investigation, generally involving the observation of phenomena, the formulation of a hypothesis concerning the phenomena, experimentation to demonstrate the truth or falseness of the hypothesis, and a conclusion that validates or modifies the hypothesis.”

“a method or procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses. 

For most of us the scientific method is what is described in official scientific publications. Yet PB Medawar in his “Is the Scientific Paper a Fraud?” argues that:
“The scientific paper in its orthodox form does embody a totally mistaken conception, even a travesty, of the nature of scientific thought. The conception underlying this style of scientific writing is that scientific discovery is an inductive process. What induction implies in its cruder form is roughly speaking this: scientific discovery, or the formulation of scientific theory, starts with the unvarnished and unembroidered evidence of the senses. It starts with simple observation – simple, unbiased, unprejudiced, naive, or innocent observation – and out of this sensory evidence, embodied in the form of simple propositions or declaration of fact, generalizations will grow up and take shape, almost as if some process of crystallization or condensation were taking place
The theory underlying the inductive method cannot be sustained. Let me give three good reasons why not. In the first place, the starting point of induction, naive observation, innocent observation, is a mere philosophic fiction. There is no such thing as unprejudiced observation. Every act of observation we make is biased. What we see or otherwise sense is a function of what we have seen or sensed in the past”.  

The procedure described by logicians as “inductive reasoning” may be shown diagrammatically as follows:

inductive reasoning

In this procedure “observation” comes first. The hypothesis and then the theory arise from the observations. The validity of the theory depends on the efforts placed in its modification from future observations.

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“Climate skeptic” journal shuttered following “malpractice” in “nepotistic” reviewer selections

Written by Retraction Watch

The publisher of a journal apparently favored by climate change skeptics has shuttered it, saying that the editors changed the aim of the title and committed malpractice by using a peer reviewer selection process based on nepotism.PRP

Here’s the notice:

Copernicus Publications started publishing the journal Pattern Recognition in Physics (PRP) in March 2013. The journal idea was brought to Copernicus’ attention and was taken rather critically in the beginning, since the designated Editors-in-Chief were mentioned in the context of the debates of climate skeptics. However, the initiators asserted that the aim of the journal was to publish articles about patterns recognized in the full spectrum of physical disciplines rather than to focus on climate-research-related topics.

Recently, a special issue was compiled entitled “Pattern in solar variability, their planetary origin and terrestrial impacts”. Besides papers dealing with the observed patterns in the heliosphere, the special issue editors ultimately submitted their conclusions in which they “doubt the continued, even accelerated, warming as claimed by the IPCC project” (Pattern Recogn. Phys., 1, 205–206, 2013).

Copernicus Publications published the work and other special issue papers to provide the spectrum of the related papers to the scientists for their individual judgment. Following best practice in scholarly publishing, published articles cannot be removed afterwards.

In addition, the editors selected the referees on a nepotistic basis, which we regard as malpractice in scientific publishing and not in accordance with our  publication ethics we expect to be followed by the editors.

Therefore, we at Copernicus Publications wish to distance ourselves from the apparent misuse of the originally agreed aims & scope of the journal as well as the malpractice regarding the review process, and decided on 17 January 2014 to cease the publication of PRP. Of course, scientific dispute is controversial and should allow contradictory opinions which can then be discussed within the scientific community. However, the recent developments including the expressed implications (see above) have led us to this drastic decision.

Interested scientists can reach the online library at: www.pattern-recogn-phys.net

Martin Rasmussen
January 2014

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Alan Siddons: NASA’s 3rd Retreat on a Global Warming Energy Budget

Written by Derek Alker

What an amazing and pleasant surprise, an email from Alan Siddons posted at WUWT by Anthony Watts himself.
NASA revises Earth’s Radiation Budget, diminishing some of Trenberth’s claims in the process, posted on January 17, 2014 by Anthony Watts.
Watts has been very strong in his previous comments/actions/derogatory opinions about the Slayers (founders of Principia Scientific International), yet Siddons is widely acknowledged as the leading Slayer.

This story is obviously too big for Anthony not to post.

I have tried to comment on the thread but the comment simply vanished, no awaiting moderation, it just vanished. So, it appears Slayers work can be posted by Anthony Watts, but Slayers can not comment on the threads (?).

May be things will change at WUWT, because of this thread. One thing is for certain; there are many, many comments expressing similar to, and supportive analysis of, the Slayers thinking/reasoning. I doubt Anthony can ignore that for much longer.

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Are We Being Lied to About Mercury Poisoning?

Written by PSI Staff

An issue of concern raised among the general public, and recently with scientists at Principia Scientific International, is the threat of poisoning from mercury contamination in the home and the wider environment.mercury

A leading expert in the field is Dr Willie Soon who has spent the past ten years studying the science of mercury (Hg) and the biologically toxic form of mercury, methylmercury (MeHg).

Dr Soon is unimpressed with the level of alarmism generated over the issue by some government officials, with little or no expertize in the science. A case in point, says Willie, is a clear misuse of the phrase “good science” by Florida DEP’s director of the Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration (published in the Florida Times-Union newspaper) that appeared in 2012.

Dr Soon reports:

The director referred to FDEP’s draft report in setting a strict mercury limit in Florida’s river, stream, lake, and coastal waters, which was released May 24 2012. After a careful examination of the draft report, however, I have come to the conclusion that it contains serious flaws such that the strict mercury limit proposed by FDEP is not scientifically defensible.

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Flexible Glass, A New Way To Exercise

Written by Dr Klaus L.E. Kaiser

Had enough of your treadmill, weightlifting, and similar exercise activities? Then you will happily embrace the latest technology: flexible smart and/or not phones and television screens. To make it easy for you at least the TVs are said to come with “power assist.”flexi phone

Flexible Glass

“Flexible glass” is the true technology breakthrough required for your new exercise system. It came with Apple’s patent for “sapphire,” a conductive film on a flexible substrate.  That patent claim was filed in 2010 and awarded in December 2013. While the patent is not exactly for a type of ”flexible glass,” the end result is nearly the same, a flexible mobile phone or TV screen.

Apart from Apple, also the South Korean behemoth Samsung was quick to apply the new technology to their products. And now you have it: a new way to watch TV and exercise at the same time. At this time, it’s too early to say which is more important, flexing your TV or your muscles, but rest assured someone will figure it out in due course.

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What if man-made climate change is all in the mind?

Written by Sean Thomas, The Telegraph

Sometimes it’s the silliest statements that tell you the most interesting things. Take, for instance, this Financial Times report into Britain’s latest floods.flood

Here are some quotes.

Professor Corinne Le Quere, director for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia [said of the floods], “Even though we can’t blame the current weather in the UK on climate change, we expect heavy rains like this to occur as a result of climate change”.

What exactly is Professor Le Quere trying to tell us here, with her eerie and echoing syntax? My inner psychotherapist translates it as: “Even though I mustn’t directly blame individual weather events on climate change, I am desperate to do exactly that, because it’s what I believe.” It therefore resembles a statement of faith. Right down to the repeated mantra: like a prayer.

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