Climate Professor Quits Biased Global Warming IPCC

Written by De Telegraaf

Dutch Professor Richard Tol has resigned from the Climate Panel of the UN. Professor Tol disagrees with the biased negative conclusions of the latest UN climate report. The consequences of climate change are being systematically over-estimated, according to him. 

Professor Tol“The Panel is directed from within the environment lobby and not from within the science.”
The UN IPCC presented its fifth climate report in Yokohama at the end of last month. The IPCC says if there are no changes in world-wide climate policies then the chance of calling a halt to further warming of the earth will be lost, says  the report’s most important conclusion and warning.
But, according to Professor of Climate Economy Tol, the tone of the report is grossly “alarming and apocalyptic”. The consequences of climate change are being over-estimated. “This over-estimation is encouraged by the self-selection of authors and references within the Panel” Tol told the Belgian newspaper De Morgen.
There are top scientists in the UN IPCC, but there are nonetheless many mediocre researchers. Besides which there are a number of people who have the right political connections. The organisation is directed and controlled by people who benefit from climate policy. The UN IPCC is directed from within the environmental lobby and not from within the science.”
Consequently Professor Tol has resigned from the Panel with immediate effect.

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The global warming flapdoodle…and the global COOLING evidence

Written by Helena Greenberg

Global warming has been the cry of government climate scientists since the 1980’s. But actual government data proves global cooling has taken over from warming during this century, as per the official U.S. satellite records (see graph).NOAA temp anomaly

What’s interesting about this graph? Well, first we see that, since 1977, the world temperature has been consistently hotter than the 20th century average. But if we look more closely, we can see that the heat has been abating since 1998.This data has been collected by NCDC (National Climatic Data Center) which is part of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), a scientific agency of the US Administration. NOAA is an international leader for temperature data. The two others are NASA’s GISS in the US, and the UK’s University of East Anglia’s CRU (Climate Research Unit), working jointly with the Hadley Center (of the Met Office).

The GISS webpage cannot be accessed presently at:, but HAD-CRUT did publish their graphs for February, which confirm the new cooling trend:

Government-financed scientists, who collect and interpret the data, have in the past done their best to “hide the decline” (Climategate). Today, unfortunately, climate science continues to be corrupted by billions of dollars of government money. NOAA are arguably less corrupt than the other two, but they are still misleading and dishonest in the way they present things.

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The Wailing about Whaling

Written by Dr Klaus L.E. Kaiser

The International Court of Justice in The Hague has spoken: In a 12-to-4 judgment the court found that Japan was in breach of its international obligations by catching and killing Minke whales and issuing permits for hunting Humpback and Fin whales within the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, established by the International Whaling Commission well after the commission had come into effect (New York Times).whaling

If you think that this court decision is good for the world perhaps you may reconsider when realizing the potential consequences.

Japan’s Whaling History

Like other seafaring societies Japan has been harvesting ocean resources since time immemorial. For example, Japan’s recorded whaling history goes back well over 1,000 years. So, just for historical reasons alone, Japan never needed to pretend that its whale harvest was anything else than a long-established tradition.

Nevertheless, the country promoted this “research” idea as the sole reason for their whaling activities. It may have been an acceptable explanation a few decades ago, but never was the sole reason and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

Whale Meat

I have eaten whale meat once in my life, I think, approximately 50 years ago when travelling through Norway. Being poor students at the time, my buddy and I found this butcher shop in a remote hamlet with a large hunk of red meat at relatively low cost. It provided good protein to our less than ideal diet at the time but the taste was a bit fishy. Only then did we realize that it must have been whale meat.

In Japan, consumption of whale meat has been common for a long time. Recently though, with the negative, “biodiversity-conscious” good citizenry of the country, consumption has declined in favor of imported beef and other meat but not everyone thinks so: “Some people eat beef, others eat whale. We should respect all cultures,” said Komei Wani who leads the Group to Preserve Whale Dietary Culture, based in the whaling town of Shimonoseki (New York Times).

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Written by William Bigelow,

The National Science Foundation has fantasies of Broadway. It is funding what it thinks is a hot commodity: a new musical titledThe Great Immensity that is focused on climate change at the cost of $700,000 to taxpayersNSF musicalThe website for the production reads:

In a thrilling and timely production, presented in association with the celebrated investigative theater company, The Civilians, The Great Immensity is a continent-hopping thriller following a woman, Phyllis, as she pursues someone close to her who disappeared from a tropical island while on an assignment for a nature show.

But this is science, so how about the hard data that undergirds the plot? Not to worry:

The Great Immensity explores the environmental crisis drawing upon research and interviews conducted in two distinct locations: Barro Colorado Island (BCI) in the Panama Canal and the city of Churchill in arctic Canada.

Just in case your curiosity is piqued and you have your own tale of climate change disaster to tell, the website wants you to get involved:

The characters from the play are here to share with you the latest in environmental art, science, and action, and to demonstrate how people around the world are having a positive impact on the big issues that we are facing.

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Double-Double Trouble

Written by Dr Klaus L.E. Kaiser

There is a shock coming, your morning double-double or latte might soon cost you double-double as well. Coffee plantations are under attack from—you may have guessed it—“climate change.” The wholesale “climate” and soon consumer prices for coffee beans are rising sharply as coffee plantations are experiencing production problems.Al Gore coffee

What’s the Cause?

As D. Carrington reports in The Guardian, “climate change will brew a bad-tasting, expensive cup of coffee.”

As (nearly) everyone knows, coffee trees grow best in a sunny but cool climate, sort of like the North Pole in summer or the South Pole in winter. But don’t take my word for that. Just trust the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) whose numerous models have all been predicting calamitous “climate change” for the last twenty-plus years. It’s not that their models were wrong, nature just delivered an unexpected and yet to be explained “pause.”

Cause of the “Pause”

The cause of the “pause” really is not the models’ or modellers’ fault. The real problem is that nature has difficulties reading their reports and properly interpreting them. Obviously then, we need to train nature better, perhaps a pre-JK class “feel-good” assignment would do to rectify that.

In any event, sunspots, solar cycles and other scientific explanations of the “pause” could then easily be explained-away. Given the right political will we may even be able to make nature conform to the models. 

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Happy Birthday Norman Borlaug: Man Who Saved A Billion Lives

Written by Dr Benny Peiser, GWPF

Today, we live in a very different world from the one that Norman Borlaug was born into. It’s a world with less preventable misery, less hunger, and more hope for the hungry . What a legacy for this humble farmer from Iowa — this unlikeliest of revolutionaries, this man who changed the planet with a grain of wheat. (Mitch McConnell, The Washington Times, 25 March 2014Borlaug

Congress gave a place of honor Tuesday to agriculture visionary Norman Borlaug, adding his statue to the Capitol’s Statuary Hall, but congressional leaders said an even better way to carry on his legacy is to continue his research to feed the world. Congressional leaders unveiled a bronze statue of the Iowan on Tuesday, which would have been his 100th birthday and is also National Agriculture Day. (Jacqueline Klimas, The Washington Times, 25 March 2014)

In the late 1960s, most experts were speaking of imminent global famines in which billions would perish. ‘The battle to feed all of humanity is over,’ biologist Paul Ehrlich famously wrote in his 1968 bestseller The Population Bomb. But Borlaug and his team were already engaged in the kind of crash program that Ehrlich declared wouldn’t work. Their dwarf wheat varieties resisted a wide spectrum of plant pests and diseases and produced two to three times more grain than the traditional varieties. Borlaug, who unfortunately is far less well-known than doomsayer Ehrlich, is responsible for much of the progress humanity has made against hunger. (Ronald Bailey, Reason Online, 13 September 2009)

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Invisible: Photo of a landscape no human can ever see

Written by Sally Adee, New Scientist

You are looking at a colour no one can see (see photo). If you visited these grassy fields in Nepal’s Annapurna Himalayan range, as New York-based photographer Sean Lynch did, they would look bright green. Crucially, though, they also reflect near-infrared light, which lies just beyond the range our eyes can sense. NepalThe fuchsia colour in Lynch’s photo is created when this invisible light hits a special dye in the photographic film. “None of us will ever actually experience this ‘colour’,” says Paul Lucey, a geophysicist at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu.

Fields like these are a great way to showcase this imaging technique because plants reflect infrared light especially well. They do this for the same reason they shun green light: to make photosynthesis, which prefers blue and red light, as efficient as possible.

Such invisible reflections aren’t just cool – they reveal important information. Although two plants may look similar to the naked eye, healthy leaves store more chlorophyll and so reflect more near-infrared light than unhealthy ones. This allows farmers to monitor plant health, aided by sensors mounted on aeroplanes and satellites. For entirely different reasons, oil slicks – and their clean-up – can be monitored using the same infrared reflections.

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We all owe our EXISTENCE to lovely VOLCANOES, say Scientists

Written by Iain Thomson, The Register

Antarctica lava blasts kept Earth warm ‘n’ cozy during global cold snaps. Research by the British Antarctic Survey has found that volcanos played a crucial role in preserving life when our world went through one of its periodic ice ages.

From time to time in Earth’s history, the planet cools and an ice cover extends from the poles to cover large sections of the planet’s surface. It’s even hypothesized that about 650 million years ago the entire world was covered with an ice sheet – theSnowball Earth scenario.

Current scientific thinking is that as ice extends from the poles, plant and animal life migrate towards the equator. The British Antarctic Survey team’s research, however, shows that – for Antarctica at least – volcanoes help keep life going while freezing conditions persist.

“Nearly 60 per cent of Antarctic invertebrate species are found nowhere else in the world but Antarctica,” said Professor Peter Convey from the British Antarctic Survey.

“They have clearly not arrived on the continent recently, but must have been there for millions of years. How they survived past ice ages – the most recent of which ended less than 20,000 years ago – has long puzzled scientists.”Antarctic volcanoes

The team has compiled a survey of over 39,000 organisms on Antarctica, comprising 1,823 taxa, across the icy continent. They found that by far the most populated areas of the continent were around volcanoes that are either active today, or which have been active since the last glacial maximum 20,000 years ago.

“Our spatial modeling of Antarctic biodiversity indicates that some terrestrial groups likely survived throughout intense glacial cycles on ice-free land or in sub-ice caves associated with areas of geothermal activity, from which recolonization of the rest of the continent took place,” the team said in a paper (PDF) published in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“These results,” the paper notes, “provide unexpected insights into the responses of various species to past climate change and the importance of geothermal regions in promoting biodiversity. Furthermore, they indicate the likely locations of biodiversity ‘hotspots’ in Antarctica, suggesting a critical focus for future conservation efforts.” 

Read more at the

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Greenhouse Effect: Does Water Vapor Increase or Decrease the Lapse Rate?

Written by Carl Brehmer


At first glance this simple question appears to be lifted from a first year, undergraduate class in meteorology, because everyone who has even a rudimentary understanding of the thermodynamics of the atmosphere knows that water vapor decreases the lapse rate, i.e., the rate at which the air temperature changes with altitude—ascending air cools at a certain rate as it “does work” against its progressively less dense surroundings and descending air warms at a certain rate as its progressively more dense surroundings “does work” on it.

            As countless weather balloon soundings have shown water vapor decreases this lapse rate and it has even been observed that this attenuation becomes more acute as both the temperature and the humidity increase.  One wonders then why the country’s most prestigious universities in classes across the hall are teaching their students that water vapor increases the lapse rate via a hypothetical “greenhouse effect”.

Princeton         “The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and is re-radiated in all directions. Since part of this re-radiation is back towards the surface, energy is transferred to the surface and the lower atmosphere. As a result, the temperature there is higher than it would be if direct heating by solar radiation were the only warming mechanism.”

University of California, Riverside

“What is the greenhouse effect?

“This refers to the retention of the sun’s warmth in the Earth’s lower atmosphere by greenhouse gases. These gases (primarily carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) act as a thermal blanket for the planet, warming the surface to a life-supporting average of 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celcius).”

Texas A&M University

“55{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the heat that warms the atmosphere is quickly re-radiated radiated back to the earth (324 W/m2). This warms the earth and the lower atmosphere.”

Columbia University

“Some of the emitted radiation [from the surface] passes through the atmosphere and travels back to space, but some is absorbed by greenhouse gas molecules and then re-emitted in all directions. The effect of this is to warm the Earth’s surface and the lower atmosphere. Water vapor (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are the two largest contributors to the greenhouse effect.”

Boston University

“We have demonstrated how the ‘natural’ greenhouse effect (e.g. H2O, natural CO2) elevated surface temperature.  Next time we will extend this simple model to show how the addition of greenhouse gases increases surface temperature.”  

            Now, you might be saying, “What are you talking about?  None of these definitions mentions a ‘lapse rate’,” but notice that each one of these definitions of the “greenhouse effect” hypothesis asserts that “greenhouse gases” only warm the “surface and the lower atmosphere.”  Not one of them asserts that “greenhouse gases” warm the entire troposphere or the upper troposphere.  Doing so, of course, would be foolish since the upper troposphere in the mid-latitudes is commonly as cold as -60 °C and can be as cold as -80 °C!  By default then, when one asserts that there exists a thermodynamic process within the atmosphere that only warms the lower troposphere and not the upper troposphere one is asserting that that process increases the lapse rate—the temperature differential between lower tropospheric air and upper tropospheric air that is quantified in °C/km.  Indeed, it has even been suggested by some that if there were no “greenhouse gases” in the atmosphere there wouldn’t even be a lapse rate.

            “Without the destabilization provided by the greenhouse effect, convective overturning would slow and quite possible cease altogether. The atmosphere would eventually become isothermal, as the full depth of the atmosphere would achieve the same temperature as the surface through thermal conduction; without IR emission, the middle and upper troposphere would have no way to cool itself in the face of this heating.” Roy Spencer

            The mental construct that “greenhouse gases” either create or at least augment the lapse rate can also be seen in this mathematical hypothetical being taught at Boston University . . .

Brehmer fig 1

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Written by James Delingpole,

Science is rife with corruption, incompetence, dishonesty and fabrication–and now, thanks to a frank resignation letter by the US’s top scientific misconduct official we have a better idea why.

David E. Wright, a respected science historian, has just quit his job as director of the Office of Research Integrity (ORI; part of the Department of Health and Human Services) and is scathing about his experiences there.lab test

In his resignation letter, he accuses his boss HHS Assistant Secretary for Health Howard Koh of running an organization which is “secretive, autocratic and unaccountable.”

He writes to Koh:

In one instance, by way of illustration, I urgently needed to fill a vacancy for an ORI division director.  I asked the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health (your deputy) when I could proceed.  She said there was a priority list.  I asked where ORI’s request was on that list.  She said the list was secret and that we weren’t on the top, but we weren’t on the bottom either. Sixteen months later we still don’t have a division director on board.

His experiences at ORI, he adds, have confirmed all his worst suspicions about the workings of federal bureaucracy.

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Wind Farms and Health

Written by Alun Evans Professor Emeritus Belfast University

According to the World Health Organisation’s recent report, ‘Night Noise Guidelines for Europe’ [1], environmental noise is emerging as one of the major public health concerns of the twenty-first century. It observes that, “Many people have to adapt their lives to cope with the noise at night,” and the young and the old are particularly vulnerable.

a wind turbine

This is because hearing in young people is more acute and, in older people, a loss of hearing of higher sound frequencies renders them more susceptible to the effects of low frequency noise. It is a particularly troublesome feature of the noise generated by wind turbines due to its impulsive, intrusive and incessant nature.

A recent case-control study conducted around two wind farms in New England has shown [2] that subjects living within 1.4 km of an IWT had worse sleep, were sleepier during the day, and had poorer SF36 Mental Component Scores compared to those living further than 1.4 km away. The study demonstrated a strongly significant association between reported sleep disturbance and ill health in those residing close to industrial wind turbines.

The major adverse health effects caused seem to be due to sleep disturbance and deprivation with the main culprits identified as loud noise in the auditory range, and low frequency noise, particularly infrasound. This is inaudible in the conventional sense, and is propagated over large distances and penetrates the fabric of dwellings, where it may be amplified. It is a particular problem at night, in the quiet rural settings most favoured for wind farms, because infrasound persists long after the higher frequencies have been dissipated.

Sleep is a physiological necessity and the sleep-deprived are vulnerable to a variety of health problems [2,3]. particularly Cardiovascular Disease in which nocturnal noise is an important factor [4]. Sleep deprivation in children is associated with increased bodyweight [3,5], which is known to ‘track’ into later life, and predisposes to adult disease. That is why “Encouraging more sleep” is a sensible target in the Public health Agency’s current campaign to prevent obesity in children. It also causes memory impairment because memories are normally reinforced in the later, Rapid Eye Movement, phase of sleep; again, it is the young and the old who are most affected. Sleep deprivation is associated with an increased likelihood of developing a range of chronic diseases including Type II Diabetes, cancer (eg breast with shift work [6]), Coronary Heart Disease [7,8] and Heart Failure [9]. 

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2nd Rational Physics Conference, Salzburg, Austria, April 5-6 2014

Written by PSI Staff

“What is Physics?” This not-for-profit conference has been organised independently of any academic or research institute or of any scientific society. There are no commercial, industrial or political interests involved. Conference Rational PhysicsThis is uncommon but ensures that no influence is exerted upon speakers or participants to force compliance with the authority of any that seek to foist dogmatic views upon Mankind in order to turn a profit, be it financial or social standing. Contemporary physics has lost contact with physical reality. Mysticism and fancy has resulted in quite irrational notions being proposed to account for the physical Universe. This conference is a return to rational physics in terms that are comprehensible to any educated person, not just a small group of specialists.

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How the 1964 Alaska Earthquake Shook Up Science

Written by Becky Oskin,

There were great horrors, but what many children remember is missing their supper.

The earthquake struck at 5:36 p.m. Alaska Standard Time on Good Friday. When the first shaking hit, many parents were in the kitchen, fixing dinner. For more than 4 minutes, the earth buckled and lurched all across southern Alaska. Few people returned home to their meals that night. In Anchorage, the ground cracked open and giant fissures swallowed children whole, killing them in front of their siblings.Alaska earthquake

Landslides launched tsunamis that swept away coastal villages before the shaking even ended. In Seward, spilled oil slicked the water and caught fire. When the earthquake-triggered tsunami hit minutes later, the wave was blazing. “It was an eerie thing to see — a huge tide of fire washing ashore,” survivor Gene Kirkpatrick told National Geographic magazine in 1964.

In 50 years, no earthquake since has matched the power of the March 27, 1964, Great Alaska earthquake. Now ranked a magnitude 9.2, the second-largest ever recorded, the earthquake radically transformed the young state. Important coastal ports, roads and rail lines were destroyed. The liquefied ground in Anchorage led to the country’s strictest seismic building codes (now outpaced by California). President Lyndon Johnson ordered a comprehensive scientific study of the earthquake.

The geologic discoveries transformed how we understand the Earth.

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The IPCC: Providing ‘Hope for Our Earth’

Written by Donna Laframboise

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) calls itself a scientific body. Indeed, it’s online self-description uses some version of the word ‘science’ seven times in a few paragraphs.

But a document prepared for the current IPCC meeting in Japan utterly obliterates those claims. It’s titled Hope for Our Earth from Yokohama. Please note the large IPCC logo on the bottom of the first page – next to the logo of the UN’s World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Donna L

Page two of this document contains this headline: Saving the Planet for Future Generations. Beneath it, we read:

We must bequeath to future generations a safe environment in which to live, and that means properly understanding the information published by the IPCC and taking action in Yokohama. [bold added]

Well, I feel like an idiot. It took me years of research – in which I carefully gave the IPCC the benefit of the doubt, in which I conscientiously eschewed lazy intellectual shortcuts – before I reluctantly concluded that the IPCC is actually an activist organization pretending to be a scientific one. Evidently, I should have spent more time in my garden and saved myself a ton of trouble. Because nothing I have written in the past five years reveals the IPCC’s true colours better than the single sentence I’ve just quoted.

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Wild, Weird Weather

Written by Viv Forbes, The Carbon Sense Coalition

Carbon dioxide may calm the climate, but it cannot cause wild, weird weather. Every day some place in the world has “wild weather”. And in recent times, human industry gets the blame. “It’s all caused by man-made global warming” (generally shortened to “global warming”, or GW by alarmists).

Floods or droughts – blame GW; bushfires or snowstorms – blame GW; frosts or heatwaves – blame GW; hail storms or dust storms – blame GW; cyclones or tornadoes – blame GW.In fact, here is a complete list of all the things blamed on global warming:

If all of this were true, then carbon dioxide is surely the most powerful and disruptive gas on the planet. That great scientist, John Kerry, even calls it a “weapon of mass destruction”.cartoon

Thanks to cartoonist Steve Hunter who has gambled again that we may raise enough money to pay him. But carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the most stable, predictable, unreactive and puny of all climate factors. And its effect diminishes for each addition of CO2 to the atmosphere. Adding more now has almost zero effect on temperature.

Read the full report:

Sun, Water, Winds and Weather

What determines surface temperature at any spot on earth?

Apart from a tad of geothermal heat and a wisp of heat from nuclear power generators, every bit of surface energy (including coal and biomass) comes directly or indirectly from the sun. There is no other source of surface heat – everything else just stores, releases or re-directs solar energy.

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Written by Vincent R. Gray , M.A.,Ph.D., F.N.Z.I.C

In order to impose on the world their dogmas and restrictions, the Environmental Movement has abandoned rational discussion, scientific method  and  open debate and adopted the principle that the ends justify the means. Distortion and fabrication of evidence has become routine, and is a feature of our news bulletins, scientific journals, schools and university departments. Sceptics are “deniers”, hounded from employment and publishable only on the Internet. Exaggeration, partial evidence, speculation and unjustified assumptions are compounded, often with the help of computers, to provide scare scenarios for the future. The following are examples:



This idea from the early 1980s arose from the popularity of computer models and was promoted by the physicist Carl Sagan. It was claimed that a serious nuclear war would not only cause many deaths and a disruption of human existence but would cause so much soot and other aerosols in the atmosphere that all plant life on earth would die.

The use of nuclear weapons would undoubtedly cause considerable harm. Since some 93{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of them are in the arsenals of Russia and the USA the priority is avoiding a war between them, something which we hope has become increasingly remote. As for the rest we should note that even nuclear bombing of modern towns, largely built from concrete and steel, would not contribute the vast amounts of smoke required for this theory.

We hope an international treaty for the abolition and destruction of such weapons may progress. Unfortunately this is unlikely until all states have a free choice, rather than being pushed around by those who own them already. 

Sagan expected that the fires in the Kuwait oilfields would provide a “nuclear winter”. But he got it wrong. Some who think that Beijing ait pollution could be disastrous are unaware that similar problems of air pollution in Britain and elswhere have been successfully solved without a possible “nuclear winter”

When I lived in Manchester in 1951 I recall a “pea soup fog” where I could not see an illuminated street lamp. I was a member of the Clean Air Society at the time. This Society was dissolved when a policy of clean air was adopted by most local bodies, despite occasional lapses.



Silent Spring by biologist/zoologist Rachel Carson (Houghton Miflin 1962) warned of the dangers that DDT allegedly posed to all manner of plant, animal, and human life. These threats were so great, said Carson, that on balance they more than negated whatever benefits were to be gained from using the pesticide to prevent malaria.

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