Lovers of the Lie

Written by Joseph E Postma


This is from an internal “Slayers” email discussion of things, and someone suggested to collate & edit it and make it a post, because others might like to read it.  I know many of the readers of this blog will fully understand the issues…

“With Trump soon at the helm, we can finally hope that climate alarm will bite the dust.”

If only…  The climate alarmists aren’t going anywhere and if we learned anything from this election it is the brainwashing power of the corporate media.  I know people who were this morning afraid to come out of their houses for fear that rampaging white racists would be roaming the streets killing liberals now that Trump has won.  Our soon to be ex-president didn’t help matters when he virtually accused Trump of being the lead supporter of the KKK, which by the way was started by the Democrat Party in the deep south in the early 20th Century (see the movie Hillary’s America).  People are literally sobbing and shaking in fear that the world is about to end, so thorough has been the media’s propaganda campaign that has characterized The Donald as being the devil himself.  It is an amazing sight to see.

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Cosmic clue to UK coastal erosion

Written by Jonathan Amos

Beachy HeadImage copyright: MARTIN HURST ET AL
Image caption: When Beachy Head’s rock was laid down, dinosaurs still roamed the Earth

Recent centuries have seen a big jump in the rates of erosion in the iconic chalk cliffs on England’s south coast. A new study finds that for thousands of years the rocks were being beaten back by the waves at perhaps 2-6cm a year.

The past 150 years has seen this retreat accelerate 10-fold, to more than 20cm a year. The speed-up was clocked with the aid of a smart technique that tracks changes induced in rocks when they are exposed to energetic space particles. The research, led from the British Geological Survey and conducted by Martin Hurst and colleagues, is reported in the leading American journal, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The group believes the findings will help us understand some of the coming impacts of climate change.

“Our coasts are going to change in the future as a result of sea-level rise and perhaps increased storminess, and we want this work to inform better forecasts of erosion,” Dr Hurst, currently affiliated to Glasgow University, told BBC News.

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Australian Skeptics Call to Defund all CSIRO Climate “Research”

Written by Viv Forbes, Chairman, Carbon Sense Coalition


It’s time to defund all CSIRO global warming activities and conferences. For years now CSIRO and their UN/IPCC puppet-masters have claimed that “climate science is settled”. If so, why are Australian governments still wasting some $150M annually on creating climate scares and producing propaganda for a political war on carbon energy and carbon dioxide?

Australia should cease all government funding for global warming “research” and carbon-centric climate models and leave the honest, useful and difficult business of weather forecasting to the BOM, which should revert to its once-proud name and role as “The Weather Bureau”.

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CO2 Wizardry or Hype?

Written by Donn Dears LLC

The headlines read: “Scientists accidentally discover a method to turn carbon dioxide Into ethanol.”

And, “CO2 may help renewables industry.”

While stories in the media read:

“The [CO2 to Ethanol] process could be used to store excess electricity generated [by] wind and solar. … It could help balance a grid supplied by intermittent renewable sources.”

And, more dramatically:

“This low-cost electrochemical reaction may come to the rescue of the earth’s climate.”

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A Box of ‘Black Magic’ to Study Earth from Space

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Artist's concept of RainCube,
RainCube, due to fly in 2017, forced JPL’s engineers to get creative in order to squeeze an antenna into a CubeSat.
Credits: Tyvak/Jonathan Sauder/NASA/JPL-Caltech.

Black magic. That’s what radiofrequency engineers call the mysterious forces guiding communications over the air. These forces involve complex physics and are difficult enough to master on Earth. They only get more baffling when you’re beaming signals into space.

Until now, the shape of choice for casting this “magic” has been the parabolic dish. The bigger the antenna dish, the better it is at “catching” or transmitting signals from far away.

But CubeSats are changing that. These spacecraft are meant to be light, cheap and extremely small: most aren’t much bigger than a cereal box. Suddenly, antenna designers have to pack their “black magic” into a device where there’s no room for a dish — let alone much else.

“It’s like pulling a rabbit out of a hat,” said Nacer Chahat, a specialist in antenna design at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. “Shrinking the size of the radar is a challenge for NASA. As space engineers, we usually have lots of volume, so building antennas packed into a small volume isn’t something we’re trained to do.”

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Weather Balloon Soundings Falsify the “Greenhouse Effect” Hypothesis

Written by Carl Brehmer

Below are two graphs that demonstrate why the “greenhouse effect” hypothesis is false.
This graph was created using raw weather balloon data on a day when the ground level humidity called the “mixing ratio” in Las Vegas was about 1 g/kg and the ground level “mixing ratio” in Little Rock was about 16 g/kg.
Little Rock ground level water vapor concentration  = 16,000 ppm
Las Vegas ground level water vapor concentration    =   1,000 ppm
Carbon Dioxide concentration                                            =      400 ppm
The blue line is the water vapor concentration above Little Rock from ground level to ~30km in altitude.
The red line is the water vapor concentration above Las Vegas from ground level to ~30km in altitude.
The yellow line is the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

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NOAA U-Turn on Winter Forecast For Northern Europe, Russia, As Cold Spreads

Written by Pierre L. Gosselin

Models and experts of every type have had plenty of setbacks making forecasts for chaotic systems. Recent examples include the election results and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman’s prediction that the US market would dive in response to the election of Trump (it in fact went on and set a new all-time record high).

If anything has lost its worth, it’s the value of Krugman’s Nobel Prize. Recently German weather site Wetterfrosch posted at Facebook that the US NOAA had been forced to correct its previous Europe seasonal forecast for the coming winter.

Earlier the NOAA had forecast a mild winter, but now the American meteorologists are foreseeing a “significantly much colder than normal month for Scandinavia and Russia“.


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NASA And FEMA Fail To Deflect Incoming Asteroid In Drill

Written by Andrew Follett

NASA and federal emergency responders ran simulations on how to deal with a “city-killer” asteroid coming close to hitting the planet.

Officials simulated what to do if a “city-killer” asteroid with a 2 percent probability of impact neared the Earth on Sept. 20, 2020. As the asteroid got closer, the simulated odds of an impact ultimately increased to 100 percent, with the strike likely to crash into Southern California.

The simulated asteroid was around 800 feet in diameter, with a possibility of making impact anywhere along a long swath of Earth, including the U.S. Such an asteroid could strike with a force about 55 times stronger than the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima near the end of World War II. That’s more than enough force to level a city.


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What does Trump win mean for US science?

Written by Paul Rincon

President-elect Donald TrumpImage copyright: REUTERS
Image caption: Mr Trump has been most vocal on the issues of climate change and energy

President-elect Donald Trump did not express many views about science and innovation on the campaign trail. But there are some clues to his positions on key issues.

Since Tuesday, many scientists have been laying out their concerns about the future of the US research community under a Trump administration. Before the election, the non-profit organisation Science Debate asked the main candidates to outline their positions on different scientific points.

Mr Trump’s vision for innovation in the country that currently spends most in the world on research and development reflects his businessman’s perspective.

“Innovation has always been one of the great by-products of free market systems. Entrepreneurs have always found entries into markets by giving consumers more options for the products they desire,” he explained.

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Top Russian Scientist Claims -The Next ‘Little Ice Age’ Is Already Here

Written by Geoff Brown


Russian Astrophysicist Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov, who is the head of space research for the Pulkovo Observatory at the Russian Academy of Sciences, in a new study, claims the “new Little Ice Age” started at the end of 2015 due to low solar activity, kicking off decades of “deep cooling” in the latter half of the 21st Century.

As a result, the Earth has, and will continue to have, a negative average annual energy bookbalance and a long-term adverse thermal condition wrote in a recent study.

The quasi-centennial epoch of the new Little Ice Age has started at the end 2015 after the maximum phase of solar cycle 24. The start of a solar grand minimum is anticipated in solar cycle 27 in 2043 and the beginning of phase of deep cooling in the new Little Ice Age in 2060.


Since 1990, the Sun has been in the declining phase of the quasi-bicentennial variation in total solar irradiance (TSI). The decrease in the portion of TSI absorbed by the Earth since 1990 has remained uncompensated by the Earth’s long-wave radiation into space at the previous high level because of the thermal inertia of the world’s oceans. As a result, the Earth has, and will continue to have, a negative average annual energy balance and a long-term adverse thermal condition.

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Scientists warn of a mini Ice Age as sun stays eerily quiet

Written by Thomas Richard

Roughly 250 years ago, the Northern Hemisphere left what climatologists now call a mini Ice Age. From 1300 to about 1850, it was much colder than it is today. It was also a time when the sun was going through a weak decadal solar cycle. It was so cold England’s Thames river froze at least 23 separate times, with ice skating and “frost fairs” the norm. The last time the Thames froze was in 1814. Until temperatures rose and global warming thawed out the planet.

Some #Climate Change scientists now think we are heading for another ‘mini Ice Age’ for a very good reason: The Sun is having its quietest period in over a hundred years. A quiet Sun is one with few to no sunspots. Vencore Weather first claimed in June that based on NASA imagery, there were no visible sunspots on its surface. Astronomers are quick to point out that a sunspot-less Sun was not unusual, as the Sun goes through 11-year cycles. The current one, Cycle 24, began in 2008, and so far, the Sun has been its quietest in over a century.

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Elitist journal rejects skeptic study as ‘not helpful’ to climate cult

Written by Ben Spencer

A scientific study which suggests global warming has been exaggerated was rejected by a respected journal because it might fuel climate scepticism, it was claimed last night.

The alarming intervention, which raises fears of ‘McCarthyist’ pressure for environmental scientists to conform, came after a reviewer said the research was ‘less than helpful’ to the climate cause. professor

Professor Lennart Bengtsson, a research fellow at the University of Reading and one of five authors of the study, said he suspected that intolerance of dissenting views on climate science was preventing his paper from being published.

‘The problem we now have in the climate community is that some scientists are mixing up their scientific role with that of a climate activist,’ he told the Times.

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President-Elect Donald Trump does not believe in Man-Made Climate Change!

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul

Neither do I! It is a man-made belief, it is a man-made money making idea, and it is a totally man-made theory, which has nothing whatsoever to do with either science or religion. There is no proof whatsoever that the evolution of the climates on this Earth has anything to do with man. Sure there is a supposition, sure there is an hysterical belief that man is changing the ‘climate’ – but which climate are the apparatchiks referring to? There is not one climate on the Earth, but 29 major systems and a million microclimates.

For years alarmists have campaigned using junk science to introduce draconian measures based on a ‘belief’ that so-called Greenhouse Gases are causing Global Warming. But there is not one shred of empirical evidence to support such a belief. But there is plenty of evidence that some profited hugely from this belief.

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President Trump Set to Expose Government Climate Science Fraud

Written by John O'Sullivan


President-elect Donald Trump has made it clear that he regards man-made global warming as “a hoax.” Climate scientists worldwide are greatly concerned that Trump’s presidency could unravel 30 years of UN climate change work.

Trump has already appointed Myron Ebell of the Competitive Enterprise Institute to oversee the dismantling of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Ebell is expected to root out corrupt practice allegedly centered around a core of “elite” government researchers involved in an international conspiracy of climate data mishandling. The allegations erupted after more than 30,000 leaked (or hacked) emails hit the worldwide web during the Climategate scandal (2009). Skeptics claim evidence in the emails exposed unethical practice by scientists at NASA, NOAA and other government departments in the U.S. linked with those in the UK Australia and New Zealand. Half a dozen self-serving official “investigations” determined there was no wrongdoing (think: Hillary Clinton’s latest email scandal).tweets

On Twitter, Trump has called the science of global warming everything from a “hoax” to “bulls—” to a scheme “created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” (He later said he was joking about the China tweet).

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Edsel Chromie: Electromagnetism & Greenhouse Gas Radiative Heat

Written by Edsel Chromie

Sunburn and those resultant blisters are caused by ultraviolet rays radiated from the Sun. A fact known and accepted by scientists and the general public for decades. We also use the resistance of electric energy to create the heat of electric stoves and the light of incandescent light bulbs.

So it is entirely feasible for the Sun to radiate other wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum below the wavelength of visible light to create the heat and light wherever it encounters the resistance of another magnetic field.


This concept is the only possible way many of the bizarre temperature differentials in the solar system can be explained within the parameters of the Laws of Thermodynamics and the Laws of Physics and in conformance with the germination and enhancement of living vegetation.

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Solar Radiation Sufficient! No Greenhouse Effect of Certain Atmospheric Gases!

Written by Dr Jerry L Krause

Since its inception Principia Scientific International (PSI) has published many articles attempting to discredit, if not refute, the hypothesis termed the greenhouse effect of certain atmospheric gases (GHE).  Recently there has been a fury (too many to cite) of articles which seem to be getting closer to accomplishing this feat.  However, most all these articles are based upon reasoned arguments.  I do not consider the Science founded by Galileo and Newton to have be based upon reasoned argument.  The science founded by Galileo and Newton is based upon scientific laws.

What is a scientific law?  First, before defining a scientific law, it seems useful, no necessary, to consider a bit of confusion which seems to exist as to what Science is, or does.  This confusion possibly exists because Galileo, Newton, and their commentaries were better known to be natural philosophers instead of simply as being scientists.


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