Climate shock: 90 percent of the world’s glaciers are GROWING

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A new NASA study, released on Friday, admits that ice is accumulating in Antarctica. Satellite measurements show an 82-112 gigaton-a-year net ice gain. That’s 82-112 billion tons per year! Nine zeroes!

in other words that is 112,000,000,000 tons. Per year.

It’s hard to comprehend how much ice that really is, so let’s put it in perspective. Let’s assume that they’re talking short tons (2,000 lbs). That’s about the weight of an old VW Beetle.

Those old Beetles measured 14 feet long.  Multiply 112 billion by 14 feet and you get 1,560 billion feet. Divide that by the distance from the earth to the moon (239,000 miles),  and you’d have a string of VW Beetles stretching all the way to the moon.

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Century-old Polar Explorers’ Data Proves ‘Little Change’ in Antarctic Ice

Written by Pallab Ghosh BBC News

Sea iceImage copyright: RGS

Log books from the early Antarctic expeditions indicate that the area of summer sea-ice around the continent has barely changed in size in a century.

Researchers have studied the records of pioneering explorers, including Captain Robert Scott and Sir Ernest Shackleton. The study suggests that Antarctic sea-ice is much less sensitive to climate change than the Arctic, which has declined dramatically.

The research has been published in The Cryosphere journal.

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Establishment Global Warming Double Speak Unravels

Written by Dr Vincent Gray

US President-elect Donald Trump calls man-made global warming a “hoax.” In his new administration Trump has appointed scientists who support that view. Below an eminent independent skeptic scientist, Dr Vincent Gray – an Expert Reviewer of every UN climate report – shows why Trump is correct.

Despite over 20 years’ of effort and four major Reports, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has not succeeded in providing any evidence that increases in greenhouse gases are having a measurable effect on the climate. Why is it, then, that so many people believe that they have done so.

The answer lies in their subtle use of doublespeak, the technique of creating confusion by manipulation of language.. This paper shows how they have confused and twisted the meanings of words in such a way as to create triumph out of failure.


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Written by Dr David Whitehouse

Satellite data indicates a large fall in the temperature of the lower Troposphere back to pre-El Nino levels. This decrease has reinstated the so-called “pause” in lower atmosphere temperature.

The decrease is seen in the land only data. Data from the sea shows a decline but not as much. This is expected given the ocean’s thermal lag. Data from the RSS group that provides satellite temperature services show that late-2016 temperatures have returned to the level it was at post-1998, Fig 1. Click on the image to enlarge.

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Mainstream Media Exposed in Fake Trump ‘Climate U-Turn’ Story

Written by Marc Morano


The media spin on President Elect Donald J. Trump’s sit down with the New York Times on November 22, can only be described as dishonest. Trump appears to soften stance on climate change and  Donald Trump backflips on climate change …

The ‘fake news’ that Trump had somehow moderated or changed his “global warming” views was not supported by the full transcript of the meeting.

Heartland Institute President Joe Bast had this to say about the full transcript of Trump’s meeting:

 This is reassuring. The Left wants to drive wedges between Trump and his base by spinning anything he says as “retreating from campaign promises.” But expressing nuance and avoiding confrontation with determined foes who buy ink by the barrel is not retreating.”

Trump’s climate science view that there is “some connectivity” between humans and climate is squarely a skeptical climate view. Trump explained, “There is some, something. It depends on how much.”

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Reversal of the geomagnetic field, climate variability and a super volcano

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41,000 years ago, a complete and rapid reversal of the geomagnetic field occured. Magnetic studies of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences on sediment cores from the Black Sea show that during this period, during the last ice age, a compass at the Black Sea would have pointed to the south instead of north. Moreover, data obtained by the research team formed around GFZ researchers Dr. Norbert Nowaczyk and Prof. Helge Arz, together with additional data from other studies in the North Atlantic, the South Pacific and Hawaii, prove that this polarity reversal was a global event. Their results are published in the scientific journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters [October 16, 2012]

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“Heat” is not “Pollution”

Written by Carl Brehmer


It seems that everywhere you look someone talking about “carbon pollution” by which is meant “carbon dioxide pollution”.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas pollutant . . .” EPA

Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth.” National Geographic

Carbon pollution is the main contributor to climate disruption, making extreme weather worse — including more severe floods, widespread wildfires and record drought.” The Sierra Club

In the United States, power plants represent the single-largest source of carbon pollution, spewing two billion tons into the air each year.” Natural Resources Defense Council

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Why Does The US Space Agency Ignore Satellites?

Written by Tony Heller

Satellites are far more accurate at measuring global temperatures than the severely flawed surface temperature record. NASA claims global warming is rapidly occurring, but satellites show very little warming this century. What could possibly motivate the US Space Agency to ignore their own satellites?


Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

The answer is obvious.  Much of NASA’s funding depends on keeping the global warming scam alive, so NASA generates scientifically unsupportable graphs and distributes them hysterical politicians and journalists.

As Trump Heads to Washington, Global Warming Nears Tipping Point


As Trump Heads to Washington, Global Warming Nears Tipping Point – Bloomberg


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Short Video of Arctic Climate Alarmism

Written by Dr S J Crockford

Posted by S. J. Crockford PhD under History of anxiety over sea ice gets a video Crockford writes, “A brief historical perspective on the failed predictions that have plagued scientific understanding of Arctic sea ice changes – predictions embraced wholeheartedly by polar bear specialists and conservation experts. It’s worth a watch.”

Transcript here from the Global Warming Policy Foundation.


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Study: Carbon-Hungry Plants Impede Growth Rate of Atmospheric CO2

Written by Dan Krotz

New findings suggest the rate at which CO2 is accumulating in the atmosphere has plateaued in recent years because Earth’s vegetation is grabbing more carbon from the air than in previous decades.

That’s the conclusion of a multi-institutional study led by a scientist from the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). It’s based on extensive ground and atmospheric observations of CO2, satellite measurements of vegetation, and computer modeling. The research is published online Nov. 8 in the journal Nature Communications.

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Greenland Gaining ice at a record rate

Written by Tony Heller

Climate alarmists say that Greenland is melting at a record rate. But the precise opposite is true.

November 18, 2016 at 2:58 am

Greenland is actually gaining ice at a record rate.


Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI

Greenland wasn’t always gaining a lot of ice like it is now. In 1939, the glaciers of Greenland and Norway were nearing “catastrophic collapse


17 Dec 1939, Page 15 – Harrisburg Sunday Courier at


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Trump to scrap NASA climate research in crackdown on ‘politicized science’

Written by Oliver Milman


Donald Trump is poised to eliminate all climate change research conducted by Nasa as part of a crackdown on “politicized science”, his senior adviser on issues relating to the space agency has said.

Nasa’s Earth science division is set to be stripped of funding in favor of exploration of deep space, with the president-elect having set a goal during the campaign to explore the entire solar system by the end of the century.

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Satellite temperatures show global pause resumes as temperatures plunge

Written by Thomas Richard

New satellite data shows temperatures are plunging downwards, despite NOAA and NASA using heavily jiggered data to show a global warming trend this century. Maintained by the RSS group from the University of Alabama/Huntsville and partially funded by NASA, it shows temperatures are heading toward pre-El Nino temperatures.

The previous El Nino began in 2015 and ended in 2016 and elevated worldwide temperatures for about 15 months. The satellite temperature record is important because it’s not affected by land and sea biases, such as concrete, the Urban Heat Island effect, missing data stations, and hotter cityscapes.

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No Virginia, Cooler Objects Cannot Make Warmer Objects Even Warmer Still

Written by PSI staff

Two former NASA scientific ‘heavyweights’ go toe-to-toe in online debate over whether the science of man-made global warming is a “hoax,” as President-elect Donald Trump has claimed.

Trump’s ridicule of this hot topic is causing a huge stir among world leaders. So herein we reprise key points in an epic debate waged online and in private emails. The two opposing are well-respected ex-NASA scientists, Dr Roy Spencer and Dr Pierre R Latour.

Defending the supposed “greenhouse gas theory” (GHE) of climate change is “lukewarmist” Roy Spencer. His powerful advocacy of this cornerstone of mainstream climate science nonetheless requires us to believe that trace amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide (less than 0.04 percent of total) with added human emissions (even smaller still) significantly warms earth’s climate.  nasa

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Effects of Elevated CO2 and Nutrients on the Growth of Mangroves

Written by Reef, R., Slot, M., et al.


Paper Reviewed
Reef, R., Slot, M., Motro, U., Motro, M., Motro, Y., Adame, M.F., Garcia, M., Aranda, J., Lovelock, C.E. and Winter, K. 2016. The effects of CO2 and nutrient fertilization on the growth and temperature response of the mangrove Avicennia germinans. Photosynthesis Research 129: 159-170.

Introducing their significant study, Reef et al. (2016) describe how they collected Avicennia germinans propagules in July of 2014 at Galeta Point, Panama, and transferred them to the Santa Cruz Experimental Field Facility of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, where they were planted in individual 1.6-L tree pots filled with a mixture of local clay-textured topsoil and sand, after which the plants “were randomly assigned to one of two well-ventilated, naturally-illuminated glasshouses receiving full sunlight, one with similar to ambient (ca. 400 ppm) CO2 concentrations and one with an elevated (800 ppm) CO2 concentration.”

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Record Global Cooling Over The Last Eight Months

Written by Tony Heller

Over the last eight months, global temperatures over land have cooled a record 1.2 C. November is seeing record cold in Russia and South Australia, so we should see the record cooling trend continue.


As temperatures cool at a record pace, experts say global warming is now unstoppable.


Climate change may be escalating so fast it could be ‘game over’, scientists warn | The Independent

People in Russia might tend to disagree with this assessment.


10-Day Temperature Outlook


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