Media uses natural weather event to advance Arctic ‘death spiral’

Written by Thomas Richard

Despite below-average temperatures breaking records across the Northern Hemisphere, the Washington Post is warning readers the North Pole may warm up 40-50 degrees on Thursday, which they blame for Arctic sea ice loss. Except the data doesn’t back up the claim. The Danish Meteorological Institute, which tracks Arctic sea ice, shows 2016 being similar to 2014 and 2015.

The anomalous weather event is a consequence of an always shifting jet stream, and not #Climate Change, which alarmists repeatedly claim is long-term weather over many years. Even 19 years of no statistical warming wasn’t long enough for NASA and NOAA to declare the great global warming scare was over. But a day of warming from a naturally occurring event is a beacon of impending doom.

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Human CO2 Exhalation a whopping 40,000 parts per million!

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul

I looked it up – I was curious. How many times does a normal healthy human being breathe in and breathe out in just one minute? Well, Google tells me that we exhale (that means breathe out for the scientifically illiterate friends of mine on Facebook) some fifteen to twenty times in one minute.

Let us take the lower number. What is 15 x 60? It equals 900 exhalations in every hour! Let us now multiply 900 by 24 to get the number of breaths in 24 hours. That comes to 21,600 exhalations of Carbon Dioxide at 40,000 parts per million in one single day by one average person.

The total world population is presently reckoned to be 7.4 billion. And rising! You do the maths for that!

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NASA Climate Data Fraud ‘Overwhelming!’

Written by Tony Heller

In 1973, glaciers were growing and animals were migrating south from the cold.


“The Ice Age Cometh” The Saturday Review, Saturday, March 24th, 1973

The National Center for Atmospheric Research and CRU both reported a very strong cooling trend since WWII.



14 Jul 1974, Page 1 – Lincoln Evening Journal

In 1981, James Hansen at NASA still showed much of the post-WWII cooling trend, as well as a Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age and a 7,000 year long global cooling trend.



Gavin Schmidt at NASA has since completely removed this cooling trend, and now shows warming from 1945 to 1975.


graph.png (1130×600)



Gavin didn’t do this tampering all at once. It has been a 16 year long project where he has tripled global warming by altering the data set.


Link to NASA files  2016  2012  2000

What is truly stunning is that satellite measured temperatures of the troposphere show little or no warming during that 16 year period when Gavin tripled global warming.


Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs


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Fracking-contaminated ground water: the myth that failed

Written by Timothy Benson


The myth that hydraulic fracturing, commonly called “fracking,” of oil and natural gas is responsible for the widespread, systemic contamination of groundwater (the stuff you drink) is one that is proving tremendously hard to kill. Like a hoard of Birkenstock-and-white-sock-wearing terminators—and here I paraphrase the film—proponents of fracking bans can’t be bargained with, can’t be reasoned with, can’t feel pity or remorse or fear, and they absolutely will not stop, ever, until fracking is dead.

No matter how many blows they get dealt, they keep on coming. No matter what the scientific literature says, they will not stray from their mission.

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American Professor Predicts 50 Years of Global Cooling

Written by Bill Osmulski

A University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee professor is making headlines for his work suggesting the world is entering a period of global cooling.

“Now we’re getting a break,” Anastasios Tsonis, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at UWM, said in an interview with the MacIver Institute.

Tsonis published a paper last March that found the world goes through periods of warming and cooling that tend to last thirty years. He says we are now in a period of cooling that could last up to fifty years.  frozen

With record breaking cold temperatures around the world this winter, his research is starting to get a lot of attention.  Over the past couple of weeks, Tsonis has been featured in the British newspapers The Guardian and the Daily Mail.

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Survey: Most Scientists Skeptical of Global Warming Crisis

Written by James Taylor

It is becoming clear that not only do many scientists dispute the asserted global warming crisis, but these skeptical scientists may indeed form a scientific consensus.

Don’t look now, but maybe a scientific consensus exists concerning global warming after all. Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis, according to a survey reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies. By contrast, a strong majority of the 1,077 respondents believe that nature is the primary cause of recent global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem. globe

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Science’s Rightful Place

Written by Jeremy Berg

In his first inaugural address, U.S. President Obama said, “We’ll restore science to its rightful place…” He subsequently used this phrase to frame a number of activities across his administration.*While I, like many in the scientific community, was pleased with this declaration, I found the term “rightful place” to be thought-provoking.

The word “rightful” is usually taken to mean legitimate or morally appropriate. Yet, the word “right” has multiple meanings; it can mean morally good or justified, as noted above, but it can also mean true or correct as fact. It is the latter meaning that is essential for the position of science in government.

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China Claims Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough, No Specifics

Written by Andrew Follett


China’s state-controlled TV station claimed Sunday scientists made a major breakthrough in nuclear fusion research.

Chinese researchers claim to have independently invented components to keep ionized gas burning steadily for twice the length of the previous record — an important step forward toward nuclear fusion, if true. The country allegedly created a component for a fusion reactor core that can withstand extremely high heat.

“The component we invented is one of the first of its kind in the world that has passed the international cyclic heat test,” Cheng Jiming of China National Nuclear Corporation told CCTV. “It really means a lot — it’s a great contribution to the international field of thermonuclear experimental reactors.”

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How Women ‘Computers’ Transformed early space exploration

Written by Adrienne Sigeti

Here's how female computers and coders changed the face of NASA

It may be hard to believe that computer programming was once considered “woman’s work.” Today women are vastly underrepresented in science and technology-based industries. The number of women in STEM related subjects is so low that toy companies are even creating engineering sets specifically targeted for young girls.

So for those of us who’ve grown up in this reality, it’s hard to imagine a time or place where female programmers were the only people considered appropriate for the job.

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NASA in new space weather discoveries

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Scientists from NASA and three universities have presented new discoveries about the way heat and energy move and manifest in the ionosphere, a region of Earth’s atmosphere that reacts to changes from both space above and Earth below.

Far above Earth’s surface, within the tenuous upper atmosphere, is a sea of particles that have been split into positive and negative ions by the sun’s harsh ultraviolet radiation. Called the ionosphere, this is Earth’s interface to space, the area where Earth’s neutral atmosphere and terrestrial weather give way to the space environment that dominates most of the rest of the universe – an environment that hosts charged particles and a complex system of electric and magnetic fields.

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New Study: Antarctic Sea Ice INCREASING!

Written by Josefino C. Comiso, Robert A. Gersten et al.

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Proof of Man Made Global Warming

Written by Tony Heller



In the year 2000, NASA showed a total of 0.4C warming over land. In 2012, they showed 1.0C warming. Now they show 1.3C warming. They have tripled global warming over the past 16 years. All of this data was taken directly off the NASA web site.

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The latest ‘climate conspiracy theory’

Written by Dr Judith Curry

Guess who the new climate ‘conspiracy theorists’ are?

When I first saw this published in the WaPo, I thought it was a joke: Why I’m trying to preserve federal climate data before Trump takes office.  Excerpts:

Trump is serious about overtly declaring war on science. This isn’t a presidential transition. It’s an Inquisition. It’s a 21st-century book burning. The incoming administration is likely to be willfully hostile toward the scientific process, with far-reaching implications. caution

One of the most tangible consequences of sharp cutbacks in federal funding for climate science is the potential loss of critical data — whether by neglect or malice — that underlie global efforts to understand our climate system. By all accounts, that’s exactly what Trump and his team want: Ignorance of how human actions are affecting our planet makes it easier to maintain the status quo.

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Beware Fake Science News: here is why

Written by John O'Sullivan


Beware so-called ‘experts’ with ‘scientist’ tagged onto their job description. If you qualify in a proper science you are a ‘Physicist’, a ‘Chemist’ a ‘Biologist’ etc. These are proper terms indicating rigorous training in one of the ‘hard’ sciences.

Usually those trained in the ‘hard’ sciences are the smartest people. They have spent years studying at universities, passing tough exams. They openly share data and their collective efforts over the past 150 years or so, applying the traditional scientific method, has rewarded us with the industrial revolution and every technological advance of society.

Those who are less smart – less capable of applying rigorous mathematics, theorems and analytical reasoning – but who still want to be associated with the veneer of science opt to work in the ‘soft’ sciences (such fields are a modern phenomenon).

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Don’t Blame Climate Change for Extreme Weather

Written by Bjorn Lomborg

CLIMATE CHANGE MEANS more extreme weather: This is a simple, powerful claim that has been pounded into our consciousness for a decade.

From Greenpeace to President Obama to Scientific American, scarcely a weather event happens without someone pointing the finger at global warming and calling for action. wind

But there are big problems with this simple statement, which are exposed starkly in recent peer-reviewed analysis in the journal Weather, Climate and Society by University of Manchester scientists Vladimir Jankovic and David M. Schultz.

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New Book Warns of Catastrophic Earthquakes for the United States

Written by John L. Casey

A critically important book for all Americans titled “Upheaval!”  has just been published by Trafford Publishing. The book subtitle is “Why Catastrophic Earthquakes Will Soon Strike the United States.”

TThe Press Releases page oand how to obtain the book is found at:

This book has been developed by a team of international scientists and has as its primary author,      John L. Casey, a bestselling author and leading climate researcher. The text is co-authored by three PhD geologists: Dr. Dong Choi (Australia), Dr. Fumio Tsunoda (Japan) and Dr. Ole Humlum (Norway).

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