Norway’s Faktisk ‘Fact Check’ Site Exposed in Scandalous COVID Lie

As Norway’s population wakes up to the biggest scam in medical history, big corporate ‘fact check’ operators crash and burn in ham-fisted attempt to discredit claims by leading medical experts that there is NO EVIDENCE of any ‘gold standard’ for the COVID19 virus. in cahoots with their partners at Facebook and Dagbladet  (one of Norway’s largest newspapers with 1,400,000 daily readers) came out last week to attempt to discredit Principia Scientific International(PSI).

A PSI post shared among thousands of Facebooking Norwegians showed that no laboratory anywhere has yet proven the existence of any new and unique ‘deadly’ pathogen behind the pandemic.

But censors at FB banned the PSI post because their appointed Scandinavian gatekeepers to truth, Faktisk, couldn’t allow this truth to be shared. Curiously,  Faktisk styles itself as a non-profit that seeks to:

“contribute to an open, inclusive and fact-based public conversation. By reviewing the basis for current statements that affect our perception of reality, we work for a fact-based exchange of words and a constructive public debate.”

But they foolishly brought a metaphorical knife to a gun fight when lining up a rebuttal to Principia Scientific’s claims…..

In reply to our honest and reliable quote from the CDC that it had admitted that is has NOT isolated, reproduced and verified the virus that causes COVID19 our Norwegian gatekeepers to truth gave this ill-mannered rebuke to Dr Saaed Qureshi, the author of the PSI article:

“This is so stupid that I do not know where to start, and a good example of how wrong it can go when people who lack completely fundamental professional insight start reading texts that require just this, Vegard Eldholm writes in an email to

He has a doctorate in molecular microbiology and works as a senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

– This is about a pure technicality. An important point with the wording is that it does not say that “no virus exists”, but that no “quantified virus isolate is available”, Eldholm points out.

Fredrik Müller is professor and head of the department of microbiology at the Department of Laboratory Medicine at Oslo University Hospital. He explains what the lack of quantified virus isolate entails:

– This means that they did not have SARS-CoV-2 virus with a known number of virus copies per milliliter of solution (“diluent”) in which the virus is distributed. It can be a comprehensive task to make such a virus preparation where the exact number of copies is known , Müller writes in an e-mail to

– This in no way means that the virus is not isolated, the professor emphasizes.”

Firstly, the claim that Dr Saeed Qureshi “lack completely fundamental professional insight” is a defamatory and scandalous lie.

In fact, Dr Qureshi is an internationally recognised expert in the areas of pharmacokinetics, biopharmaceutics, drug dissolution testing, analytical chemistry and at the top of his field in expressing an opinion on the validity or otherwise on the claims about whether ANY laboratory in the world has successfully proven a ‘gold standard’ for the SARS-COV-2 virus, the alleged cause of the pandemic.

But for the fact that Norway prides itself for not having libel laws and operates a completely free press we would be seeking a legal claim against  for damages.

After some more pseudoscience waffle the ‘fact checker’ then seeks to assure Norwegians that a valid ‘gold standard’ for the novel coronavirus does exist – only that you can’t see it!

It is, in fact, much like the veritable climate unicorn aka man-made global warming. It ‘does’ exist, but only on government science computer models. Nowhere in the real world will you find hard, definitive empirical evidence as per the traditional scientific method (as per Koch’s postulates – the accepted international standard).

Acting as apologists for the CDC as to why they can’t openly show the public independently verifiable proof of the existence of this novel pathogen  proceed to lie further and declare:

“Vegard Eldholm explains that it is very laborious to estimate the exact number of virus particles in a patient sample using methods other than those described in the CDC document.”

Did you get that? It is “very laborious” for the CDC to make the extra effort to provide a ‘gold standard’ for COVID19!

So, they didn’t do it.

Faktisk (and their globalists masters) want you to believe that the most costly pandemic, resulting in the shut down of 80 percent of the global economy, is not worth the time and expense to thoroughly and scientifically very it’s existence!

And these are the people leading the fight to find a vaccine to defeat this virus?

But this story gets even more farcical as these loons then tell Norwegians:

According to Professor Fredrik Müller, there is absolutely no doubt that SARS-CoV-2 exists:

– The virus from many people in many countries in the world has been examined in laboratories, and it has been imaged in human cells by electron microscopy. The virus has also been shown to be present by detecting “bits” of it, such as viral proteins and viral genetic material (RNA), he writes to”

“Bits of it”??

Well, even non-scientists can see this pandemic has become farce not science; real science demands full disclosure and clarity.

Our position, at Principia Scientific International is made very clear, as follows:

  • These ‘scientists’ are testing for an RNA sequence, not the virus
  • There is NO gold standard
  • COVID19 has NEVER been purified and visualized
  • Only visualized from ONE patient inside a human cell
  • The PCR tests in common use were never tested against a gold standard
  • PCR testing CANNOT detect virus (only RNA) it is useless for diagnosis

What  crooked ‘fact checkers’ are doing is trying to blind a scientifically illiterate public with handwaving appeals to authority and not a shred of robust, hard scientific fact.

Principia Scientific International’s 6,500+ members stand with what 30,000 medical experts attest to in the Great Barrington Declaration.

Like them, we back peer-reviewed evidence such as that below from Mavian et al (2020) who tell us that:

“a plethora of analyses based on viral sequences has already been published, in scientific journals as well as through non-peer reviewed channels, to investigate SARS-CoV-2 genetic heterogeneity and spatiotemporal dissemination.” [Genetic mutations and distance/time spread] “We examined all full genome sequences currently available to assess the presence of sufficient information for reliable phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies. Our analysis clearly shows severe limitations in the present data, in light of which any finding should be considered, at the very best, preliminary and hypothesisgenerating.” [1]


We urge readers to follow the timeline of events in the pandemic as it unfolded. The point of this timeline is to demonstrate that no laboratory has so far successfully isolated this new virus, purified and visualised it. We simply have no idea what it looks like despite all those CG1 images abounding online.

So, from the beginning, in December 2019 the first reported cases for the novel coronavirus were reported at Wuhan, China. Chinese medical teams then worked to identify the pathogen;  a cluster of patients with pneumonia of unknown cause were determined to be linked to a seafood market in Wuhan, China.

On December 31, the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC), dispatched a “rapid response” team to conduct an investigation. They stated:

“Evidence for the presence of this virus includes identification in bronchoalveolar-lavage (BALF) fluid in three patients by whole-genome sequencing, direct PCR, and culture… The illness likely to have been caused by this CoV was named “novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia” (NCIP).” [2]

Dr Andy Kaufman, who analysed the methods used by the Chinese, has been very critical. He explained his findings in a March 2020 video interview:

“When they took this lung fluid out, they did not first try to find a virus in there and separate it out and purify it. But the first thing they did was find and separate some kind of genetic material. Quite an interesting strategy. And what they found was some RNA. But I’ll tell you that in our bodies at any given time, there is some free genetic material circulating around our blood and body fluids…. There are quite a number of different sources of different genetic material.” (Emphasis added) [3]

Dr Kaufman explains that the Chinese, in their explanation of their methodology, admit they did not isolate and purify the virus. As such, they could not claim to have a verifiable ‘gold standard.’

But it gets, worse. Dr Kaufman goes as far as to state that the ‘crown-like particles’ that the Chinese scientists determined to be those of ‘novel’ Covid-19 were virtually identical to electron microscope examples of exosomes- particles which are naturally occurring in the body. As such, standard scientific methodology demands the Chinese samples must be dismissed as verifiable proof of a novel coronavirus.

The above is explained in more scientific detail at COVID-19: Pandemic: Profit: Fallout M Harrison. [4]

Interestingly, Zhou and Yang et al. (2020) even admit that they did not use animal experiments or follow Koch’s postulates.

The whole charade gets even more insane when, in December 2019:

“Professor Christian Drosten created the first diagnostic PCR test for detection of Covid-19 using nose, sputum or throat swabs. Drosten et al’s paper states the PCR test was designed “before release of the first [genetic] sequence of the Wuhan virus.”[5]

Professor Christian Drosten is a Member of the German International Advisory Board on Global Health and has ties to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

What will shock readers is that Drosten’s team designed their PCR test BEFORE the publication of the genomic sequence and without a virus isolate.

As the journal Nature reported:

 “Because they did not have access to samples of the virus, Drosten’s team worked from their knowledge of SARS-CoV-2’s close relative, the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV).”

So, Drosten assumed much and went for an approximation rather than the actual pathogen itself.

The whole thing was such a botch job that even the World Health Organisation (WHO) admitted:

“Several assays that detect the 2019-nCoV have been and are currently under development, both in-house and commercially. Some assays may detect only the novel virus and some may also detect other strains (e.g. SARS-CoV) that are genetically similar”. (Emphasis added)

Curiously, the WHO admission was quietly removed from their website on April 14, 2020 but a permanent copy remains at [6]

Critical of this chicanery is Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, a German physician and Health Policy Adviser. He is an Honorary Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) and a Board Member of Transparency International. Dr Wodarg was scathing in his criticisms during an interview with Oval Media. [7]

In January 2020 events in this story moved to Australia. The Doherty Institute made the claim to be the first in the world to isolate the Covid-19 virus outside of China.

As ([page 32) tells us:

“On the 23rd of January 2020, the Australian government’s Department of Health published national guidelines for diagnosis and management of the ‘Novel Coronavirus 2019’.

This document states that Covid-19 virus was not yet internationally available as a test positive control. ‘Synthetic positive control material’ (genome sequencing) was becoming available through WHO’s viral archive. The guidelines stated that SARS-CoV could be used as an ‘interim positive control’ for testing.” [emphasis added]

Make sure you remember that SARS-CoV has never been confirmed as a close relative of the novel virus claimed to have been identified in the current pandemic so using it as an “interim positive control” confirms that this is NOT an exact science, it is mostly guesswork.

The Doherty Institute were relied on by their government to develop the national positive test control, reportedly from a sample of (a) one patient and (b) reliance on SARSCoV as a positive control!

This falls short of any reasonable determination of a controlled, “peer reviewed” or impartial assessment of test accuracy So, the Aussies are no less slipshod than the Germans and Chinese. [8]

So woolly is the science in this area that the Australian Department of Health’s website infers that Covid-19 tests cannot tell if a person is actually ill or not: “…it should be noted that PCR tests cannot distinguish between “live” virus and non- infective RNA.” (Emphasis added) [9]

The hypocrisy of WHO on this matter is utterly appalling because their own Organisation’s paper ‘WHO recommendations on the use of rapid testing for influenza diagnosis’, states:

 “The accuracy of an influenza diagnostic test is determined by the sensitivity and specificity of the test to detect an influenza virus infection compared with a “gold” standard …” [10]

So, even WHO’s own words prove this pandemic ’emperor’ has no clothes. Watch this space – we will be following up the above article with a further robust analysis from Dr Saeed Qureshi.


[1] Regaining perspective on SARS-CoV-2 molecular tracing and its implications, Carla Mavian, Simone Marini, Costanza Manes, Ilaria Capua, Mattia Prosperi, Marco Salemidoi:

[2] Zhu et al. (2020)

[3] (view from 5:00)

[4] (at page 25)

[5]  (at page 27)




[9] (page 36)


Please DONATE below any amount to help fund our fight against the peddlers of the fake pandemic

About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (11)

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    Astounding actual numbers from Germany: From the Federal Buerau of Statistiscs (deStatis)

    scroll down and click on “Herunterladen” (download) and you’ll get an Excel file with death data from 2016 to 2010.10.11
    This should be the deathblow to any lockdown measure, at least in Germany.
    Sorry, in German only, but Google-Translate is your friend.


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    Saeed Qureshi


    Thank you John for the post and exposing inaccuracies of the article and flawed thinking of the experts. should realize that subject under discussion is of isolation and characterization of the virus, which does not belong, at least should not belong, to the discipline of virology or microbiology, but chemical science in particular analytical chemistry (ref. PCR technique). It does not matter whether virus particles were present in an isolate/culture/soup or not being reported in some different units (per mL as the article claim) – logically and scientifically the virus has not been isolated, purified, identified and characterized. Therefore, all claims made in this regard, including the existence, uniqueness and novelty of the virus (SARS-CoV-2) and its link to the newly labelled disease (COVID-19) have to be false and invalid. should consider retracting its report/assessment as factually weak and false. Please get the appropriate evaluation of the situation done with the help of relevant experts knowledgeable in the area of isolation, identification and characterization of material, not by those who are trained to follow only the “party-line”.

    For further explanation on the subject please follow the link which describes critical evaluation of a study claiming isolation of SARS-CoV-2 from Australian authorities – following “party-line” approach and lacking scientific support and validation. (


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    Christian Loosli

    Hi, thank you so much for working so hard to inform us! Its in french and partly english but worth to check it out. They found a patent linked to sars cov 21 and 2 from 2003 and 2011 from institute Pasteur in Paris. Drosten seems to fabricate the virus as he fabricated his docter and professor title according to the german


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    Charles Higley


    The fact that these fact checkers think that having a single virus particle means you have and can understand the virus is very funny. They have never heard of viral titer?

    You also cannot sequence and do genomics on a single virus particle. You need to grow up suitable quantities for sequencing. Also, it has to be shown that the one virus, available in pure culture, causes the illness in question and in total absence of other infecting viruses.

    Of course, to date, no science has been done that sorts out the various viruses that Covid-19 syndrome patients have and established that one specific virus is always present. Only then could a Gold Standard virus culture be established. Then, and only then, can a specific test be designed for the virus (recognizing PCR as not fit for purpose), an antibody test developed specific for the virus, or a vaccine—but it is not possible to develop a useful vaccine against an RNA virus as they mutate too rapidly.

    People do not realize that researchers have been trying to develop vaccines for decades against the other viruses in the flu season and have only been partly successful with influenza vaccines. To pretend they can cobble up a real vaccine in just a few months is a cosmic joke, particularly as no one has a pure culture of the target virus, truly a huge joke.

    In addition, why would anybody consider having gene therapy performed on them for a minor virus of the flu season. Despite all the media hype and their penchant for calling the virus “novel” (implying that it does not behave like a virus? all new rules? yeah, right), this virus moved and behaved just like the flu season.

    Also, lacking any real identification of the virus, it is more likely, particularly with the admission that symptoms of the illness vary widely, that there are a number of coronaviruses and one’s symptoms are determined by what mix of viruses they have contracted. It should be called Covid-19 syndrome.


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    You misspelled facist, it’s not faktisk.


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    Dean Michael Jackson


    Let’s take a trip down recent memory lane that clearly identifies the Marxist co-option of the globe’s institutions, where a blatantly obvious fake pathogen was quietly deposited down the memory hole [thanks to this researcher]:

    The Zika Virus Scare: An Anatomy Of How Diseases Are Manufactured For Political Objectives


    — In 2014, under a non-reporting requirement regime, Brazilian physicians reported a fraction of microcephaly cases for that year; 147 cases to be exact. Under the new reporting regime that took over for 2015, the number of cases naturally increased massively, the numbers representing what would be expected under a reporting regime. Then using the artificially low 2014 numbers as the baseline, Brazil and the global political/medical community (though not all within the medical community) declared an epidemic of microcephaly in Brazil based on the higher, though expected, numbers under the new reporting requirement regime. —

    “It’s a global scandal. Brazil has created a worldwide panic.” – Alexandre Dias Porto Chiavegatto Filho, professor of epidemiology at the University of Sao Paulo.

    “In 2014, only about 150 cases [of microcephaly] were reported in Brazil1 in a year — a surprisingly small amount for a large country with nearly 3 million births a year. The United States, with about 4 million births a year, has an estimated 2,500 cases of microcephaly a year, said Margaret Honein, a CDC epidemiologist.”

    The small number of microcephaly cases reported in Brazil before 2015 is being used to set the stage for a blatantly orchestrated ‘epidemic’ not only in Brazil but around the globe. Pre-2015, cases of microcephaly in Brazil were massively undercounted, as inadvertently confirmed by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) statistics…

    “Microcephaly is a rare condition. One baby in several thousand is born with microcephaly.”

    Using the one baby in several thousand criteria WHO provides for the occurrence of microcephaly every year, then Brazil should have been reporting at least 1,000 cases per year (3 million/3000 = 1,000), not 150 cases. This explains why under closer examination the numbers in Brazil are declining from the truly high count of 4,180 cases of microcephaly initially reported,2 where of the more than 700 cases under review only 270 cases confirm microcephaly, ruling out the 462 other cases.

    If one uses the United States’ statistics of one baby in 1,600 born with microcephaly per year (4 million/2,500), Brazil should be reporting approximately 1,875 cases (3 million/1600) of microcephaly every year, a number that is showing up with the new Brazil count, where 0.3857% of the 700 cases under examination were shown to have microcephaly. So let’s do the math:

    0.3857 x 4,180 = 1,612

    1,612 is only 263 less than the 1,875 cases of microcephaly one would expect to see every year in Brazil if the American incidence of the disease (1 in 1600) were also true in Brazil. This undercounting in Brazil has been observed by experts in the medical community, and termed a scandal, “It’s a global scandal. Brazil has created a worldwide panic,” said Alexandre Dias Porto Chiavegatto Filho, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Sao Paulo, one of the most-respected universities in Latin America. “I’m not saying that Zika is not causing microcephaly, but I am saying that the ministry has yet to present any scientifically credible evidence to support that conclusion.” Ganeshwaran H. Mochida, a pediatric neurologist and researcher at Boston Children’s Hospital, also sounds the alarm, “It is possible that the baseline number in Brazil includes a lot of underreporting.”

    Firstly, it’s the global community, not just Brazil, that’s playing fast and loose with the fake Zika virus epidemic, and secondly, there never was a reason to believe that Brazil was suffering an epidemic of microcephaly in the first place, since it was well known that pre-2015 Brazilian doctors only reported a small fraction of such cases to the central government; pre-2015 there existed no reporting requirement for microcephaly in Brazil. The sudden emergence in 2015 of an ‘epidemic’ of microcephaly in Brazil actually represents numbers that would be expected given a comprehensive reporting requirement.

    So why the scare, you ask? To create public pressure to scale back restrictive abortion laws in central and south America, and undo state restrictions on abortion in the United States, as inadvertently admitted to by Georgetown University professors and Planned Parenthood and Newsweek.

    This news item illustrates the extent of the lies the Marxist co-opted media regurgitates each and every week, if not every day. How numerous are fraudulent news items when compared against truthful news items? My blog has proven that until one has verified the news for oneself, one must assume all news to be lies. Of course most persons have actual lives to live, where the demands of family and employment preclude close examination of the news. For those too pressed for independent research, this blog fills the gap.

    Notice too the ‘alternative’ media’s spin on the news item. Every imaginable conspiracy theory is offered, leaving unmentioned the easily discernible conspiracy facts. This false opposition tactic is what Marxists call the ‘Scissors Strategy’ in which the blades represent the two falsely opposed sides that converge on the confused victims, neutralizing true opposition to socialism, thereby allowing the advancement of socialism to the bewilderment of the true opposition.

    The Abortion Agenda’s Purpose

    Thanks to the blatant lies the CDC has advanced regarding the Zika virus and microcephaly, we now have further empirical proof for the Marxist co-option of the West (globe actually, the West leaving behind Marxist regimes in their former colonies), where abortion is used to destroy the Christian underpinnings of Western Civilization. As Marx said in the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right(1843)…

    “The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”

    The West cannot remain Christian for long when abortion is tolerated, since Christian dogma teaches us that human life is but a continuation of a previous non-corporeal existence…

    “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…”

    To destroy what’s in the womb is a must for Marxists, since with abortion on demand no one can long continue to believe in a God who knew us before we were born into the physical realm.

    At my blog, read the articles…

    ‘The Marxist ‘Gender Pay Gap’ – Class Struggle Meets Gender Struggle: Females Earn More Than Their Equally Matched Male Counterparts’

    ‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’

    ‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’

    Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’


    The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.

    My blog…


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      Dean Michael Jackson


      Wow, not one shocked response and thankful reply to my explosive discovery, a discovery that was so simple to discern, it screams “the Marxist co-option of the West’s institutions”.


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    Saeed, if you could explain what are they selling as quantified viral isolates in online shops like this
    As i see its supernatant from cells “infected” with sars cov-2. But is it really quantified? Because i shared this info and some fact checkers say : oh we have plenty of quantified viral stocks now and send this link. But where is the proof that this stock is really quantified. They cannot quantify something that they have never isolated, which means they have never seen it. I just want to know what to respond in this case. Maybe they quantified some rna that they made up in lab?


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      Saeed Qureshi


      Kate: I saw this reference/link when I wrote my article ( The link (beiResources) clearly states “isolate USA-WA1/2020”, it does not say “virus” or “isolated virus”. That is why I used the example, in my article, that molasses is not sugar or reference for sugar. Scientifically speaking, as explained in my article as well, there is no way this isolate/soup can be considered as a virus or isolated virus.

      This is a made-up definition/standard for self-serving purposes.


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        Saeed, thank you so much for everything you do! Your articles are the best i have ever read on the topic of viral isolation ( actually non isolation). No one explains things as clearly as you do. Thank you!


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          Saeed Qureshi


          Thank you Kate for your kind words. I hope my contributions will serve well the science and the public at large for better understanding of the pharmaceuticals including therapeutics.

          I would like to take this opportunity to mention and highlight the fact that ALL pharmaceuticals, might be with some few exceptions, are chemicals often very dangerous and potent. Therefore, they must be treated as such and evaluated based on well-established principles of chemical sciences, which in my view, usually have been ignored. Furthermore, this (chemical science) has been replaced with “clinical trial” practices, which in reality is a name of the “guessing game” i.e. which chemical compound will provide “desirable outcomes” for whatever reasons. I hope this point will be taken seriously moving forward.

          Thanks again and wish you all the best.


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