‘New Scientist’ Exploits Pandemic To Push Population Control

Exploiting the coronavirus to promote climate lockdowns apparently wasn’t enough for the leftist media. Now, one publication is looking to use it to push for radical population control.

New Scientist (NS) recently published an eco-extremist piece arguing for reductions in the world population.

The piece headlined, “The population debate: Are there too many people on the planet,” pivoted off of the pandemic: “The pandemic is becoming the latest focus for an old, uniquely contentious question: are there just too many of us on the planet?” [Emphasis added throughout.]

The article’s asinine thesis? “The basic argument is hard to deny. With fewer of us around, there would be fewer greenhouse gas emissions, less pollution, and waste, more space for both us and the rest of the natural world to survive and thrive.

Sounds like the plot for Ron Howard’s Inferno (2016).

One way to help the environment is for people to — wait for it — have fewer children, according to the leftist NS logic:

On the face of it, fewer people means less impact. Take climate change, perhaps the most immediately pressing of our many environmental problems.

In 2017, Kimberly Nicholas and her colleague Seth Wynes at Lund University in Sweden studied the measures people in advanced economies could take to reduce their carbon footprint.

Once they accounted for the generational effect – that every child a person has is likely to have children themselves – having one fewer child was the single most effective measure, saving 120 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year for the average US citizen.

The publication noted that a 1972 report by the eco-extremist Club of Rome predicting “the collapse of global systems in the mid-to-late 20th century if then-current trends of population growth and resource consumption were to continue” was wrong.

NS attributed this miscalculation in part to a worldwide fall in birth rates, a trend assisted by “[w]idespread availability of abortion and contraception.” Of course.

NS tried to hedge itself by saying “population control” isn’t going to solve the world’s problems because of the “looming climate change emergency.”

Given the impact of having more children extends over generations, having fewer of them won’t help us in the decade or so we have to get emissions down and avoid catastrophic global warming,” NS whined.

But, NS makes it a point of giving veiled, leftist prescriptions on what should be done to curb population growth:

[W]e need to press for more of what works in reducing population growth where population growth is high: education, and support for family planning and gender equality. ‘It means supporting programmes to give people access to modern contraceptives all around the world,’ says [UN Population Division Head John] Wilmoth.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact the New Scientist at 1-888-822-3242 and demand they stop pushing population control.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Read more at NewsBusters

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    Dean Michael Jackson


    Greater than 94% of the energy contained within nitrogen and oxygen are unaccounted for by the ‘climate change’ narrative, informing us of the massive scientific fraud taking place, the purpose of the fraud to further weaken the West’s economies.

    [On March 16 Trump directed the nation to stay home for 15 days(!), his Marxist economic sabotage directive still in play. Immediately following Trump’s directive, governors/mayors declared illegal Executive Orders to lockdown the nation, thereby proving Marxist coordination between Federal/State/Local governments.

    No new investments will be taking place because investments require recouping the investments, and with the spectre of the fake COVID-19 returning, or equally fake new pandemics, future lockdowns are in the future, therefore no investments are on the horizon. In short, the United States has been turned into a Banana Republic overnight.]

    Nitrogen and oxygen constitute, by volume, 99.03% of the atmosphere’s gasses, while the trace gases account for 0.97%, or just under 1% of the atmosphere’s gasses. If we include water vapor (H2O) in the atmosphere, which accounts for, on average, 2% of the atmosphere’s gases by volume, we therefore subtract this 2% from the atmosphere’s gasses, where nitrogen and oxygen will constitute 97.0494%, and the trace gasses will constitute 0.9506%.

    Nitrogen and oxygen don’t absorb much infrared radiation (IR) emitted from the ground, and assuming they absorb 100% of thermal energy from the surface, constituting approximately 5% of Earth’s energy budget, we’re left with a massive energy deficit for nitrogen and oxygen, confirming that those two molecules derive their energy from thermal ground/ocean emissions instead, but since the ‘climate change’ narrative identifies such emissions as not thermal but IR, we have proof that the energy being emitted isn’t IR but thermal because nitrogen and oxygen absorb a miniscule amount of IR.

    We’re told that Nitrogen and oxygen obtain 5.1% of their heat energy from thermal energy emanating from the surface…


    …and another .078% of their heat energy from outgoing infrared radiation, leaving an energy deficit of approximately 94.8%.

    Since nitrogen and oxygen constitute by volume 97.0494% of the atmosphere’s gasses (when water vapor is included in the calculations making for a more precise calculation), they must therefore retain that volume amount of heat energy, but 18.4 Wm2 only constitutes 5.1% of the Earth’s Energy Budget of 358.2 Wm2. Nitrogen and oxygen’s absorption of infrared radiation would only infinitesimally affect this missing heat energy.

    The missing energy levels for nitrogen and oxygen direct our attention to another aspect of the scientific fraud taking place: Misidentified outgoing energy types. IR is assigned an energy magnitude of 358.2 Wm2, and thermals 18.4 Wm2. The opposite is closer to the truth, where IR is assigned 18.4 Wm2, and thermals 358.2 Wm2.

    Hence why:


    Climate change mechanics conspires to do away with the physics of the atmosphere, where action and reaction is abandoned. When a new gas molecule is introduced into the dense troposphere, dislocation takes place, where if the new molecule is denser than the atmosphere (contains less heat energy), such as carbon dioxide, the gas molecule sinks displacing upwards the warmer nitrogen and oxygen molecules, thereby cooling the area of dislocation. Conversely, if the new gas molecule has more heat energy than the nitrogen-oxygen based atmosphere (such as methane), the new molecule rises, displacing relatively cooler nitrogen and oxygen molecules downwards, which displaces upwards relatively more heat retaining nitrogen and oxygen molecules, thereby cooling the area of dislocation. Thermodynamics in action in the atmosphere that keeps the Earth cool when increased radiation isn’t the new variable introduced.

    At my blog, bead the articles…

    ‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’

    ‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’

    Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’


    The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.

    My blog…



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      Dean Michael Jackson


      The astronomical cost of shifting to non-carbon based energy sources would literally send humanity back to the Stone Age, with consequent population decline; annihilation of the species, per the Satanic purpose for destroying the globe’s economies. Let’s make this abundantly clear by noting the shocking cost for just one critical component of the United State’s energy needs:


      The United States Strategic Petroleum Reserve is currently at 635.2 million barrels of oil. 635 million barrels of oil equals 1,079,123,092,000 megawatts. 1,079,123,092,000/100 = 10,791,230,920; 10,791,230,920 X $3.6 billion[1] = $3,884,831,310,000,000,000,000,000,000 (octillion).

      The United States’ Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2017 was $19,390,000,000,000 (trillion). Battery storage to replace the strategic petroleum reserve would cost more than 100,000 GDPs!


      Climate change mechanics conspires to do away with the physics of the atmosphere, where action and reaction is abandoned. When a new gas molecule is introduced into the dense troposphere, dislocation takes place, where if the new molecule is denser than the atmosphere (contains less heat energy), such as carbon dioxide, the gas molecule sinks displacing upwards the warmer nitrogen and oxygen molecules, thereby cooling the area of dislocation. Conversely, if the new gas molecule has more heat energy than the nitrogen-oxygen based atmosphere (such as methane), the new molecule rises, displacing relatively cooler nitrogen and oxygen molecules downwards, which displaces upwards relatively more heat retaining nitrogen and oxygen molecules, thereby cooling the area of dislocation. Thermodynamics in action in the atmosphere that keeps the Earth cool when increased radiation isn’t the new variable introduced.


      The identity of the mass murderers that have co-opted the globe’s institutions identify themselves as Marxists, most being unaware that they are, in fact, manipulated by a top level leadership cadre composed of humanity’s arch enemy’s combatants, Satanists.

      Troubled by a personal moral breakdown once freed from parental constraints (a libertine), the man the world knows as a racist and callous and domineering psychopath was formerly a devout and lovely young follower of Christ. Then Marx’s personality changed for the worse, seeking not atheism, but revenge against God and His children on Earth:

      “Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited,
      I know it full well,
      My soul, once true
      to God, Is chosen for hell.”


      “With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
      Full in the face
      of the world,
      And see the collapse
      of this pygmy giant
      Whose fall will
      not stifle my ardour.
      Then will I wander
      godlike and victorious
      Through the ruins
      of the world
      And, giving my
      words an active force,
      I will feel equal
      to the Creator.”

      Marx wrote those poems AFTER he transferred university from Bonn to Berlin, telling us (1) Marx always remained a theist, feigning atheism; and (2) that we were lied to when told that once Marx entered university that’s when he became an atheist. As for the rank and file Marxists, they’re marionettes, whose strings are pulled by the Marxist leadership class who are actually Satanists; Satanists have been active within our institutions for millennia, as Jesus warned us.

      [1] $3.6 billion is the cost for a 100 megawatts battery. In 2006, during peak power in the summer, Washington, DC used approximately 6,888 MW of power: 6,888/100 MW = 68 MW; 68MW X $3.6 billion = $244.8 billion for Washington, DC to switch from petroleum to renewable energy sources. Washington, DC’s annual budget is $12.8 billion.


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        Tom O


        Hi Dean. How about just once in a while make your comments a bit more relevant to the article you are commenting on and less the “boilerplate” comments like these two trying to promote your BLOG? I actually went and looked at your blog – once. That was enough for me. If you want to “advertise” your website here, are you at least offering John a bit of gold since you are using his blog to advertise your own?


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          Dean Michael Jackson


          “I actually went and looked at your blog – once. That was enough for me. ”

          We have a Marxist on the thread naturally not shocked to learn that the West conspired to not VERIFY the ‘collapse’ of the Soviet Bloc, then conspired throughput the 1980s to regurgitate Soviet Bloc under counting of communist party membership numbers in order to provide the narrative of imploding Soviet Bloc political establishments, the real numbers located in Party Congress literature, where in the case of the USSR, between the 1986 Party Congress and 1990 Party Congress, communist party membership increased by 28%. In the case of Yugoslavia, between 1982 – 1991, communist party membership increased by 40%.

          The 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, held from 25 February to 6 March 1986, was attended by 4,993 delegates, each delegate representing 3,670 party members, giving a total number for communist party membership of 18,324,310. The 28th Congress, held in 1990, had 4,700 delegates,[1] each delegate representing 5,000 party members, which = 23.5 million communist party members:

          “The Soviet Communist Party is hemorrhaging members and cash by the millions. In the past year, 4-million of its 19-million members have quit or stopped paying their dues on time.

          With the cogs of their political machine starting to jam, the Communists’ iron control over all aspects of Soviet life is slipping. Half a million people protested Communist power in a demonstration outside the Kremlin on Sunday, many of them waving derogatory signs that once would have brought them 10-year prison terms.

          Last year, the party lost 2.7-million of its 19-million members, Marti Chemodanov of the party’s Central Committee staff told the Associated Press.

          Only 125,000 dared to quit the party in 1989.”[2]

          “The Enhanced Role Of The Party As The Guiding Force Behind The Strategy

          The ‘perestroika’ strategy demands a widening of the scope of the Party’s political activity and an increase in its effectiveness. The Party has introduced and is practising a greater degree of inner-Party democracy, which is vital to the successful conduct of the strategy. Official and unofficial Soviet statements have referred to resignations from the Party, to an overall loss in its membership and even to the possibility of its long-term disintegration. The New York Times of 4 November 1990, quoting the Central Committee paper Glasnost’, gives a decline in membership of from over 19 million to 17.7 million. A more reliable figure can be derived from the representation at the Party’s 1990 Congress. This was attended by 4,700 delegates each representing 5,000 Party members – indicating a total membership of 23.5 million, a figure consistent with the increase in the strength of the Central Committee from over 300 to 412 members.”[3]

          In 1986 Soviet Party members were 18.3 million, in 1990 23.5 million, not 19 million. Membership increased, not decreased.

          In Yugoslavia, membership increased 40.75% between 1982 and 1991. The West knowingly regurgitated disinformation from the Soviet Bloc, thereby proving the Marxist co-option of the West.

          The West conspired to regurgitate false Soviet Bloc under counting of Soviet Bloc communist party membership in order to provide a narrative of imploding Soviet Bloc political establishments.

          [1] https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/inatl/longterm/russiagov/stories/quits071390.htm

          [2] https://www.tampabay.com/archive/1991/03/13/party-losing-money-and-members/

          [3] https://archive.org/stream/AnatoliyGolitsyn/Golitsyn-ThePerestroikaDeception-TheWorldsSlideTowardsTheSecondOctoberRevolution1995_djvu.txt


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        Seriously mate, give it a fing break will you?! This material seems irrelevant to this article. Getting tiring having to get past these repetitive and irrelevant tomes of text/promo your blog in the reply section on many articles on PS.


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          Dean Michael Jackson


          Are there any non-Marxists on this site who don’t pretend they never heard of thermodynamics, nor pretend not to know that nitrogen and oxygen heats the atmosphere and what that proves about ‘climate change’?


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            dean stop the spam, jackass

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    Andy Rowlands


    Excellent article, hits the nail on the head.


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    John Doran



    Probably the biggest lie in the matrix of lies we are incarcerated inside.

    Brilliant economist Julian L. Simon dealt with this lie in his great book:
    The Ultimate Resource 2, along with many modern concerns. A joy to read.
    Simon took money off arch-doomsters Paul Ehrlich & John Holdren in a bet on the future prices of resources. The ultimate resource is human ingenuity, which the Satanic doomsters never factor in.

    A shorter book, but not a joy to read is PhD nuclear engineer Robert Zubrin’s Merchants Of Despair, which shows the Malthusian, Darwinian & Nazi roots of the “environmentalist” movement & their frankly disgusting depopulation tactics. Also shows the safety stats of nuclear energy & that fusion has been held back by both under-funding & being buried under bureaucracy.


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