NBC Nightly News Admits COVID-19 Doesn’t Even EXIST!
Even NBC news now admits the virus does not exist. Undeniable scientific evidence is growing all over the world that there is no laboratory isolate of the pandemic virus we are told caused COVID19. The entire SARS-CoV-2 narrative has been spun from junk science, data fiddling and a conspiracy among vested interests.
The RT PCR test widely use to ‘test’ for COVID19 is not a diagnostic – it cannot diagnose and be a tool in the treatment of a disease. Which means every time Bloomberg, Gates Foundation and Zuckerberg foundation COVID-19 dashboard reports that there is a another case of COVID-19, because of a positive RT PCR test, they are violating the Federal Trade Commission Act.
You cannot diagnose a disease if you have no proven ‘gold standard’ of identification which comes from reproducing an isolation. The claims COVID-19 have been isolated are not backed by any validated laboratory testing. If anyone still claims it has, then it is a misrepresentation, a deceptive practice under the Federal Trade Commission Act.
More at odysee.com
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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If this is true it is astonishing that reputable journalists have not exposed this fraud. One person saying the virus has not been isolated is not sufficient. The problem is that too much can be faked these days, including the freedom of information requests about the isolated virus.
But, in relation to this I have now heard several people who are developing the vaccines saying that they did not need a sample of the virus to develop the vaccines and they only needed the genome, but they never say where the genome came from. If it came from China, we should be suspicious.
It is also obvious that the UK government and media is lying about the death statistics because they constantly quote them out of context and without reference to the population size. It has been said that UK deaths in 2020 were much larger than the deaths in 1918 during the Spanish flu epidemic. This is not true, even based on deaths. The ONS database of deaths from 1838 to 2020 shows total deaths in 2020 as 608,002 and in 1918 as 611,861. They were similar but in 1918 many of the excess deaths would have been due to the war dead. However, when these deaths are adjusted for the population size, the mortality rate per 100,000 was 1,798 in 1918 and 1,016 in 2020. These are the crude mortality rates not the age adjusted since that figure is not available for 1918.
Then the media compared 2020 with the previous five years which had a low number of deaths. Taking the average deaths for the last 20 years and using age adjusted figures the average mortality rate is 1065 compared with 2020 of 1043, so slightly fewer deaths than the average. The 2020 deaths are not finalised, and we really need to wait a few years to really understand what has happened. However, I can see no reason to be concerned about the excess deaths in 2020.
Duncan MacCrimmon
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Canadian journalist Rosemary Frei was on to this.
See her June 9 2020 article
Allan Shelton
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Further then… If they only need the genome, where is the proof of that statement??
On and on it goes……..
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I have a part of that clip at my channel: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fRlqp8e5D5Sx/
Now that I see the clip in a larger context, it’s possible — and needs to be ruled out — that the Dr. was referring only to animal samples taken from the Wuhan market when he said the virus hadn’t been isolated. This needs to be clarified.
Saeed Qureshi
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In my view, PSI, as a media, should be given credit for highlighting the falseness of the PCR testing and virus isolation. PSI is undoubtedly ahead in pointing out this fake news/science by the “experts.” For example:
(1) https://principia-scientific.com/discredited-cdc-sars-cov-2-covid-19-testing-isolation-claims/ (Published November 12th, 2020).
(2) https://principia-scientific.com/covid-19-vaccine-not-possible-for-a-virus-not-yet-identified/ (Published August 6th, 2020).
For more related articles, visit the PSI site or my blog (http://www.drug-dissolution-testing.com/?page_id=3669)
Recently I put a short comment on my blog, which may be of interest to read to indicate the future direction in the COVID-19 saga (http://www.drug-dissolution-testing.com/?p=3738).
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True. Not 1 government anywhere in the world has an isolated sample, as verified by the US cdc, and UK gov. All they have is a Chinese computer modeled version of what ‘they’ think it looks like.