Natural Immunity Lasts for at Least 18 Months: Study

The protection people experience after recovering from COVID-19, known widely as natural immunity, lasts for at least 18 months, according to a recently published study.

Researchers in Italy analyzed the level of antibodies in 36 patients who were documented as contracting COVID-19 in March 2020. About half of the patients went on to get COVID-19 vaccines, but the rest remained unvaccinated. Samples from all but two were tested at timed intervals, ending in September 2021, using assays that have received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

“At 18 months, 97 percent participants tested positive for anti-NCP, hinting towards the persistence of infection-induced immunity even for the vaccinated individuals,” researchers wrote in the preprint paper, which was published on the medrxiv website.

NCP stands for nucleocapsid, a part of SARS-CoV-2. Antibodies are believed to protect people against against infection from the virus.

Researchers did find that vaccination with Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines gave those with prior infection a significant boost, but that the increase in protection waned relatively quickly.

“Our study findings demonstrate that while double dose vaccination boosted the IgG titers in recovered individuals 161 times, this ‘boost’ was relatively short-lived. The unvaccinated recovered individuals, in contrast, continued to show a steady decline but detectable antibody levels. We do believe that further studies are required to re-evaluate the timing and dose regimen of vaccines for an adequate immune response in recovered individuals,” Dr. Asiya Zaidi, a research fellow at the Associazione Naso Sano and one of the authors, told The Epoch Times in an email.

Limitations of the longitudinal observational study include the small number of patients.

The researchers, who fund their own research, said the limited sample size was due to a lack of funding because repeated serology tests for each patient for 18 months was expensive and because following up with all the patients and reminding them of the testing was difficult.

Its strengths include the remarkable length of time.

“This is the longest observation (March 2020-September 2021) for the presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in recovered individuals along with the impact of 2 dose-BNT162b2 vaccination on the titers,” the researchers wrote.

SARS-CoV-2, also known as the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, causes COVID-19. BNT162b2 is the trade name for the Pfizer jab.

Previous studies have demonstrated the powerful effect of natural immunity against the virus, including a study published in Nature in mid-January that found that the response of memory B cells, a marker of protection against severe COVID-19, evolved in the months following infection “in a manner that is consistent with antigen persistence.”

Other markers of protection were observed in studies in 2021 to last at least over 7 months, at least 8 months, at least 10 months, at least 11 months, at least 13 months, and at least 14 months. The studies were completed before the emergence of the Omicron virus variant, which early data indicate is better at evading both natural immunity and vaccine-derived protection.

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Comments (12)

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    Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said anyone that willfully vilified and obstructed access to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 is guilty of first degree capital murder, genocide, and crimes against humanity. They are trying to jab as many people as possible so that their great reset aka depopulation plan work. I believe in God & Jesus. If I get sick I will take my Ivermectin that I stashed just in case and leave rest to God. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit


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      Charles Higley


      Instead, why not load up on your nutrients. Vitamins C and D and zinc and magnesium. I used to get a one or two colds or flu every year and now it’s been over two years, once I started these regular nutrients. If you are already up on zinc, there’s no need for zinc. No need for boluses of Vitamin D, if your concentrations are already high.


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      Why is your shameless post on every story here? Why exactly does anyone need Ivermectin when viruses do not exist?
      You are just hawking another poison to the sheeple you shameless cretin.
      Zelenko is a fraud. And so are you. Shame on you.
      Get the FU@# outta here!
      No virus means certainly no need for your toxic garbage bitch.


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    Charles Higley


    Actually, looking for antibodies is wrong at times later than 6 weeks after recovering from a challenge. Antibodies decrease over time, but their related T-cells are still there ready to make more if later challenged. Thus, the only mature to assess natural immunity is to assess those T-cells. It is likely that natural immunity lasts far longer than 18 months. It’s more like 40+ years. I had Hong Kong flu back in 1968 and did not get the next H1N1, swine flu in 2009, that came through. However, our young people got it because they were no immune from previous challenge.


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    Charles Higley


    ” Omicron virus variant, which early data indicate is better at evading both natural immunity and vaccine-derived protection.”

    It does not evade anything. It simply mutated enough to be unrecognizable by previous natural immunities. Describing it has doing some other than evolve to be different is simply fear-mongering.


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      Oh micron is a mucosal infection rather than invading tissue and being dealt with by the systemic immune system predominantly.

      This interview by Dr John Campbell with Dr Robert Clancy, a discoverer of the mucosal immune mechanism is absolutely fascinating and informative. There are no contradictions with Dr Bhakdi’s explanation of the systemic immune system.


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        Hi Charles Higley and readers, even Jerry. 🙂
        To evolve my previous statement.
        The difference between Clancy and Bhakdi is Clancy explains suppression cells in relation to immunoglobulin A and the mucosal immune process and how this works in overcoming food allergies whereas Bhakdi states that until appropriate animal studies are undertaken, which is studies using the monkey, ( not the mouse or rat) everything is speculation in relation to Antibody Dependent Enhancement. (ADE) In other words, uncertain.

        When I stated there was no contradiction between Clancy and Bhakdi I must emphasize that everything Charles Higley has stated, without exception, has also rung true.

        An interesting observation is with the PCR test sticking a long barreled cotton bud up somebodies nose is scraping away the mucosal protective layer and allowing the virus access directly into tissue, bypassing the first line of defense. This could be the reason PCR test were selected as a foundation of the smoke and mirrors pandemic orchestrations.


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          The reason PCR test was selected was the amplification issue to create false positives of around 80%. A false pandemic.

          The scraping away of the mucosal protective layer to allow virus into tissue and the blood is merely another layer of evil.


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    Mr Crabs


    Immunity lasts forever. You were born with a healthy body. It’s only when idiots seek out poisons such as vaccines or pharmaceutical drugs that things go wrong in the body. Also the average “American lifestyle” plays a huge part in the development of disease. Being a lazy, fat, junk eating slob, smoking, drinking, partying, and taking big Pharma drugs for every little sniffle. That is why they get “sick”. Look into Terrain theory. Obviously most don’t. Go to any public place in the USA. What do you see? I’ll tell you what I see. Big fat ugly MFers everywhere. It actually burns my eyes. Slob cart riding Jabba the Huts racing to the Cheetohs aisle. Then off to the “pharmacy” to get their type 2 diabetes drugs and all the other garbage that they take to treat the symptoms of their 300 pound plus lard depository.
    So these sickly, obese blobs obviously are into germ theory. They are believers in popular culture. Believers in obese pig acceptance. Believers in covid. Believers in EVERYTHING except the truth. They seem to think that being so fat that they can’t walk a few blocks is normal. No problemo. Seem to think that eating processed junk “food” is OK. Think that Dr. Quacksalot has a magic pill or vaccine for everything. Think that they will make it at least to 80 years old. (yeah right) This is the world today. This is the majority.

    Back in the day say in the 1970s and 1980s most people were much healthier. Folks didn’t have their noses in their “smart phones” all day. Social media did not exist. Kids played outside. Video games did not exist. High Fructose Corn Syrup did not exist. Fast food joints were not on every corner. If you saw a chubby person, you might think that their “glands” were messed up. Yes it really was that rare to see chubby people of any age.

    Certainly not the case today in 2022. In fact if you are over 35 and still in the neighborhood weight wise as you were in High School you are a freak. Literally rare like a needle in a haystack individual. I’m going to say less than 1% of all Americans (probably much less) weigh even within 20 pounds of their fit, athletic high school weight. NOPE. Most weigh over 200 pounds. And gain more each year. And what does Dr. Quacksalot say about that? “Oh don’t worry it’s “normal for the average adult to gain 10 to 20 pounds a year.” How is that normal? Is that what one sees in Nature? What Deer, Lions, Wolves, birds, lizards, fish…..they all seem to “normally” gain fat each year? Get the FU@# outta here!
    A 5 foot 9 inch man should weigh somewhere in the vicinity of 130 to 160 pounds. Any more than that is just extra lard. If you are a gym “bro” then anything over that is temporary water and muscle mass that goes away as soon as you get off the steroids. Try it and see.
    A 5 foot 4 inch woman should weigh somewhere in the vicinity of 100 to 130 pounds. Any more than that is just lard.
    Hint- After your body stops growing your caloric needs decrease. For most by the mid 20s if they still eat like growing teenagers, they get really fat. Try eating just 2 meals a day. By your 40s and 50s, one meal a day is plenty for most. Unless of course you enjoy being obese.
    You get one body to live with. Why is it that the average dumb ass just treats it like a disposable container? Literal insanity.
    Terrain theory is the way things are. That is, the body is a perfect organism. All that is required to be disease free is to take good care of the body, soul and mind. That means never taking any vaccine or big pharma drug. Exercising at least a few times a week. Eating organic healthy foods. Taking vitamins and healthy natural supplements. Doing fasts and cleanses. Doing colonics or coffee enemas. Getting restful, peaceful sleep, being calm and not too stressed out. Having a loving connection to your creator or source. Getting fresh air and sunlight. Doing things you enjoy often. Avoiding toxic people, places, jobs, vices, drugs, smoking, alcohol and stress.
    Some examples:
    Most can treat type 2 diabetes with a proper diet. Most don’t. They go see Dr. Quacksalot and get their insulin (which is a fat storage hormone and makes them fatter) and metformin because that is what they have been trained to do by “popular culture”.
    Cancer is another. It can be completely cured by simply getting the body into an alkaline state. That means Gershon Therapy. Fasts, raw vegan juices, coffee enemas and monitoring PH levels. Cancer, no matter what stage, cannot survive in an alkaline body. Period. Most go see the Oncologist and get condemned to death by surgery, chemo or radiation. Madness.
    Covid is another. Viruses do not exist. So follow the healthy information above and you will not get “sick”. Most are mindless idiots. So they will get the jabs, boosters, tests, and wear their masks everywhere.
    Research germ theory versus terrain theory and see how the world has been deceived by those that lie about EVERYTHING.
    No charge.


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      A most excellent reply…I completely agree with the truth you present.


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    Cowflop! I haven’t had a flu shot in over 45 years and no flu in over 30. So I figure my immunity has lasted many decades and continues to protect me.


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