Nasa confirms a ‘super-Earth’ exists in our solar system

For years, scientists have argued about whether or not Planet Nine exists, but now NASA says that it does

The space agency points out five different pieces of evidence that show the mysterious world is real and says that pretending Planet Nine doesn’t exist makes more problems than it solves.

According to the Daily Mail, scientists are now trying to find Planet Nine by using the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii. They hope that if they find it, it will help them figure out where it came from.

Experts from Caltech came up with the idea of Planet Nine for the first time in 2014.

Even though the planet hasn’t been found yet, scientists think there is strong evidence that it exists.

Scientists think that the huge icy planet is ten times the size of Earth and 20 times farther from the sun than Neptune.

Planet Nine is thought to be a “super-Earth,” a type of big world that seems to be very common in the universe.

Dr. Konstantin Batygin, a planetary astrophysicist at Caltech in Pasadena whose team is getting close to finding Planet Nine, said, “There are now five different lines of observational evidence that point to the existence of Planet Nine.

“If you take away this explanation and pretend Planet Nine doesn’t exist, you create more problems than you solve.

“All of a sudden, you have five different puzzles, and you have to come up with five different theories to explain them.”

In 2016, Batygin published a study that looked at the orbits of six objects in the Kuiper Belt. The Kuiper Belt is a faraway region of icy bodies that stretches from Neptune out into space.

His research showed that all of the objects had elliptical orbits that all pointed in the same direction and were tilted 30 degrees “downward” compared to the plane in which the eight planets circle the sun.

To find out more, the researchers used computer simulations of the solar system, which included Planet Nine, and showed that there should be more things tilted at 90 degrees to the plane of the eight planets.

The team found that five things that astronomers already knew fit the bill.

After this study, two more clues about Planet Nine came to light.

A second article by Batygin’s team, led by Elizabeth Bailey, showed that Planet Nine could have tilted the planets in our solar system over the last 4.5 billion years.

Batygin said, “Planet Nine will make the whole plane of the solar system spin or wobble over long periods of time, just like a top on a table.”

Lastly, the researchers show how the existence of Planet Nine could explain why objects in the Kuiper Belt orbit in the opposite direction of everything else in the solar system.

Batygin said, “No other model can explain how strange these orbits with a high tilt are. Planet Nine turns out to be a natural path for their generation.

“Planet Nine helped twist these things out of the plane of the solar system, and then Neptune spread them outward.”

But it’s feared that Planet Nine will destroy the solar system in the end by causing a terrible “death dance.”

It could one day hurtle through our solar system, sending planets “pinballing” into space or straight into the Sun.

Dr. Dimitri Veras of the Department of Physics said, “The existence of a massive planet far away could change the future of the solar system in a fundamental way.”

“The fate of the solar system would depend on how big Planet Nine is and how it moves around.”

We have about seven billion years to get ready for this terrible thing, which will happen when the Sun starts to die.

Researchers now hope to find Planet Nine itself using the “best tool” for the job, the Subaru Telescope at Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii.

Batygin said, “I think the fact that we found Planet Nine will tell us something about where it came from.”

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Comments (11)

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    More proof that science has gone off the rails. Like any virus..let’s say it exists and then go about trying to find it. They are still trying 100 years later. Pluto will always be planet #9 for me and I couldn’t care less what the wokies say. A new super earth? Does that mean it has more government making it better?


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      Terry Shipman


      When I was a boy in elementary school in the 1950’s I was taught that Pluto was the ninth planet. At age 72 I am too old and set in my ways to accept the downgrade of Pluto to non-planetary status. As far as I’m concerned they can search for planet 10 and just leave poor Pluto alone. Pluto will always be planet 9 to me.


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    Pluto meets the basic definition of a planet,

    1) Has a planetary orbit going around the Sun
    2) Has a satellite orbiting


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Sunsettommy,
      Your definition is to narrow.It excludes Mercury and Venus but includes many binary asteroid.
      I think the reason they kick Pluto out is because its orbit is tilted out of the planetary plane and they found larger objects orbiting in the Ort belt.


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    John Thomas Bakkila


    It’s planet 10, actually…


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    The “idea” that a planet exists, ok.


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    If the putatively supposed yet elusive Planet Nine has been declared officially there by Never A Straight Answer, well then, it must be there.

    If it existed, though, it would have been discovered by now.


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    Climate Heretic


    As many above have alluded to. They have not discovered a ninth planet. Pluto has and always will be the ninth planet.

    The saga of the shaming of Pluto, is a disgrace to the name of science.

    They discovered a new planet? Liers.

    Climate Heretic


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    Kevin Doyle


    Is this the same NASA which tells us freezing cold clouds at 15,000 foot altitude are ‘warming’ the Earth?

    What’s next? NASA confirms via speculation that Loch Ness Monster is there, we just can’t see it yet, due to climate change…


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Kevin,
      The atmosphere the clouds are in may have a temperature well below 0C but they are not freezing. Since they are not pure water and are agitated they cannot be super cooled. The reason they remain liquid and can warm the because the temperature measured at the altitude is a result of very few gas molecules striking the thermometer and transferring energy to it. The gas molecules have a lot of kinetic energy (divide the temperature by the density to get the kinetic energy of a constant number of molecules.) which, when it is absorbed by the water in the clouds prevents freezing and records low temperature on the thermometer. This allows the water to act as a thermal storage system adding heat to the gas molecules as these high velocity gas molecules collide with the surface and transfer energy according to the law of conservation of momentum.

      (Fixed your misspelled name) SUNMOD


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    Robert Beatty


    Hi John O’Sullivan and Andy Rowlands,
    I have reviewed this NASA paper of 23 January 2023
    The Kuiper belt is quoted as rotating in a retrograde sidereal orbit, while the Pluto system has a posigrade rotation similar to most other solar system planets. Given those established facts, I think we can draw some interesting conclusions regarding the early stage of the solar system development. I have drawn the proposition in Planets Satellites and Landforms document at Page 68-71 that Kuiper belt, Pluto and Ort cloud objects originally came from Jupiter. The new exhibit showing the proposed separation of the Kuiper belt and Pluto is at
    I conclude that there is no reason to suspect the presence of a ‘Super Earth’ in our solar system’.


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