Medical Company CEO Suggests No Public Health Care for Unvaccinated

The CEO of a major medical equipment maker said that those who refused to get a COVID-19 vaccine should be “automatically considered” to have forfeited the right to obtain COVID-19 treatment in a public hospital.

Stefan Dräger, the CEO of major German medical manufacturer Dräger, told Die Welt that those who reject getting a shot for the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus should not be able to get publicly funded hospital treatment for the disease. Dräger is considered one of the largest makers of ventilators in the world.

“Anyone who refuses vaccination must forgo treatment in the hospital,” he said, reported other German media citing Welt, according to a German-to-English translation. “If he refuses, this is automatically considered a patient decree that if he falls ill with the virus, he will not be treated in hospital at the expense of the general public,” Dräger also said in the interview, published Thursday.

His argument for such a protocol, which is sure to draw criticism, is because it “avoids overburdening hospitals and staff,” he added.

The German CEO also stated:

“What bothers me about mandatory vaccination is that the state then makes the decision for the people and relieves them of their responsibility. In my opinion, a large, silent majority in our country is currently suffering from an unrepentant minority,” Dräger continued. “I also mean this in a medical sense, for example [since] the treatment of other illnesses or operations has to be postponed.”

A number of European countries in recent days have moved to rescind some COVID-19 rules, including vaccine passports, amid falling case numbers. However, Germany and neighboring Austria have instead opted to implement more restrictions.

The German government is reportedly considering a general vaccine mandate for everyone aged 18 and older.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who replaced longtime former Chancellor Angela Merkel, told news outlets in January that supports the idea of a general vaccine mandate by saying: “I’m convinced now that without compulsory vaccination, we won’t be able to get the vaccination rates up to the level needed to get us out of the pandemic.”

The Austrian Parliament passed a similar measure and its president signed it into law earlier in February. Harsh fines of thousands of euros could be levied several times per year on individuals who refuse to comply.

On Friday, a top German court rejected a legal challenge to temporarily block the implementation of a CCP virus mandate for health care workers scheduled to be enforced in March. The move was welcomed by the German government.

Scholz has said that because he and health officials believe COVID-19 cases will rise in the fall and winter of 2022, it’s necessary to make vaccines compulsory. During a speech to Parliament on Friday, he reiterated his stance.

“Because the next fall and winter will again see a rise in infections the universal vaccinate mandate also makes sense,” the chancellor said.

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Comments (32)

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    How about all pharma industries that have been fined billions for fraud and lies should be closed down.


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      Totally. Everything pasteur methodology, virology, “contagious disease”, pharma is toxic fraud garbage.


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      Allan Shelton


      Right on Richard… .. but the Politicos would lose there funding I’m afraid.


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        I just want to point out, I’ve commented quite a bit on Steve Kirsch’s posts, I don’t get arguments, I’m regularly attacked. Steve peddles shit and is associated with pharma, upholds the fundamental fraud (coz he’s invested).


        You might want to check out the rest of her articles too, Also, the Corona Committee is worthless. Wodarg, et al being irrelevant cons.


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          That was a long read through all the links but happily forwarded on. Quite the horror story. The fake swine flu pandemic of 2008 was documented by , ARTE TV in “Profiteers of fear”


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    very old white guy


    I wonder what will be the next thing that people should be denied medical care because of, too fat, too stupid, too conservative. We have to stop giving fools a platform for expressing their insanity.


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      Charles Higley


      Truth be told, you are better off with the cheap therapeutics out there already. No hospital required.

      Load yourself up on Vitamins D and C and magnesium and zinc and you will not even need the therapeutics.

      I started doing this over two years ago and have not had even a sniffle since. It works. Give your immune system all the weapons it needs and it will surprise you. Oh, I am 71.


      • Avatar



        Varied antioxidants, chelators, anthocyanins, proteolytic enzymes, flavonoids, caretonoids, phenols, terpenoids, etc. All of which you can get from plant foods. Oh also, clean water, good sunlight. Address common deficiencies and toxicities (take a look at the common prevalent societal factors).


        • Avatar



          Yea you actually made a comment that is worth reading and not just stupid or vile. Proud of you


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            Gfys. I won’t comment any more. Gl.

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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Charles,

        “Load yourself up on Vitamins D and C and magnesium and zinc and you will not even need the therapeutics. I started doing this over two years ago and have not had even a sniffle since.”

        I haven’t loaded up on “Vitamins D and C and magnesium and zinc ” and I have not had even a sniffle since. Have you considered the possibility that you and I have a NATURAL IMMUNITY to WHATEVER is causing people to die if not TREATED with the RIGHT STUFF???

        Have a good day, Jerry


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    Ken Hughes


    The link between Nazis and “captains of German industry” is notable.


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    Peter F Gill


    I would have thought that a Hippocratic oath would trump a hypocritical oath.


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      ellie Mae


      I assume this man feels the same way about treating smokers, drinkers, bad drivers, sports enthusiasts putting themselves in harm’s way, overweight, underweight….


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        Eric the Red


        I doubt it. This is all thinly disguised political theater, where the left finds any excuse to punish their enemies by conflating them with anti-vaxxers. And their enemies are endless boogeymen of racists, homophobes, Christians, traditionalists, fascists, white nationalists, misogynists, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.


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    Will those denied medical care for exercising bodily autonomy have
    their taxes reduced, with refunds of what they have already paid?
    If not, why not?


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    If science can’t be questioned it’s not science anymore. It’s propaganda. They want to rip on people for taking Ivermectin. I researched and saw the evidence on the internet. Research papers are on the internet for those who wants to see. Top respected world doctors are being under defamation by MSM and vaccine manufacturers. I won’t back down recommeding IVM. You can get yours by visiting


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    In Italia come nel resto del mondo è una frode il vaccino o meglio siero OGM non esiste. E’ un crimine contro l’umanità. Siamo in mano a comunisti e pedofilo/satanisti. Un raffreddore lo chiamano covid19…


  • Avatar

    Eric the Red


    These petty tyrants are fixated on their holy narrative about vaccines, to the exclusion of logic, facts, truth, and reality. It’s a moral imperative, and they will do anything to force everyone else to worship it and thereby validate their insanity.


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    Saeed Qureshi


    @ “ … to have forfeited the right to obtain COVID-19 treatment in a public hospital.”

    That should be fine if he or someone else could have a test to test the COVID-19 – there is none. However, be prepared for the consequences of testing for COVID-19.


    • Avatar



      Cheers dude.

      If I need a respectable chemist, I’d probably cite you.

      Enormous amount of supposed “medical” diagnostics is invasive and CAUSATIVE in disease. First, physically such as with “covid tests” or mammograms, PET scans, and because of psychological trauma leading to the body being stressed out and that having negative physiological effects, financial pressures as well as the toxic pharma shit peddled based on those “diagnoses” usually associated.

      I mean, people actually think their health status is a binary term, derived from an invasive, damaging, toxic procedure with a tool using extrapolatory exponential deviation from even that specimen of snot, with that tool TARGETING a result with repeated chemical alteration? What? Your health status is 0 or 1 based on snot, which is chemically altered repeatedly? Really?

      I dunno hey, people are stupid beyond belief. Zombiedronerobosheepclones.


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      Oh and even more importantly, as you’ve also suggested, there is no covid. It’s conflation, misattribution, backwards horseshit to avoid causation by ignorance of enormous amounts of factors and processes known to be causative in disease.

      Essentially, people fear supposed mythical viruses (none of which exist or function as claimed) as if they harbour the wrath of God. And through that religious belief, they run towards their pharma Jesus, which is vaccines, ivermectin, HCQ, AZM, etc. And as a reminder, vaccines vs ivermectin, hcq, etc is the SAME SHIT, peddled from the SAME FRAUD, coz they’re part of the SAME agenda. AVOID.


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    Of course, mein Führer, you’re absolutely right, but about the virus, mein Führer, shouldn’t it exist, mein Führer?

    The most important thing in my view is that the world understands now that THERE IS NO VIRUS! All what they are doing is based on lies, lies and lies!

    All you need to know: THE ENTIRE VIROLOGY HAS BEEN REFUTED! There is no virus, no variant/mutation, and there was never a pandemic!


    Virology Debunks Corona –



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      Oh there is a virus, It’s a flu, like any other. Just another flu!


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        Mr Crabs


        Flu, cold, covid, herpes, pox just fraudulent names for a toxic body undergoing a life saving self cleanse. Just that simple. Got it simpleton? Idiots!


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    Actually, you might live longer learning how to doctor yourself and avoid the modern stone-age medical mafia. They haven’t provided cures for much of anything over the last 150 years. Viruses don’t matter, it’s the terrain that does. Big pharma overall is the greatest hoax in world history.


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    Geraint Hughes


    Who needs a jab when vitamin d, c, k, zinc and magnesium are so cheap and readily available.


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    Every person, to avoid any virus, needs to take 30-50 MG of Zinc with Quercetin(pihytosome), together with vitamin D3, 5000-7000IU’s. No need for a Doctor or a
    a Vaccine. The Vaccine does not prevent COVID, and it degrades a person immune system, making a person more prone to other health problems. It makes no sense to take something that can harm your health or kill you, when very safe and effective alternative is available.
    The unvaccinated are the new Jews by this Nazi’s standards.


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