Male and Female Are Naturally a Perfect Match

What are the ingredients of an enduring and successful social foundation? In recent decades, that question holds increasing importance due to a modern trend that normalizes the abnormal

The convoluted mindset of the transgender industrial complex (TIC) defies the definition of biological gender as it strives to subvert the timeless bonds that keep society from collapsing, including the mangling of the English language.

From time immemorial, God and nature have shaped a match made in heaven. That match is the attraction and interactive relationship between natural males and females.

The qualities that might be lacking in males are to be found in females and vice versa, thus creating a complementary whole. This natural formation has nothing to do with privilege but has everything to do with the natural order.

Does this mean that everything is peachy keen? No, there are challenges to face in learning how to rein in human egos for the benefit of healthy relationships. There will be squabbles and incidents that revolve around dignity and pride.

Over time, with hard work and patience, the rough edges can be sculpted into an enduring work of art.

The amazing fit of male and female allows for the perpetuation of the human race and the upward slope of genuine progress. With all of its challenges, the traditional family unit is truly the building block of society.

As they grow up, children need fathers as much as they need mothers to guide them on the path toward maturity. Absent the presence of one or both parents who can lend support, the chances of failure tend to multiply for children.

In contrast to healthy families and relationships, the TIC offers a pathway to perdition. Just follow the money, which leads to academia, big business, government agencies, and the American Medical Association, all of which promote unnatural transgenderism.

In a few short years, it has become a money maker for dystopian elites who crave control over the lives of vulnerable young people. Several European nations have wisely pulled back from the edge of the cliff regarding biological gender tampering.

Why all of a sudden are there so many cases of dysphoria in America? Are the numbers a result of draconian pandemic policies or is there something more sinister at work? Or are a sizable portion of the alleged cases of dysphoria manufactured in order to market transgender procedures?

Hopefully, more drilling down into the TIC will provide some answers.

What makes the TIC so pernicious is the fact that it often withholds crucial information from minors and parents regarding the moderate to long-term repercussions of hormone and puberty blocking drugs, as well as gender transitioning or detransitioning surgeries.

This unconscionable indifference toward mental and physical agony is well portrayed in Epoch TV’s recent film, “Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities.” Greed and power are on full display.

By contrast, a superior alternative for youngsters who are conflicted about their gender, is the route of a social and spiritual network that encourages thoughtful awareness and support for the process of maturation.

Puberty is a challenging time for both males and females as their bodies and total development undergo changes that move them from childhood to young adulthood. Some of these youngsters will experience gender dysphoria, but most outgrow it as they journey through secondary school and take on more responsibilities.

Unfortunately, the TIC ignores these realities and operates on the basis of capricious emotions rather than the immutable facts concerning gender from birth.

It doesn’t take rocket science to comprehend that females have the XX chromosome while males have the XY chromosome, except for rare genetic conditions. No matter what activists tell young people, this DNA doesn’t change.

It is embedded in every individual from birth to death. Feelings can change each day, while facts are permanent.

If unscrupulous influencers persuade young people to transition via drugs and surgery, it still doesn’t change the fact that no one can change their original gender. Indeed, carrying out a transition can lead to a number of adverse consequences for healthy youngsters who don’t need this “gender-affirming care” in the first place.

Authentic gender-affirming care includes promoting the fine qualities that can be cultivated in biological boys and girls, or men and women.

Finally, there are pockets of good news that are unfolding across America. Parents and young people are fighting back against the diabolical transgender infrastructure that rips families apart and robs minors of their innocence.

They are taking proactive protests to school boards, individual schools, and government agencies. They are exposing the devious agenda of the TIC and voting out politicians who endorse it.

Folks are battling with their wallets to avoid contributing profits to woke corporatists.

TIC, keep your hands away from America’s children.

They are the nation’s future and don’t belong to you.

See more here theepochtimes

Header image: Sean Gallup / Getty Images

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Comments (6)

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    Transgendism and same sex marriage are brutal means of population control. With the former you get life long debilitating consequences and the latter a selfish way to exist without children.


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    Wow, where to start?

    “From time immemorial, God and nature have shaped a match made in heaven. That match is the attraction and interactive relationship between natural males and females.”
    God sets all scenarios, including present conditions. It is up to Human mortals to do the right thing, and to follow the correct path.
    How many times must it be said, people are witnessing the fall of Man in real time, as in the days of Noah, of Babylon. You are aware of the end times are you not?
    Call it religious mumbo jumbo if you must, but you explain it in a non-conspiracy fashion. Enough of the silence, let’s hear somebody, eh?

    “The qualities that might be lacking in males are to be found in females and vice versa, thus creating a complementary whole”
    No, life is not about nirvana for most people, it is about working things out and understanding life, relationships, why things happen as they do – It isn’t a fun playground in many people’s minds, and mistakes happen.

    “As they grow up, children need fathers as much as they need mothers to guide them on the path toward maturity. Absent the presence of one or both parents who can lend support, the chances of failure tend to multiply for children”
    Parents can be present, yet not act like parents, thus still missing. The roles may reverse, where the Mother is the authority figure for example. To add to previous reply above, a child with a missing parent, and I mean Father figure, or Mother figure, and it need not be the actual Father or Mother, is on Earth to learn self-sufficiency, and caring, such that they must learn themselves these roles and may will become such to others in need of guidance. Everything happens for a reason.

    “the route of a social and spiritual network”
    People are not spiritual, and the Bible also states such. Enough with the dreaming.

    “It doesn’t take rocket science to comprehend that females have the XX chromosome while males have the XY chromosome, except for rare genetic conditions. No matter what activists tell young people, this DNA doesn’t change.
    It is embedded in every individual from birth to death. Feelings can change each day, while facts are permanent.”
    The critical point the author misses, and most of the world it seems, is that polarity is the defining term of behaviour: Masculine and Feminine. Undefinable by science, I guess it’s no secret why it is shunned in favour of X and Y, which simply define the body only, not the psyche, or the mind.

    “Authentic gender-affirming care includes promoting the fine qualities that can be cultivated in biological boys and girls, or men and women.”
    It is not authentic to the individual, can’t you understand that?

    I guess I missed some points, no matter I will address if possible.


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    Howdy , you don’t have a clue . Your thinking is all effed up .


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      On the contrary Herb, anyone looking at your recent posting performance can see all is not well with you. Your becoming a proper argumentative name caller to put it mildly. Yes, I do have a clue about people Herb, I see everything.
      Sorry for those words but I must respond in kind.

      Now, It is not “my ‘thinking”‘, so don’t try to belittle me with such descriptions just because you are unable to comprehend life – It is not becoming of one I thought was a friend and ally. Funny how time reveals truths about people don’t you think? Truth allways prevails.

      In addition, you haven’t the slightest idea where I’m coming from or what goes on beyond science, because you can’t see it, but you could have been more cordial, It’s as if I’ve insulted you personally..

      In short don’t speak on matters you yourself have no clue about. Don’t be one of the others Herb, If you have nothing constructive to say, keep shtum, eh?


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Howdy,
        You do know that there are two “Herbs” making comments on the cite. One with the moniker “herb” and myself identified as “Herb Rose”. I try not to make ad hominem comments but try to stick to the topic being discussed.
        Your friend,


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          It seems you are correct Herb. Then the Herb I have addressed is not you and I apologize unreservedly for tarnishing your good name. I know my words can hurt. Your understanding is a credit to you. Forgive me.

          My words still stand describing the infamous Herb, I challenge you to put me right on every point I raised in proper fashion.


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