Legal Advice If You Are Pressured Into Taking A Risky COVID Vaccine

We want to share with readers this important legal advice from a UK lawyer if your employer, or anyone else, demands you must have the unproven COVID19 vaccine before returning to work, etc.

In short, you can seek medical help from your doctor if you have anxiety about having the jab. Then your status becomes that of a vaccine anxiety patient and therefore you may be exempt under law.

First, if you feel strongly that you do not feel safe having the experimental coronavirus jab based on the factual reports of widespread and serious adverse reactions, contact your doctor and book a Vaccine Anxiety appointment.

At this point you become a medical case as anxiety is a real issue. Then collect information about adverse effects and send that to you doctor and get them to answer your concerns. If they don’t answer then claim this gives you further anxiety.

Then ask your doctor to agree to a thorough medical for you BEFORE any injection so if you are made to have the injection you have baseline medical evidence from medical experts to prove it affected you adversely if it does. If they refuse, claim further anxiety.

Then say you want a contract with the doctor administering the injection and their practice having full liability if you are medically poorly for up to end of life. The doctor will refuse this proving the vaccine might be unsafe and that ADDS to your anxiety.

While this is all going on tell your employer (or whomever is pressuring you) that you are looking in to it with advice from your doctor.  Anyone that does this will win. Use it. Others have used this approach and succeeded. You will, too!

About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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Comments (7)

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    Andrew Pilkington


    Thank you.


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    denis dombas


    how is situation in Canada?here they want us to have “covid passports”?I do not want to take this RNA substance under any circumstances !


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    Charles Higley


    The threat of a passport might be just that. If half of the population does not want it, how do you exclude that half from traveling? There would be YUGE push back to it.

    Wait a few months until the secondary effects of these gene therapies start to manifest. It is likely that they will claim a new virus is causing autoimmune diseases or prion disease, or they will claim that pollution (or global warming) has destroyed all of our immune systems and we need more vaccines. They will work their buns off to deny these non-vaccines have seriously ill effects.


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    Thank-you John,
    Currently I’m being pressurized by my doctor (yet another locum on the phone) into having the ‘jab’ as he says. My enduring argument from me is do they have any accurate figures for —
    1. As a percentage of the population, how many people have died OF COVID (not with COVID)?
    2. How many people have suffered adverse reactions or died from the injections within 3 months of being ‘jabbed’, and how does the UK figures compare to Europe’s, Israel’s, or the USA’s numbers?
    3. Do these injections provide protection against re-catching COVID (or any other corona virus)?
    4. Do these injections provide protection against spreading the COVID (or any corona virus)?

    No answers have been forthcoming so far, just a reciting the government line (propaganda), with lots of emotional manipulation to try to make me feel guilty about not wanting to be ‘jabbed’.
    This emotional manipulation is exactly what I expected as I informed this latest locum.
    Also I informed them that I had read the UK government document ‘REG 174 INFORMATION FOR UK HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS’, the UK government pages about the ‘Yellow Card notification’ and more interestingly I had read the SAGE document ‘Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures’ issued after a presentation given by SAGE to the UK government and Health officials at around 22nd March 2020.
    This SAGE document is most interesting in that large parts of it have become incorporated into NHS procedures. Basically the SAGE document shows how to give government information without much specificity, and apply emotional pressure to people to get them to do what they require — basically the application of government propaganda & lots of the emotional ‘nudge principle’.

    I will now alter my argument a little by implying being anxious about outcomes of these injections while pressing the point about informed consent , or the lack of it currently.


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    Roger Higgs


    Yesterday I received yet another text message from my GP’s surgery. “Dear Dr Higgs, our records suggest that you have not yet accepted the offer of a Covid Vaccination. We’re writing to encourage you to respond to your previous invitation and book your place. … Reply DECLINE if you do not wish to have the Covid vaccine.”

    I’ve ignored the message as usual. I find the idea of the government having a list of voluntary decliners deeply disturbing.


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    keith johnson


    In the next few years people all around the world will be dying by the millions and the powers that shouldn’t be will claim its a new deadly strain of Covid that is the cause but in reality it will be the Covid vaccines and they will fullfill there goal of depopulation by 98% by 2025 and also the Georgia Guidestones goal of maintaining the world’s population under 500 million.


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    M.K. Styllinski


    This is great, thank you. It’s good to have formula to use.

    Doctors are as clueless as most and under great pressure from the huge increase in illnesses and ailments from the mental strain, mask wearing and general lowering of the immune system in the population.

    With the presence of the mRNA vaccines we are going to be seeing a form of plague arising solely from vaccinated humans who have become walking GMOs thanks to this highly dangerous experimentation.


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