Journalist in hospital with pericarditis after COVID vax

Channel 7 journalist Denham Hitchcock has revealed he is suffering from a heart condition as a rare side effect of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.

The Spotlight reporter spoke from hospital after being diagnosed with pericarditis — a swelling or irritation of the sac-like membrane surrounding the heart that helps keep it in place.

He says the extremely rare condition was caused by his first shot of Pfizer which he received 25 days ago.

Image: Melinda Tran

Hitchcock who insists he is “not anti-vax”, but is “pro-choice” and “pro-opening the bloody country up”, made the decision to share his story because as a journalist “it would be hypocritical not to.

The first week was like any vaccine. Feeling off,” Hitchcock wrote on Instagram from his bed at Gold Coast University Hospital. “But nearing the end of the second week my heart started to race, I was getting pins and needles in the arms, extreme fatigue and a very strange sensation of dizziness.

By the end of the third week Hitchcock said his symptoms were worsening, with sharp chest pains, cold shivers and chills and increasing dizziness.

25 days after the shot and probably a little late to hospital — but here I am — diagnosed with pericarditis — or inflammation of the heart due to the Pfizer vaccine.

As of 25 July, 84 cases of myocarditis and/or pericarditis had been reported in Australia to the Therapeutic Goods Administration following the Pfizer vaccine.

The cases were disproportionately men and teenagers under the age of 30 after their second dose of Pfizer.

AstraZeneca has not been associated with an increased risk of myocarditis/pericarditis.

In the current vaccine frenzy, no one is talking about this but it’s clearly happening,” Hitchcock said.

The reporter said he wasn’t discouraging people from getting the Pfizer vaccine, and acknowledged that life may “get difficult” for people who choose not to get vaccinated.

If you don’t want the vaccine, I don’t have a problem with that either, but life and travel will get difficult for you,” he said. “The only thing for me that’s dead certain — if they don’t open Australia up when we reach their milestone of 70 per cent — then there will be a lot more people marching in the street. You want the trust? Keep your damn promise.

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Comments (26)

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    very old white guy


    I had viral pericarditis in 1969, long before the whu who flu or the not vaccines came on the scene. Three weeks in hospital for recovery and no drugs other than something to relax me and keep me calm while lying around. What has happened to sane rational, critical thought these days?


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      “…I had viral pericarditis in 1969…”

      I take it you conclusively ruled out toxicity and deficiency factors?


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    Hhere’s something for Guanold Dumptards…

    Robert Kennedy Jr. blows whistle on Pfizer donating $1 million to Trump inaugural – see what happened following that (Video)

    Trump also peddled other pharma shit (including HCQ), Remdesivir, Regeneron, probably even other shit. And of course, supported Fausti, Operation RetardedLatency, the CARES (which literally only protects pharma) act etc.

    So yeah, he’s always been rather souled out.


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    What a pity he didn’t first use his brains that the Pfizer jab is an experimental drug that hasn’t undergone adequate animal testing and there are no studies on the medium and long term adverse effects.


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      You misunderstand. Of course they did animal testing.

      They needed to establish the functionality and damage. The vaccine is designed BEFORE the supposed problem and reaction is engineered.

      All vaccines ever, designed to degenerate, btw.


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        Which is, for instance, why a covid vaccine was concocted in a bout 2 minutes.

        The prototype vaccines (earlier moderna, novavax shit, iirc…) happened to kill basically all the animals in those trials. mRNA vaccines, are purely used as trojan degeneration methods, that shit has been researched for what, 30 years? And you think they didn’t do testing to maximize genocidal, cooptive, coercive capacity?


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      What a pity he didn’t first use his brains that anything from the pasteur/rockefeller establishment is fraud, as it relies on avoiding causation, framing symptoms, misattributed and conflated with manipulated suggestive results (such as for instance “viral isolation”) to sell toxins for an industry that relies on toxified “people”.


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    So you have a bunch of elements that happen to be unknown to you. Those unknown elements, and their functionality, is completely foreign to the people that marketed it to you. Such as “doctors” and marketers (interchangeable terms). The functionality, the processes, are not even almost understood by those particular toxic marketers (that’s a physics joke). BUT, someone gave them noddy badges, because it appeals to the fundamental human narcissism. Like validation.

    That narcisissm, which people so often bitch about, happens to be the foundation of their hypocritical “credentials” and “expertise”.

    Here are the 3 pillars of education:
    1. Indoctrination. (instructions, suppressing thought or variation…because industrial institution requires homogenization for stagnation).
    2. Affirmation. Validation. (like when you’ve been brainwashed sufficiently to parrot things sufficiently and your consideration capacity has been minimizezed).
    3. Glamourization. (well, now you’re indoctrinated, so you’re a doctor, and you can spread religion like other accepted cultist priests).


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      Hey if you scramble the capital letters there, you get GAVI.


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        Btw, I cook a mean egg.


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    Tom O


    I see we have yet another chain poster trying to dominate every comment section, or is it the same using yet another name?


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    Maybe you should ask, why noone else was posting, instead? Are you incapable?


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      So I guess I’ll stop posting, because I’m tired of ignorant, stupid pieces of shit.


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        Doug Harrison


        What a huge relief that would be. I long ago stopped reading your repetitious clap trap but you have to scroll through yards of it to find an intelligent comment from somebody else.


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          Hey Dougie, I post more meaningful stuff in a few hours than you could compile in a lifetime.


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    Gotta be from old age. Pharma has assured us time and time again that all injections are 100% safe and effective…guaranteed by the FDA, CDC and AMA.


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    “suffering from a heart condition as a rare side effect of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine” … “extremely rare”
    Bullshit! It’s not extremely rare but extremely common, in children, too.

    I can only repeat until everyone gets it: There is no virus, ANY VIRUS. There is no strain, variant, mutation. There is no infection. There is no herd immunity. There is no pandemic. These are the facts! But criminal, tyrannical governments are not interested in facts. Mass murderers they are they do what they want.

    Everyone, vaxxed and unvaxxed, should watch the Spacebusters video “Germs Debunk Corona” –

    !!!! This video debunks the whole corona bs “science” and large parts of the modern medical bs “science” in general. !!!!

    It’s possible that the Covid collapse began in commi Canada recently: “HUGE Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid19 Is A Hoax & All Restrictions Now Dropped” –

    Watch also all of Dr. Stefan Lanka’s videos ( ) with Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Cowan and read his articles at

    “The Virus Misconception | Measles as an example | Dr Stefan Lanka” –

    Google also: court germany flu virus

    More also in my blog post “The fraudulent Covid foundation in a single video: viruses, mutations / variants, infections, (PCR) tests, incidences, immunity, herd immunity and germ theory ” –

    “Dr. Stefan Lanka destroys infection theory, virus theory, virology, epidemiology and the corona lie with a single video” – (use translate option if necessary)

    Dr. Lanka puts more wood on the fire: Say goodbye to the virus – (use translate option if necessary)

    The nonexistent virus, the nonexistent mutation, the nonexistent infection, the non existent herd immunity, the nonexistent epidemic, the nonexistent pandemic, the existent GIANT CONSPIRACY.

    It is time for mass lawsuits against the mass murderous person of the Corona sect running amok and for international war criminals tribunals, which should be at least at the level of the Nuremberg war criminals tribunals and should have their death sentences carried out immediately. If that is not possible, there can only be civil war.


  • Avatar


    “suffering from a heart condition as a rare side effect of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine” … “extremely rare”
    Bullshit! It’s not extremely rare but extremely common, in children, too.


  • Avatar


    I can only repeat until everyone gets it: There is no virus, ANY VIRUS. There is no strain, variant, mutation. There is no infection. There is no herd immunity. There is no pandemic. These are the facts! But criminal, tyrannical governments are not interested in facts. Mass murderers they are they do what they want.

    Everyone, vaxxed and unvaxxed, should watch the Spacebusters video “Germs Debunk Corona” –

    !!!! This video debunks the whole corona bs “science” and large parts of the modern medical bs “science” in general. !!!!

    It’s possible that the Covid collapse began in commi Canada recently: “HUGE Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid19 Is A Hoax & All Restrictions Now Dropped” –


  • Avatar


    Watch also all of Dr. Stefan Lanka’s videos ( ) with Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Cowan and read his articles at

    “The Virus Misconception | Measles as an example | Dr Stefan Lanka” –

    Google also: court germany flu virus

    More also in my blog post “The fraudulent Covid foundation in a single video: viruses, mutations / variants, infections, (PCR) tests, incidences, immunity, herd immunity and germ theory ” –

    “Dr. Stefan Lanka destroys infection theory, virus theory, virology, epidemiology and the corona lie with a single video” – (use translate option if necessary)

    Dr. Lanka puts more wood on the fire: Say goodbye to the virus – (use translate option if necessary)

    The nonexistent virus, the nonexistent mutation, the nonexistent infection, the non existent herd immunity, the nonexistent epidemic, the nonexistent pandemic, the existent GIANT CONSPIRACY.

    It is time for mass lawsuits against the mass murderous person of the Corona sect running amok and for international war criminals tribunals, which should be at least at the level of the Nuremberg war criminals tribunals and should have their death sentences carried out immediately. If that is not possible, there can only be civil war.


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