Is most published science WRONG? – the replication crisis

It seems we have a problem. John Ioannidis said: “There is increasing concern that in modern research, false findings may be the majority or even the vast majority of published research claims.” Over 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist’s experiments. 52% agreed that there is a replication crisis.

We live in a world right now where a lot of people say our public policy should “follow the science” in some very important areas – with big consequences. So it does matter that the science should be robust. How big is the problem? What causes it? And how can it be – and indeed is it being – addressed?

The Mallen Baker Show is aimed at all people who see themselves as change makers, with commentary on issues and change movements with a particular focus on climate change and environment, social issues, free speech and corporate social responsibility.


Why Most Published Research Findings Are False, Ioannidis 2005…

Karl Popper (1959). The logic of scientific discovery. New York, NY: Basic Books.

1,500 scientists lift the lid on reproducibility…

Estimating the Reproducibility of Psychological Science…

What Meta-Analyses Reveal about the Replicability of Psychological Research, Stanley et al 2017…

What is social priming?…

Reconstruction of a Train Wreck: How Priming Research Went off the Rails…

Behavioral Priming: It’s All in the Mind, but Whose Mind? Doyen et al, 2012…

Contradicted and Initially Stronger Effects in Highly Cited Clinical Research…

Scientific Audit – A key management tool (10-20% of R&D funds spent on questionable studies)…

Rein in the four horsemen of irreproducibility…

The association between early career informal mentorship in academic collaborations and junior author performance…

Perspectives on Data Reproducibility and Replicability in Paleoclimate and Climate Science…

Wired: Science’s “Reproducibility Crisis” Is Being Used as Political Ammunition 2018…

There is a problem’: Australia’s top scientist Alan Finkel pushes to eradicate bad science…

Coverage bias in the HadCRUT4 temperature series and its impact on recent temperature trends…

Hoaxers Slip Breastaurants and Dog-Park Sex Into Journals…

Science eats its own (Wall Street Journal editorial)…

The insidious attacks on scientific truth, Richard Dawkins…

More at ​

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Comments (5)

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    Steve Parker


    You don’t need experiments anymore. All you need is consensus and that is enough to make it real.


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      That of course is reinforced by a failed education system that encourages such nonsense.


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    James McGinn


    I was surprised to see this guy, Mallen Baker, being shown in favorable light in this forum.

    Here is another video he made a few days after the one posted here:

    James McGinn / Genius


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    Ken Irwin


    This is why….
    “Publication Bias” is a well documented phenomenon in the field of published academic papers and is the result of several influences.

    Bias To Publish Positive Outcomes – research has shown that various scientific journals tend to publish work that had a positive outcome (by a ratio of 5:1 to 10:1) even though negative outcomes are useful information academically. This problem is much worse for the popular media.

    Bias To Submit Only Positive Outcomes – research has shown that researchers tend to feel that a negative outcome is a failure and tend not to write up the report for submission – seems like a waste of effort especially given that it is much less likely to be published in any case.
    It is thought that as little as 5% to 1% of negative outcomes are fully written up and submitted to academic journals.

    [Note: From the last two points – if 20 different researchers test a hypothesis and only one finds a positive result and gets it published and the others don’t bother – then the outcome is that the published research being the odd man out is likely erroneous. This will cause very serious imbalance in the Journals – that is why negative outcomes should be published so they can be included in larger meta-studies.

    This is further exacerbated by the fact that most journals decline to publish papers that refute a prior paper published by themselves – obviously it makes them look foolish – retractions are typically only forthcoming when the contrary evidence is overwhelming and being widely published in other journals.

    Bias To Funded Research – research has shown that researchers are 5:1 more likely to find positive results in research for a sponsor than in non-funded research – admittedly a plausible hypothesis is more likely to be funded than an apparently outrageous one and sponsors can be choosy.

    At this juncture “Global Warming / Climate Change” is the darling of the academic journals (not to mention the popular press), government and private academic funding (by advocacy groups) is severely biased towards the pro-camp which in turn makes this area of study unduly likely to attract interest from academics seeking funding to conduct research supporting the established dogma and ultimately get published – the “publish or perish” syndrome that is academia.

    Conversely the contrary position is therefore unlikely to attract interest from either sponsors or academics.

    Under these circumstances it is miraculous that any contrary position is researched and published at all – but in science the truth will out and the skeptics are becoming more strident in their demands to be heard.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Folks,

    “The Mallen Baker Show is aimed at all people who see themselves as change makers.”

    Notice that he did not state that these change makers are SCIENTISTS and/or TECHNOLOGISTS like those who did help to change our (HUMAN’S) world.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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