Investigating Ice Age Floods That Occurred in the Pacific Northwest

Our planet’s geological history often seems like one of slow, grinding change. But that’s hardly the whole story.

The Earth seems to change slowly. Continents shift by about half an inch in a year. Sea levels rise by less than a quarter of an inch in the same amount of time. Mountains are constantly being eroded but, to us, seem to stand today just as they did yesterday and the day before.

Sometimes geological change comes startlingly, violently fast, leaving scars on the Earth’s surface. The Channeled Scablands of the Pacific Northwest, a landscape full of flat-topped plateaus that rise between steep-walled canyons, are among the vastly-altered landscapes that have caused researchers to rethink what they previously presumed.

The geologic wounds are dramatic evidence that quick and catastrophic changes have played a significant role in shaping our planet.

The Scablands, principally located in southeastern Washington state, bear the signs of an incredible Ice Age event. Between 14,000 and 18,200 years ago, huge glacial lakes on the boundaries of ice sheets burst from their natural dams and rushed over the landscape, scouring the hills and dropping massive stones as they went. Entire hills were washed away as the floodwaters dumped gravel, boulders and sediment in new places, almost like shaking a great geological Etch-a-Sketch.

But this is a relatively new understanding, only broadly accepted since the 1970s. It took decades for geologists to construct even an outline of what the Scablands represent, a realization that proved to be a turning point for science. For if intense floods could carve such features once in Earth’s history, surely they could have changed landscapes at other times and in other places—even those as far away as the Martian surface.

Geologists only began to pick up on the story of the Scablands a century ago. In the 1920s, naturalist J Harlen Bretz wrote several descriptive papers on the strange basins and odd channels of the area. Those channels had been created by moving water, but the way water had once flowed through the area seemed to make no sense.

“The channels run uphill and downhill, they unite and they divide, they head on the back-slopes and cut through the summit,” Bretz wrote, “they could not be more erratically and impossibly designed.” The only reasonable conclusion, Bretz proposed, was that the Scablands were created by massive and short-lived floods.

Bretz’s colleagues were not ready for such a conclusion. Ever since geology came into its own as a science in the 19th century, much of the field has been influenced by the concept of uniformitarianism—that the present is the key to the past. In a broad sense, that’s an excellent rule. The Earth is still changing, and many of those alterations—from erosion to volcanic eruptions—also occurred in the past.

But some additional stipulations to the older formulation of the idea were unnecessarily taken as truth. One of them was that the Earth is changing at a slow, gradual rate and that quick, catastrophic change was impossible. Bretz’s idea for how the Scablands formed flew in the face of what many geologists accepted. Channels were carved over long periods of time by rivers, other geologists thought, not by sudden floods.

To Bretz, the evidence was unmistakable. Among other things, the Scablands contained layers of gravel hundreds of feet high. Slow-moving streams couldn’t have left such vast accumulations. Pieces of gravel are larger and heavier than particles of sand or silt, requiring faster-moving water to pick up the gravel and transport it. Gravel deposits as tall as skyscrapers must have required an incredible amount of fast-flowing water.

The pattern was consistent with the underlying geology of the area, as well. The rock beneath the massive flood deposits was relatively friable volcanic rock, easily broken and carved. The fragility of these rock layers allowed the floods to gouge out channels and canyons in a way that harder rocks would have been more resistant to.

Yet the fact that Bretz couldn’t identify the source of the floodwaters caused many to dismiss his idea, and it wasn’t until evidence of similar events—such as Ice Age flood beds found in Montana—that other experts began to reconsider what Bretz had proposed. Eventually, by the 1970s, dismissive geologists changed their tune. Something catastrophic truly did transpire to create the Scablands.

Not that the behavior or history of such floods are completely understood. “There are loads of outstanding questions and many people are thinking carefully about the Scablands,” says University of Washington geology PhD candidate Kelsay Stanton.

Even though experts are confident that vast glacial lakes provided the water for the floods, the precise volumes of the repeated floods are unknown, and the timing of the dozens of outbursts has yet to be determined in detail. “The glacial outburst flooding of the Pacific Northwest is hardly a closed subject,” Stanton says.

Image: Wolfgang Kaehler

Part of what’s allowing geologists to keep going back to the Scablands is that the tools available to scientists have changed a great deal since Bretz’s time. “There are lots of geochronology and computer modeling methods now that weren’t available when Bretz and other early researchers were mapping the area,” says University of Massachusetts Amherst geology PhD candidate Karin Lehnigk.

These repeated floods affected the ocean, she notes, with the influx of freshwater reducing the saltiness of the northern Pacific for years and altering the way colder, saltier water in deep ocean layers circulated. The floods affected more than the land they ran over, and have acted as models for how our modern glaciers might alter ocean circulation as they melt due to global warming.

New, broad scale methodologies can offer some of these insights and these refined techniques have proved to be critical, as no one has ever witnessed a flood quite like the ones that created the Scablands. “There aren’t modern examples of flooding on this scale that we can directly observe to figure out what processes are actually going on in the same way that people who study, say, rivers can,” Lehnigk says.

Work by Lehnigk and colleagues may even be able to reconstruct what the landscape was like before the dozens of floods created the Scablands. “I was doing fieldwork in 2017 with my PhD advisor and two of our colleagues,” Lehnigk recalls, “and we started talking about whether you could extend the pre-flood river profiles down in the canyon to rebuild the pre-flood floor.”

That set Lehnigk on a path to look for clues on the modern Scablands about what the area was like in the Ice Age. Even though there’s no way to definitively recreate what the landscape looked like, she notes, the way water carves bedrock can be used to start with the current topography and work backwards to estimate what the starting conditions were like and detect variables like where rock was more likely to erode or be resistant. It’s a way to replay floods that we can no longer witness.

New techniques, including LiDAR scans to map terrain and numerical models used to estimate water discharged by glaciers, are turning up more evidence for various outburst floods in other time periods and places from the Mississippi River to the Himalayas—and even Mars. Explorations of the Red Planet have found landscapes very similar to the Scablands and other flood-created channels.

Even before NASA missions found evidence of liquid water on Mars, geologic scars left no doubt that water once rushed over the planet’s surface.

The research is reciprocal, helping researchers refine what we understand how such events occurred through space and time, a marriage of the old uniformitarianism with an understanding that change can occur quick and at scales totally unfamiliar to us.

“It’s a two-way street,” Lehnigk says, “by learning more about the surface of Mars, we gain greater insight into surface processes on Earth.”

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Header image: Glenn Traver

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Comments (22)

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    Geologists, as Naturalists, have not had a GOOD recent history. Beginning with Louis Agassiz, a good Naturalist, who recognized (saw) erratic boulders pointed to the likely possibility that northern portions of the North Hemisphere’s continents were once covered by thick glaciers. Next there was the issue of the possibility that continents had drifted. Next, and little known outside the geological community it seems, was that Immanuel Velikovsky wrote a book titled ‘Worlds in Collision’ in which he proposed that catastrophic geological events had occurred during the Earth’s history.

    I ask, given that graduate students have again reminded us about the scablands of the Pacific North West: How is it there is no mention of Hell’s Canyon (Snake 
River) and the large region of the Earth’s surface which this river now drain??? And why no mention of the Colorado River, on which artificial dams have been built to form large reservoirs of fresh water???

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Mark Tapley


    How is it that these geologists are now attacking their own Uniformitarian gospel as laid down by Darwin’s coach Charles Lyell? The evolutionary facade of fakery is cracking under the burden of reality. Now rather than all of the sedimentary layers formed over hundreds of millions of years as they have always steadfastly proclaimed, they are saying there had to be massive floods. Yet they have no clue as to what caused these catastrophic floods.

    There was only one global flood that occurred thousands of years ago, which left layers of sediment quickly deposited that are clearly seen today. The same flood event with giant upheavals as recorded in Genesis that covered the dinosaurs. So it is no wonder that in the state of Montana the paleontologists are finding T rex bones with soft tissue, skin, ligaments, remains of blood vessels with blood cells and even fragments of DNA.


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    dave jr


    Jeeze. When parts of the earth’s crust, or continents push together they push up mountain ranges. Likewise, when they pull apart, they create canyons. Then cliff walls, escarpments and jetties fall in due to gravity creating the rock and gravel piled up against the canyon walls. Naturally water flows to the lowest areas and cause some out washing. Glaciers, flooding and rivers may only play a minor part in the formation of the world’s largest canyons. That is my theory and I’m sticking to it.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Dave;
      The huge canyon walls visible in areas such as the Grand Canyon could not have been created as you describe. If they had been, evidence would indicate within those mountain ranges, the accumulation of top soil deposition, tree roots, drainage erosion and animal diggings. Those features that would have been created before the plate tectonic event occurred would still be visible. This evidence for rapid deposition is also seen all over the world, not just in ridges of plate movement. Another anomaly is that in many places long tree trunks are found extending through many “millions of years” of layers that could not have occurred before the alleged event you described.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Mark, Dave Jr, and PSI Readers,

    I commend you both for making comments and ask why is no one else interested in this, seemingly, controversial geological phenomena (or maybe phenomenon, because there are more factors than just one which need to be considered if one is to begin to explain what what had been clearly seen at the present time.

    Mark seems to enjoy being critical of geologists (and other scientists of the past at the same time he seems to believe that which he writes cannot be questioned. Dave Jr honestly and simply concludes “That is my theory and I’m sticking to it.” As he doesn’t criticize anyone else’s theory. So I will, in this comment, primarily focus upon Mark’s arrogant, ignorant comment.

    Mark wrote; “How is it that these geologists are now attacking their own Uniformitarian gospel as laid down by Darwin’s coach Charles Lyell?” My answer to this question is: They (these geologists) have now observed more than Charles Lyell [1797-1875] ever saw. And I do not know if Lyell had accepted what Louis Agassiz, a Naturalist and not a geologist), had convinced most of the Geological community that erratic bounders were unquestionable evidence that thick glaciers had covered large northern portions of the Northern Hemisphere’s continents. But I am certain that Lyell was never aware of the scablands. But I know (because I have driven through the scablands and read some of what has been written about them” that when Mark wrote—“Yet they have no clue as to what caused these catastrophic floods.”—that it is he (Mark) who has no clue about what probably caused these floods.

    For it has been proposed that glaciers had damed up rivers in the higher mountains which formed very large reservoirs of water as the glaciers melted. In basins above the dams. And this idea has been generally accepted by the geological community according to what I have read. So I ask Dave Jr: Have you read something similar to this which is an alternative to your explanation?

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi PSi Readers, Dave Jr. and Mark,

      I must confess that I wrongly dismiss what Mark quotes from the Holy Bible because I consider that every word written in it is the TRUTH if correctly interpreted by us fallen SINNERS.
      Dave Jr., when you wrote—“cliff walls, escarpments and jetties fall in due to gravity creating the rock and gravel piled up against the canyon walls” I believe you are considering the consequences of the great flood to which Mark has focused our attentions.

      For in the Biblical Flood, water is described as coming up from beneath the Earth’s surface. And in the beginning the Earth’s surface was entirely a water surface and then a portion of this water surface began to be crusted over by solid matter which eventually formed continents in the midst of the water. Hence, this crust was floating on the water beneath it.

      When the water began coming up from beneath this crust, eventually the solid crust could have broken and fallen into the void left when the water somehow forced upward and leaving a void.

      What forced the water upward? Only, as I write this , did I see a possible answer to this question. It was the water which was falling from above that collapsed the crust in various places, and leaving a void beneath the crust in other places.

      Hence, the stratified layers of silt which had settled to the bottom of water in the beginning as the gravity of the water gathered the solid dust, which the astronomers now see billion of light-years away from the Earth with their powerful telescopes positioned in space, to form the crust.

      Go to this link ( to literally see what David Jr. has described: “fall in due to gravity creating the rock and gravel piled up against the canyon walls [scarp rim].”

      I see I need to add, about about 30-50 mile from the scarb are the remains of a Volcano which blew out its side toward the volcano (maybe another 30-50 miles to the west) which formed Crater Lake. Obviously, the Pacific Northwest was a very geologically active region of the Earth’s surface.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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      Hello Jerry


      Hello Jerry:
      The problem is that the geologists just like the paleontologists and evolutionists in general, already have their narrative formulated (just like with the Rockefeller documents from 2012 on the fake virus) and they try to fit everything they observe into this pre conceived framework. Thats how they came up with their theory of “uniformitarianism” in the first place. The problem with creating artifacts (as we see with the alleged spike protein for instance) is that once you tell one lie it premeditates the next one. Instead of putting their theories up as fact in all the text books starting in the earliest grades they should have merely said this is our theory. What has happened instead is that the scoundrels pushing evolutionary theories that cannot stand on their own merit, are mandated by their fellow criminal conspirators using the power of government force. This is a flagrant violation of free speech and an egregious overstep by the power of government. If not stopped there is no limit to this tyrannical overreach. This is evidenced by the completely Orwellian attack using the fake virus medical fear and control hoax on the whole world’s population by this kakocracy of super criminals in the name of “its for your own good.”

      I have no problem with any particular view point. The free market of public opinion and real knowledge will prevail in a free market of free speech. However what we have is an oligarchy that controls the media, medicine, academia and all branches of government reaching all the way into the state level. It is just as the British philosopher Lord Acton said: Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Jerry:
        Above comment on geologists was from me. I figured you knew that but just wanted to eliminate any confusion. Have had nauseating day from inner ear problem so I will blame that.


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    The philosophy of uniformitarianism is a theory that resulted due to a psychological characteristic of some humans, who wish things never to change, at least in their lifetime. Catastrophism is the inverse of that state of mind; not that believers wish it to happen, just that they believe it is possible and has occurred in history.
    Together they represent the great divide in human psychology. Adherents of each belief will search for evidence that satisfies their belief, although uniformitarianism has lost considerable ground over the last hundred years or so.
    The fact is: both are certainly true, with catastrophism the far more frequent occurrence.

    Now to claim (Jerry Krause) that:
    “And in the beginning the Earth’s surface was entirely a water surface and then a portion of this water surface began to be crusted over by solid matter which eventually formed continents in the midst of the water. Hence, this crust was floating on the water beneath it. … When the water began coming up from beneath this crust, eventually the solid crust could have broken and fallen into the void left when the water somehow forced upward and leaving a void.”
    This observation completely ignores the fact that the specific gravity of water is less than that of most solid matter which would immediately sink rather than gather on the surface of the water.
    As to a glacial dam suddenly collapsing, all that is necessary is to look at the Northwestern States and States East of the Rockies in Google Earth to see the pattern of rushing water.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Robt.

      I can agree with “This observation completely ignores the fact that the specific gravity of water is less than that of most solid matter which would immediately sink rather than gather on the surface of the water.” I knew I hadstated something that was difficult to justify.

      Now, that you have pointed this out, I state: Evidently you accept the possibility that the dust, silt built to form a ‘swampy surface’ on which which are still found on the earth’s surface at some places. On the third day when the dry ground appeared I also read: “Let the land produce vegetation” (Genesis 1:11a NIV). I lived more than 30 years in northern Minnesota which has more than eight million acres of peat land where the depth of the peat is more than eight feet thick. And there is the story, which I believe, that when building a major highway that a D-8 Cat fell through a peat layer over a lake of water and it was not seen again (recovered).

      You began: “The philosophy of uniformitarianism is a theory that resulted due to a psychological characteristic of some humans, who wish things never to change, at least in their lifetime. Catastrophism is the inverse of that state of mind; not that believers wish it to happen, just that they believe it is possible and has occurred in history.” Mark certainly seems to agree with you and I certainly agree with you both about uniformitarianism except I would describe the human cause to be stupidity. Forthese humans cannot see the stupidity of averaging numbers to be more precise than the numbers being averaged!!! And who cannot see that the natural Earth is a very heterogeneous, ever changing, place???

      When I begin reading Genesis 2 it is like God’s Creation is starting over because there is introduction which begins with the 7th day. But in Genesis 2: 4b NIV I start reading: “When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens–and no shrubs of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up [we are back to the 3rd Day of Genesis 1], for the LORD God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no man to work the ground, but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground”.

      Again, I had not see what I had overlooked before. For to have water bubbling out of the ground there must a ‘water pressure’. The Earth was maybe rotating much as it does now. And Newton calculated that the surface of the sea, free to flow, was about 23 km further from the earth’s center than was the sea at the poles. But the water beneath the solid surface of the dry land was not free to flow. Hence the water system beneath the surface was pressurized to explain how streams sprung up from the ground.

      Robt, I going to stop now to see if you can see any more of my problems.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Jerry:
        Genesis 7:11
        “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.”
        The phrase broken up refers to the subterranean vaults deep in the earth. This is what caused the continents to shift.
        Genesis 2:6
        “But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.”
        Indicates a totally different planet where there was no rain. Human lifespans were much longer and later reduced to a maximum of ap. 120 years as we see today and the entire earth was covered by a different atmosphere as is evidenced by the presence of tropical plants huge flying reptiles that could never get off the ground today and large animals now found in the arctic. It is no wonder that as Noah preached to the inhabitants for over a hundred years with no result about a coming rain, as he constructed a huge boat, they no doubt thought him crazy.

        Darwinian evolution was designed to be an indirect attack on the belief in God his spiritual gift to be sent to earth as the “word” for eternal salvation. In order for this evolutionary scam to work it was necessary to formulate the “uniformitarian” dogma that they are now forced to begin backing away from, just as the images of the British aristocrat Darwin are also being shoved further into the corner and under the staircase. The evolutionists never had but two tools in their bag, “give me enough time and anything can happen” and “random chance will generate new kinds.” Both are utter failures as is another one of the elite icons, the germ theory.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Jerry:
        I did read the article and had left a comment. I know you think us pessimists should do a better job of heeding Dr. Elizabeth’s advice but as I stated in my comment, her solution is pretty much a compilation of the same old feel good self help drivel we have all read for years, as Jewmerica races to ruin down the Fabian freeway to socialist Agenda 21 perdition. Elizabeth and billions of the plantation’s other livestock will have plenty to meditate on, as Solzhenitsyn has warned us, when their children and grand children ask them “what did you do to stop this?”


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Robt, Mark, Allan and PSI Readers,

        Samuel H. Scudder (1837-1911) was a student of Louis Agassiz (1807-1873), the distinguished Harvard professor of natural history, who used to subject his students to a rigorous but useful exercise in minute observation. ( The following is the ‘gem’ (my opinion) near the end of Scudder’s account of one such exercise.
        The gem was and is: “Agassiz’s training in the method of observing facts and their orderly arrangement was ever accompanied by the urgent exhortation not to be content with them. “Facts are stupid things,” he would say, “until brought into connection with some general law.” “

        I have viewed the fact of Abert Rim and the fact of Gerhart Mountain, a volcanic mountain, for which there is unquestionable evidence (facts) that, sometime in the past, a portion of Gerhart’s west side was blown out during a very violent, short-lived, eruption. And I drew attention to the relatively short distance between Abert Rim and Gerhart Mountain. Now another fact is I have asked Robert A. Beatty., an Australian mining engineer who writes about Science at PSI: What is the cause (explanation) of these very violent, short-lived, volcanic eruptions?

        His explanation was very simple and understandable. He stated: “Carbonate rocks are decomposed to solid (or liquid) oxides and carbon dioxide gas by the geothermal heat of molten lava and the pressure of a huge volume of the carbon dioxide builds up until it is sufficient to suddenly crack the crust apart in a localized location.

        Now I ask: Could there be a relationship between a sudden formation of the Abert Rim scarp and the Gerhart Mtn. Violent, short-lived eruption??? Your turn, Readers.

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          Jerry Krause


          Hi PSI Readers,

          Am disappointed that no one has made a comment (good or bad) about this comment. I am trying to keep this good scientific discussion going.

          Have a good day, Jerry


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Jerry:
        Don’t know much about volcanic eruptions (or anything else) but there’s lots going on down in the deep chasms of the earth. Islands are being formed in the oceans and oil is being manufactured all over the world. More pressure is being put on the Pacific Rim fault line and the climate varies according to the sun intensity and variations in Earth’s orbit. All of these forces and countless others work within the precisely controlled universe that God created.

        Don’t be dismayed by the lack of comments., I cannot even get comments on Jeff Bezos fake space flight as to how a booster rocket can fall back to earth and land backwards or on the dummy in the fake capsule.


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    Allan Shelton


    It is my understanding that the “S” in PSI is “Scientific” not “Scripturific”


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Shelton:
      It is no wonder that the more real science is uncovered as in this PSI article about rapid sedimentary deposition the Pacific Northwest, the more it confirms the scriptures, even as to the timeline. The only thing missing is that these geologists can’t figure out what could cause a series of massive floods. There was only one great flood. Not just a flood but a complete change in the planets environment.

      The same belated concurrence with the Biblical narrative is proved again with the independent teams of paleontological researchers who in Montana (temperate not arctic tundra) have found T rex bones (not fossils) with skin, soft tissue, ligaments, remains of blood vessels with blood cells and even DNA fragments. the Bible mentions dinosaurs who lived at the same time as humans not 66 million years ago as Shelton’s Darwinian fake science tries to cover up. Here’s another crack in the evolutionary facade.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    I am certain that there was a another recent article about prolonging life with positive attitudes but I cannot find it. Never-the-less I believe in the power of positive thinking; so I keep writing even though I am disappointed that no reader has continued the Geologic Discussion we were having.

    It seems Galileo was a positive-thinker as he is claimed to have written: “I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn’t learn something from him.” Even though I had read about the Scablands of this article I did so again for its author’s were different . And I KNOW, that even though I had driven through the scablands and ‘seen’ the certain ‘strange’ geological features, about which the geologists wrote, that I was clueless about that which they wrote.

    Einstein has made many statements (quotes) like “The only source of knowledge is experience.” Hence, I read to learn of the experiences of others and what they had learned from what they had seen and studied.

    The point of this comment is to draw attention to the fact that it is wise to read what others have written, irregardless of who the author might be, to gain a greater set of experiences to learn from. Which LEARNING can never happen if an author never writes or a learner never reads!!!

    A question, for the PSI Reader reading this: Have you pondered that which you have read??? For there is a third step you must take if you want to learn from the experiences of others (or from your own experiences). It is you must ponder to comprehend what you have read, which is more than just saying (repeating) the words you have read.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Jerry:
    I thought it was Will Rogers that stated your quote from Galileo. Maybe Rogers got it from Galileo. Anyway we know that the radical Zionist Einstein did more than just read (or it should be stated, have his wife read, since he did not have the physics education that she did). He (or she) did not just ponder but also plagiarized the work of other real scientists. But it makes no difference since they needed a (((tribe))) member for the role.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers and Mark,

    Genesis 1: 26-28 NIV. “Then God said. “Let us make man in our own image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fishes of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he create him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increasing in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” “

    Reader if you go to Mark’s link you can read, as I did, who Mark and this small group of non-denominational Christians are. I purposefully quoted God’s instructions to the male and females He had created. I have asked Mark what he has done and his reply was that that what one does, or has done, is not important.

    Other PSI Readers, you can make your own decisions about Mark and others, whom I can recognize as being a probable portion of this small group.

    One positive thing I can now say about Mark is that he is honest and is not trying to deceive anyone

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Jerry:
    You are evading the issues by making disparaging remarks as to my religious affiliation. Yes I believe in following the New Testament gospel rather than “following for doctrine the commandments of men.” since you brought it up, I do sometimes make comments concerning the scriptures, mostly in regard to evolution, in order to offer an option to those who have never been exposed to anything but the materialistic religion of Darwinians. PSI is not a religious site and I do not proselytize here. Your continual re emphasis on what “I have done or not done” is just a further attempt to compensate for your own inability to rebut my comments but rather just circle around with your “observations and scientific icons” like a dog chasing its tail.


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