How Rockefeller Snuffed Out Natural Cures & Created Big Pharma

In case you weren’t aware, John D. Rockefeller essentially eliminated natural cures to spawn what we know today as Big Pharma. You can watch this concise and powerful video about it below.  You can also read more about it here.

So, hopefully this wakes you up to why Big Pharma is the way it is today. It has been growing more and more over the past 100 years.

But they are continuing to lose money because of how much time and money it costs to get new drugs approved. This is why they are turning to vaccines!

Vaccines don’t need to go through the same approval process. So, wake up! Think for yourself and do your own research. I believe there are cures for everything already in existence.

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Comments (2)

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    Mark Tapley


    The CDC was founded by the Rockefeller’s (probably originally Levisons) who were tied in with the Rothschilds through oil transportation with the railroads. The allopathic medical scam goes back to elite operative Louis Pasteur and his “germ theory.” He “showed” in his experiments that germs are transmitted from one host to another in animals and humans. Problem was it never worked but he always had to spike the “pathogen” usually with mercury or arsenic (in other words a poison) to simulate transmission. This is all in his diary. The Rockefeller’s saw a golden opportunity not just for petro-chemical profits but as a way to condition the herd for further allopathic “treatments” and control.

    The 1918 “flu” was initiated by a series of vaccines using hog and chicken substates and contaminated with no telling what else. The problem was then made much worse by the administration of lethal doses of the new drug aspirin. Countries that refused the vaccines did not get the “flu.” This was the beginning of the long parade of vaccine fraud that has culminated in the GMO chemo injections today. Vaccines have never worked. Read Suzanne Humphries MD “Dissolving Illusions” that gives the real history of vaccinations. Also Forrest Maready’s books “The moth and the Iron Lung”, also “Crooked” dealing with the real cause of the crooked smile and eyes, and his expose on autism in “The Autism Vaccine.” Also check out Dr.s Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman.


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    Joseph Olson


    “BOOM! Medical Journals Corrupt to the Core” by Amazing Polly on BitChute

    PSI founders are well aware of the “peer/pal” review system, and systematic corruption of every branch of science.


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