Gravity is a Lie, Light Speed is Slow, Nothing is Real, the Universe is Electric

Since grade school, we’ve been taught that gravity is what keeps our feet firmly planted on the ground, but what if that’s all been a lie?

I’m not saying if you jump off a bridge, you fall up, instead of down. But what if Newton and Einstein were wrong and what really ties our universe together is not gravity, but electricity?

The Electric Universe Theory says that, instead of gravity, the universe’s true attractive force comes from invisible electric currents that surround our planet, our solar system, the galaxy and… everything. We are all living in one, giant, universe-spanning circuit.

Mainstream science ignores this possibility.

But ignoring the electric universe blinds us to an unknown risk. The myths of our ancestors describe cataclysmic, global disasters in the distant past.

They knew about the electric universe too, not from science, but from experience, and our ancestors have sent us a strange, but dire warning: Beware the shocking fury of planet Saturn.

Source: YouTube

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Comments (9)

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    “our ancestors have sent us a strange, but dire warning: Beware the shocking fury of planet Saturn”
    Saturn is the planet of Karma. That which says, “do the right thing, or else”. One must follow the correct path or face the consequences. Those consequences are here and now, and the blame falls squarely on the individual, as Karma operates.
    Repetition of the past, like all things bound by time, it repeats until it is ‘mastered’, including death, loss, and suffering. Problem here, is that it is planet-wide scale – hard to resolve.

    Everything is being questioned, as foretold. Nobody bothers with the real clues because they are not revolutionary, modern, or should I say, crazy enough, or not ‘scientific’. Be carefull what you wish for.

    Electric? Don’t think so. Nothing is real? Obviously at the simplest level, it is or the article doesn’t exist, nor the author.

    Love is the universe-spanning circuit that ties all together, you know, that thing in short supply currently. The ultimate force that all revolves around.
    Any imbalances must be corrected, and some will fall as that balance is restored. No, I don’t mean ‘rapture’..


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      The reason karma exists is because there are no straight lines in the universe. Everything arcs back to its source. Light and magnetism are the main conveyors of energy in this universe. Magnetized clouds, geo-engineering, are manipulated to converge together to create storms or droughts. Light carries within it information. A beautiful book called Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak, explains this in great detail. Much of what we call science is only what the mind can comprehend in this moment. Understanding phenomenon in the invisible realm, as Nikola Tesla said, is where the human race can finally begin to evolve.


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        Karma exists for Mortals only. It has no relation to anything else. It exists to maintain balance. Every action has a reaction. If one takes action against another, that action must be endured by the originating individual in order that the true repercussions are known, whether good or bad.
        As I said before, one has to live something to know it.


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    Herb Rose


    Gravity and magnetism (directional gravity) are the attractive forces produced by energy. and are what binds everything together. Energy is attracted to and surrounds positive matter (strong nuclear force) and being a more powerful force than the force of matter (electric) it is able to displace negative matter from positive matter. Why does a neutron spontaneously split into a proton, electron, and a gamma ray (disturbance in the energy field)? Why is there a nucleus in an atom when there is so much electric force trying to push it apart?
    The forces of energy and the force of matter have opposite actions. When opposite magnetic poles come together the size and strength of the radiated energy force increases (bigger magnet). When opposite charges come together the size and strength of the radiated electric fields decreases (neutron).
    It is not an electric universe nut a universe created by energy.


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      Herb Rose


      The speed of light is not constant but varies with the strength of the energy field it is in. It is a change in the strength of the field.
      What we call mass is just how strongly matter is bound to the energy field. An electron and a proton have the same sized charges but the proton is strongly bound to the energy field while the electron has little mass because it is not bound to the energy field but to the positive charge in the energy field.


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    and away we go.


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    So summing up those earlier comments then e-motion = energy in motion
    Every e-motion is rooted in either love (+) or Fear (-)
    Love is a more powerful force than Fear
    The energy of Love may currently be in short supply but even a little goes a very long way, displacing Fear, bonding with positive matter and varying the Speed of Light.
    Sounds like a little Love with some added momentum may exponentially create a great big ball of positive Love and Light.
    Is that right?:-)


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      Hello Carmel,
      Thanks for responding, you are one of the few.

      It doesn’t have to be right, it is whatever you believe/know it to be.

      The natural opposition to Love, is hate. People can still fear love though.
      As far as love and the speed of light, I see no correlation, nor is “love and light” something I subscribe to, since to know the light, one must live the dark, and experience has no replacement.

      In the end, it depends on the love you refer to – Mortal, or Divine. Only the later rises above all.


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      kevin doyle


      Author Carmel,
      You have nailed it completely.


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