Graphene Oxide – what is the story?

Three videos have appeared this week which provide a new perspective on Covid 19.

La Quinta Columna made an urgent announcement that they hope will reach as many people as possible, especially those involved in health and legal services, as biostatistician Ricardo Delgado, Dr. José Luis Sevillano and the team of researchers and professors with whom they have been conducting their research have confirmed the presence of graphene oxide nanoparticles in vaccination vials.

In program nº63, the team showed some photos of the analyses carried out, specifically results obtained by optical and transmission electron microscopy observation, reserving the results of other techniques used for future programs. They also announced that the report based on all the techniques performed, which allowed determining the presence of graphene oxide, will be made official by the researchers who performed the analyses very soon.

Orwell City translated the message from La Quinta Columna and subtitled the video.

and from Amazing Polly:

and from Celeste Solum

See also:

Additionally there is this info from Russia which merits attention:

Meanwhile we find a 2019 paper: Graphene-Based Sensors for Human Health Monitoring.

Since the desire for real-time human health monitoring as well as seamless human-machine interaction is increasing rapidly, plenty of research efforts have been made to investigate wearable sensors and implantable devices in recent years. As a novel 2D material, graphene has aroused a boom in the field of sensor research around the world due to its advantages in mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. Numerous graphene-based sensors used for human health monitoring have been reported, including wearable sensors, as well as implantable devices, which can realize the real-time measurement of body temperature, heart rate, pulse oxygenation, respiration rate, blood pressure, blood glucose, electrocardiogram signal, electromyogram signal, and electroencephalograph signal, etc.

2009 -“Molecular nanotechnology is the physical underpinning for the singularity”

Why don’t they trust the existing singularity?
Is it because they have lost touch with it?
Ray Kurzweil was asked if God exists.
He said “Not yet”.

There are nano-particulates of magnetite in the graphene which has been added to flu vax & chemtrails for some time. An Italian team discovered nano-particulates of many heavy metals in ALL vaccines & were arrested for their trouble.

These metals will enhance the absorption of electro-magnetic radiation. The Zombies will be mind-controlled until they die. I expect to see an upsurge in dementia, suicide & violence.
Magnetite is a crystal in the shape of a POLYGON. Now we know HOW the Black Nobs are going to pull their cyber terrorism.

We all have minute crystals of Magnetite in our brains. Most animals & birds do. This is considered vital for direction finding.

If living things are saturated in magnetite then the delicate signals will be overwhelmed by EMFs. All life will become confused, disoriented & irritable.

See more here:

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Comments (11)

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    The pre- Federation Borg invasion.


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    I found this article a useful introduction to Graphene Oxide as a water soluble biosensor



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    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence… [Dr. Sagan]

    OTOH, the “Fifth Column” idea is inspiring. You know where is it to be formed, don’t you?

    Cheers, JaKo


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    Great conspiracy story…nothing else. Graphen in masks? lol.
    I am skeptical about many issues related to covid…but this story does not wash .


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      You may just be a lobotomite…


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    Mark Tapley


    In a precious post PSI showed the Italian scientists who had examined I believe over 90 “vaccines.” It was stated that all of them with the exception of one veterinary vaccine contained metal particles and other foreign material.

    The so called vaccines have never worked as documented by the actual public records exposed by Suzanne Humphries MD in her book “Dissolving Illusions.” It is just more verification of how brain washed people are that they line up like a bunch of domestic asses when ever the Rockefeller CDC big Pharma criminal’s tell them another medical fairy tale.


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    It is not any mystery that magnetic nanoparticles have application in biomedicine. ..and are most likely present in mRNA vaccines. It is well known that nanoparticles are used in them as a ‘box’ to deliver genome into the cell. Check Wikipedia for Graphite/Graphene Oxide and Magnetic Nanoparticles. The latter have multiple applications in many areas.


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    A likely option, a certain percentage will leave the world, a larger percentage will become a patient of Big Pharma.
    And governments will get crowd control, which is what the scenario required …


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    Andrew Pilkington


    Great article, many thanks (I meant to add. Sorry) 🙂


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