General Flynn Confirms Elite Did Dummy Run For COVID19 in 2017!

General Michael Flynn, hero of American patriots supporting President Donald Trump in the fight against the globalist satanic cabal has come out to endorse a new video by ‘conspiracy theorist’ Alex Jones which proves the SARS pandemic was all planned for in 2017, a full two years earlier.

General Flynn, who has an impeccable 33-year career in US Army Intelligence is full of praise for “smart as a whip” Jones, who runs the website, on the release of a devastating new documentary exposing the fact that in 2017 Johns Hopkins University had performed a…

 “Pandemic exercise narrative comprises a futuristic scenario that illustrates communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures (MCMs) that could plausibly emerge in the not-so-distant future.” [1]

In both the 2017 dummy run and the current pandemic the ‘powers that be’ admit that their original official estimates for death tolls are over estimated. It is an admission of deliberate scare tactics to provoke widespread unwarranted fear and panic, knowing this is false!

The stated official numbers in the 2017 ‘war game’ pandemic scenario are exactly the same as for the current COVID19 pandemic, reports Jones. What are the odds?

In both scenarios, an emergency vaccination authorisation is issued to select Big Pharma players and safety measures are sidelined and suspended. The same shape-shifting guidelines such as “14 days to stop to spread”, the “no mask, yes-mask” confusion ploy to falsely convey a sense that nothing is pre-planned when everything is scripted right down to using the same Twitter hashtags and fake fact checkers to discredit skeptic medical professionals opposing the narrative.

With SPARS 2017 the scenario predicts deadly adverse side effects from the vaccines within two years (see above) just as with warnings becoming apparent today with the anti-SARS 2019 jabs.

The uncanniness of the similarity of the Johns Hopkins 2017 SPARS playbook to the 2019 SARS version is so striking that a reasonable person may determine this is tantamount to smoking gun proof of a ‘false flag‘ – a meticulously pre-planned crime against humanity.

Below is a screen shot of the document proving that Johns Hopkins University planned the full COVID19 scenario two years in advance:

Watch the shocking video from Alan Jones exposing the full story below:


About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 


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Comments (6)

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    Herb Rose


    The year before hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans there was a coordinated exercise by federal, state, and local governments planning on what to do if a category five hurricane hit the city. When Katrina approached the civil events reacted by leaving town. It is a mistake to believe that the utter incompetence of government employees is some sort of master plan when they are required not to think but to follow procedures and just do anything that gives the impression of effort.


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      Mark Tapley


      Herb, don’t you know that the negroes in those housing projects (some going on for four generations) were now sitting on valuable real estate. The elites had been waiting for years for a hurricane. Actually Katrina missed N.O. and mostly came into an unoccupied area of Miss. for the most part. The little surge back from Lake Ponchetrain would not have done anything to a halfway levee system. The dynamite did however. But everyone knows that 3rd world countries are going to have difficulty maintaining a real levee. No matter just so long as the gov. continues to fund the BLM and Israel.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Herb and hopefully PSI Readers,

    Herb, you wrote–“When Katrina approached the civil events reacted by leaving town.”–without giving an indication that you know this. A common practice of yours. It could be true or it could be false, but I a reader would like some background information to suggest that someone beside yourself knows this too.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    This POS and his partner in crime Boy Trump are not American heros. These guys are controlled opposition specialists. You drank the coolaide. Truly pathetic.


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      Mark Tapley


      You beat me to it. It is critical that the Zionists maintain the two party paradigm with the fake left and fake right. This is what Flynn and Alex Jew Jones are for in their roles as controlled opposition. The left wing adolescent porn slut chasing Lolita Express frequent flyer fan boy for Israel Trump has always been controlled by the Zionist Jews. He was nothing but a puppet actor stuck in office to fool the ignorant goyim voters. His taxes could not be revealed or it would show who owned him. Like his Sec. of Commerce Wilbur Ross, former managing director of Rothschild Inc. who bailed the idiot Trump out of his 1.3 billion debt from the casino debacle. Ck out his court deposition in. 2016 he was forced to give. And this is supposed to be a business tycoon. The only business Trump knows anything about is the same one Epstein was in,.


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    judy Ryan


    Well, here is some more evidence about which children the WHO got to practice their unecessary and possibly damaging vaccination on children.


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