Everything Reminds Me of Tim: Biography of Tim Ball

New biography of one of the world’s best skeptical climatologists, Dr Tim Ball, has just been released. Written by Tim’s widow, Marty, it provides unique personal insights into the life and work of a most accomplished critic of the junk science of man-made global warming.

Nobody has done as much – for as long and at such great cost – to expose the lies and misapprehensions over the most enduring and organised crime syndicate in modern history. Tim Ball obtained his PhD in the field of climatology in London in 1983 and had no qualms disavowing himself of nonsense scare stories being peddled by university colleagues over alleged ‘dangerous’ human CO2 emissions.

Over the subsequent 40 years the tenacious but avuncular Dr Ball produced countless scientific articles, lectures, seminars, books and radio and TV interviews in his mission to offer balance to the official doomsday narrative.

In early 2010 it was my honor and pleasure to count Tim as a dear friend and colleague when he joined our nascent international team of climate researchers who collaborated in writing the world’s first and only full-volume debunk of the science behind it all –  ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory‘ (2010).

Thanks to Tim’s input Father Time and the scientific method has vindicated our book despite the vitriol and ridicule flung at us. Our research and analyes is proven entirely accurate in revealing that not only is carbon dioxide not our climate’s control knob, but this trace atmospheric gas serves only to COOL, and not warm anything.

Such is the extent to which midwittery, group think and corruption has poisoned the intellectual well of academic thought that even now, countless famed scholars still dare not openly admit they had it wrong and CO2 is innocent.

Dr Ball was a humble, hard-working but inspirational thought leader whose mantra throughout the hard-fought and often bitter climate debate was to remain civil – ‘disagree, but without being disagreeable.’

As this important historical book recounts:

“Tim came to Canada from England in 1957 at the age of 17. He worked in Toronto and Sudbury until 1960 when he joined the RCAF as an Aircrew Radio Operator. He was trained in Winnipeg, where he met and married Marty, who was a student nurse at St. Boniface Hospital.

Tim became interested in the climate while on Search and Rescue in the north out of Winnipeg. He got out of the Airforce in September 1968 and went to University. He received his BA Honours at the University of Winnipeg, (United College), and his Masters (Climatology) at the University of Manitoba. He taught as a lecturer at the University of Winnipeg in 1972 and completed his PhD, (Climatology) at Queen Mary College at the University of London, England. Tim spent the better part of his career trying to convince the world that ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ was a man-made hoax. He fought lawsuits, death threats, website hackings, lies and attacks, too numerous to mention. A sense of humour unequaled. Generous to a fault.”

Tim’s achievements have never been fully acknowledged, at least by the self-serving mainstream which sought to downplay the significance of his victory in the multi-million-dollar, eight-year-long science trial of the century.’ A most frivolous but telling defamation lawsuit against Ball was finally defeated in the Judgment rendered at the Supreme Court of British Columbia in 2019.

Former UN IPCC arrogant hotshot, Dr Michael Mann, looked on as his lawfare was blown away by Dr Ball’s truth defense – which required Mann to show all his hidden climate data in open court. Mann failed to comply with the strict rules of disclosure. As a consequence the court dismissed Mann’s SLAPP suit and ordered him to pay all Ball’s legal costs, believed to be in excess of one million dollars.

Of course, Mann never paid a penny. His cronies in high places suppressed this story from the public and that disgusting climate gravy train somehow trundles on.

Everything Reminds Me of Tim: Biography of Tim Ball by Marty Ball is now on sale online from Barnes & Noble.

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Comments (3)

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    I have tremendous admiration and respect for the late Dr. Tim Ball for his tenacious temerity to stand tall as a truth teller. God rest his soul and comfort and bless his family and colleagues in the pursuit of true science.


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    John O'Sullivan


    Lorraine, well put, thank you.


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    Thank you John O’Sullivan and the Principia-scientific.com staff for supporting Dr. Tim Ball.


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