Dr Saeed Qureshi: His Life & Work Advancing Empirical Science

Dr Saeed Qureshi came to the only logical conclusion: if an invalid test is used, there can be no valid results. He was referring to a test – the drug dissolution test – used worldwide in the pharmaceutical industry. He not only recognized the flaw in the testing protocol, but created the solution.

More recently, he noted a fatal flaw in the testing for the world-famous virus: it has never been isolated, so one cannot test for it.

The recent logical conclusion is all the more important, as it makes invalid all Covid-19 testing.

He is an unsung hero. His initial logical conclusion was generally ignored. The current one is likewise not recognized by the mainstream.

Who is Saeed Qureshi?

He has always been logical. It’s his nature.

His education, to the PhD level: chemistry – though, had there not been career considerations, he would have chosen mathematics or physics.

He is soft-spoken – yet ready to speak out when logic leads him to see a problem.

During his 30 years of employment at Health Canada, he recognized something that should have quickly altered testing in the pharmaceutical industry. The test results, from the drug dissolution testing protocol used worldwide in the pharmaceutical industry, were all invalid.

Why? Saeed Qureshi investigated: the stirring mechanism being employed rendered the results invalid.

Saeed Qureshi created an improved stirrer.

So he both saw a problem and created a solution.

Soft-spoken Saeed should have been hailed as a hero, both recognizing a problem and providing a solution.

This has not been the case. Recognizing Saeed’s information would mean acknowledging the mass of invalid tests. Very inconvenient. So even now, years later, his finding has not been accepted, and his solution has not been adopted.

About 10 years ago, he created a blog, Drug-Dissolution-Testing.com, to help disseminate his important findings.

Drug Dissolution Testing

A few years later, he retired.

Over the past year, he has landed in hot water – because his findings about the standard pharmaceutical test apply directly to what is happening with world-famous Covid-19. This virus, as Saeed quietly notes, has never been isolated. Therefore there cannot possibly be any test for it. One can test only for what has been isolated. In other words, none of the tests for Covid-19 have any validity.

He further notes that there has been the use of confusing terminology, perhaps intended. While the virus has not been isolated, a similar-sounding term, “virus isolate,” is widely used. Though a virus isolate has nothing to do with an isolated virus, the term, “virus isolate” is likely to make lay people believe the virus has been isolated.

While the mainstream has not hailed Saeed, he has become a major contributor to Principia Scientific, which is committed to facts and logic.

Principia Scientific

He is also being interviewed increasingly by people who question the government and media response to this virus, as if it were more deadly than the Black Plague, worth destroying Western economies, worth destroying both the financial and mental health of untold millions, worth doubling world hunger in just one year.

Perhaps soon Saeed Qureshi’s conclusions will be recognized. At any rate, his is a voice of reason and sanity welcome to those who, like him, value logic and facts.

Saeed Qureshi: Unsung Hero. Logic: Invalid Test, Invalid Results. This holds for the Drug Dissolution Test. And for all Covid tests. Invalid.

Read more by Dr Elsa Schieder on Truth Tellers at truthsummit.info

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