Dr. Roger Hodkinson on COVID19: “It’s all been a pack of lies”

A ‘much see’ video for all still fearful over a non-existent deadly virus (just the flu re-packaged for the gullible). Dr. Roger Hodkinson is among thousands of brave medics exposing the greatest scientific fraud in human history.

Dr. Hodkinson (photo, above) is one of the most eminent pathologists in the world. His impassioned plea to stop the madness of the COVID19 fraud and the toxic and expensive ‘vaccines’ served up to fight a non-existent pandemic is heart rending because many thousands, if not millions, of lives have been ruined by the mass deception foisted on us by Big Pharma, corrupt political leaders and a compliant mainstream media.

Watch the video below:

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rvkaOdrXKEQc/

More are waking up to this scam. Most have been too timid about speaking outside their little world of friends. But now this is not the time to be fearful. We must all freely share the truth of the toxic jab – a cynical stealth weapon from eugenicists bent on massively cutting the global population. These Malthusians are lying to us and we must stop the poison from being put in more people if we value our well being and the future of humanity.

Like many of my colleagues, I have been a staunch activist denouncing these genocidal crimes – barking numerous times at elected officials and alerting as many people as possible via Principia Scientific International.

Like a good many of our readers, I have written to my doctor to protest (I got no reply).  For a year and a half many of us speaking out about this lunacy have found our small worlds to be lonely places as we take a stand against the brainwashed crowd.

All of us putting our heads above the parapets to denounce the medical malfeasance have at some point been ridiculed as a bunch of far out whackos who don’t know what they’re talking about.

The Contagion Myth’ – New Book Exposing COVID-19 Fallacies

We have lived the past century beholden to the mainstream media and false ‘experts’ touted as the most authoritative spokespeople. But we have discovered the ‘experts’ were actually the dishonest shills of their paymasters and not concerned a jot about the Greater Good.

Thankfully, in the past 18 months a truer, more honorable and decent cohort of real experts, not invested in the scam have emerged. We have published most of them on Principia Scientific International and readers may learn more of their work by freely using the ‘Search’ feature on the top right of our website (see photo, below).

To get you started, if you are new to this site, we have a few suggestions below, but there are very many more.

We recommend checking out  Dr Vernon Coleman, Dr Ivor Cummings, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Chris Martenson, Dr Sam Bailey, Professor Ioannidis, Dr Saeed Qureshi, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr Judy Wilyman, Dr Kory and his FLCCC Alliance, Tony Heller, Tom Woods, Ann Coulter, Dr John Lee, the Mises Institute and many more.

From reading our extensive, reliable, free-to-access content even non-scientists can adroitly fathom that the vaccine programs are coercive and are an imposition, being untested and licensed for emergency use only.

Have You Actually Read A COVID19 Vaccine Consent Form Yet?

‘Vaccine’ is a misleading term anyway because these potions offer no immunity as such. They are, in essence, gene therapy. Their actual purpose is to advance transhumanism and make the global more compliant as a drone class to the queen bee billionaires who own and run the UN most international universities and medical institutes. Principia Scientific has detailed how and why many of the ‘rules’ imposed are unlawful.

While Satanists have peddled false remedies to boost their coffer they have denigrated cheap, effective re-purposed medicines such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin because little, if any, profit can be made from them.

A Cheap, New COVID Cure Just Did Away Any Need For A Vaccine!

But the best cure for any disease is prevention – such as a prophylactic. Our modern lifestyles are made toxic, not by accident but by design. We cut down our cholesterol because we are told cholesterol is ‘bad’ yet cholesterol is 75 percent of what our brains are. No wonder Alzheimer’s is on the rise, along with obesity from all the sugar and additives in processed foods. High sugar diets cause cancers.  It may also be dumbing down your kids.

12 Proven Health Benefits Of Ashwagandha

The lesson we must all learn is trust no one. Be responsible for your own health and well being and boost your immune systems with everything from cod liver oil to exercise via vitamins D, zinc, sunshine, air, love, family and friendship and stress avoidance.

Study Shows Devastating Effect Of Pandemic On Mental Wellbeing

Dr. Roger Hodkinson is confident that there will be a reckoning for this “incredibly mad episode in human history.”

“I think the dominoes are starting to fall  and when the dust settles…reputations will be slaughtered because this has been a pack of lies from start to finish.”

Be assured that legal remedies – class action lawsuits – against the mendacious monsters who brought such evil upon us are in full swing. In time, the most culpable will likely get the comeuppance their Nazi counterparts were dealt in 1946 at the Nuremberg Trials. Nuremberg 2.0 is coming and at the vanguard of justice is Dr Reiner Fuellmich and his dedicated international team – “We Have the Evidence“. You can even sign up to be a part of the class-action claim (see here).

We should remain watchful but be hopeful. The White Hats have the Black Hats on the run and the days of Rothschild pre-eminence are numbered.  Peace and love to you all.

About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

Please Donate Below To Support Our Ongoing Work To Expose The Lies About COVID19

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

Please DONATE TODAY To Help Our Non-Profit Mission To Defend The Scientific Method.

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Comments (33)

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    “A ‘much see’ video for all still fearful over a non-existent deadly virus (just the flu re-packaged for the gullible).”

    Yeah, covid is interchangeable with flu because flu is fraud. Don’t be retarded. That you think “covid” is the greatest fraud, while it is interchangeable with flu, and similarly based on a more fundamental fraud means you’re not quite getting it.


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      “While Satanists have peddled false remedies to boost their coffer they have denigrated cheap, effective re-purposed medicines such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin because little, if any, profit can be made from them.”

      That’s nice dear, except you’re peddling industrial, non-essential toxins as “prevention” against a non-existent problem.

      So yeah…I guess I gotta do diss.



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        John O'Sullivan


        Those “non-essential toxins” – vitamins and zinc – are shown by empirical evidence to be effective in boosting immunity and preventing illness. If you have studies showing the opposite please post them.


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          I didn’t mention zinc, selenium, potassium, chlorine (common issues related which ivermectin, hcq worsen) vitamins, PQQ, glutathione, niacin, etc.

          I quoted that appeal “satanists rejecting HCQ, ivermectin”. Hey, this satanist rejects vaccines too.


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        Andrew Pilkingtonp


        Hello 🙂 Name change?


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      John O'Sullivan


      We get it. We are not “retarded.” But we are peeling a rotten onion of medical fraud one layer at a time. Many at PSI believe Bechamp’s terrain theory is much more credible than Pasteur’s germ theory. That isn’t the point. We have to unpick over a century of medical fraud and the subject is much more complicated than most realise.


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        That’s exactly the point. Tear down the foundation of the lie. The virus is the foundation. Where is this virus and proof that it causes cv?


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      Richard Noakes


      “Even so, a key issue is that the current vaccines block severe disease but do not prevent infection, said Dr. Gregory Poland, a vaccine scientist at the Mayo Clinic. That is because the virus is still capable of replicating in the nose, even among vaccinated people, who can then transmit the disease through tiny, aerosolized droplets”
      Reuters – what my free salt water cure stops.

      The Achilles Heel of Coronavirus, is while it is still in the developing stage as Coronavirus/Covid in the warm, wet areas inside the nasal passages of your head (nose) and before it gets to become Covid in your head and lungs, 10 to 14 days later. If Coronavirus is not treated with my free salt clean water cure to flush out your nasal passages, as soon as possible, or during self isolation, it becomes Covid, which is where the money is. You cannot catch Covid! Always breathe through your nose and keep your mouth shut, because you really don’t want the Coronavirus to seed itself in your lungs!! My free salt water cure has “absolutely nothing” to do with mRNA test vaccines. Treating Coronavirus with my free salt clean water cure, flushes out the nasal cavity and kills Coronavirus, before it gets to be Covid, irrespective of if you have had mRNA vaccines or not. Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm or cold clean water, cup a hand and pour some of the solution in, then sniff or snort that mugful up into your nose, spitting out everything which comes down into your mouth, by so doing, you flush out your nasal cavity, where Coronavirus lives. If you get a burning sensation (which lasts for 2-3 minutes) then you have a Coronavirus infection.When the soreness goes away, blow out your head with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards and continue doing my salt clean water nasal cavity flush cure, morning, noon and night, or more often, if you want, until, when you do my free salt water cure, you don’t experience any soreness at all in your nasal cavity. While you are at it, swallow a couple of mouthfulls and if you get a burning sensation in your chest, then you are killing the Covid/Bronchitis there too, so keep it up, each time you do a salt water sniffle, until the soreness in your head and lungs goes away – job done. Pour some of the solution on a flat surface and allow to dry and see what you have then. This is what coats the nasal passages in your head and kills Coronavirus/Covid off. You can see why it is so effective. This is what I have done for the past 26.5 years and I am NEVER ill, nor do you need to be either.
      Please pass it around to everyone who wants to give it a try.

      He added that “Current vaccines are great at preventing [CO1] serious infection deep in the lungs, but not at blocking infection in the upper airways. What’s needed is a nasal-spray (vaccine) that would stop the coronavirus from taking hold at all.” – what my free salt water cure does and stops.

      Keep safe. Richard


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        Michael Radney


        Why not just use aerosolized colloidal silver 3xs daily? That would do the same thing as it kills all viruses immediately. The 3xs daily is due to the possibility that the virus did in fact go directly into ones lungs.


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    Well John…

    “While Satanists have peddled false remedies to boost their coffer they have denigrated cheap, effective re-purposed medicines such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin because little, if any, profit can be made from them.”

    Okay let’s take that then, as the “contolled opposition” to the vaccines or “establishment” (though it is establishment). On the one hand, you have the leftist religious types (use vaccines, wear masks)….

    On the other, the same leftist religious types (use hcq, remdesivir, ivermectin, trump is the best, he allowed the vaccines at warpspeed so that we can get vaccines and ivermectin, he did the CARES act thing which protects pharma at your expense, again, coz he did that before, too)

    “The lesson we must all learn is trust no one. Be responsible for your own health and well being and boost your immune systems with everything from cod liver oil to exercise via vitamins D, zinc, sunshine, air, love, family and friendship and stress avoidance.”

    Now, that’s kinda contradicatory and many people are not so clever hey.

    The article is “covid is fake”, then it’s like “oh, believe in ivermectin and hcq, because satanists”, then it’s like “uh, actually, rather not”.


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      ” Be responsible for your own health and well being and boost your immune systems…”

      That happens to be a significant problem, when you are constantly fearmongering, peddling bullshit such as hcq or vaccines against non-existent problems, injecting infants, animals with known toxins and you clamour for more of that sort of degeneracy. ESPECIALLY, the imposition on children, in ALL of medicine, etc will have to be destroyed.

      So from my perspective, I will grant you that degeneracy, but only with you as the subject. As any proper scientist would, with consideration, you do not subject others before yourself.

      Imagine a vaccine peddler, subjected to every vaccine he ever peddled.


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      John O'Sullivan


      No, DeadHeartDiary, you are missing the point. The issue is about efficacy based on pragmatic real world results. For example, if the Zelenko protocol is verifiably saving lives and umpteen peer-reviewed studies show vitamin D is shown to cure rickets then the burden of proof is on you to show they don’t.


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        I understand pragmatism, and I suggest quite ironically, YOU are missing the point.

        Ivermectin and HCQ are in no way essential to your function, BUT they do interfere (while adding toxicity) with covid PCR results. When you say “HCQ is the best for covid, just look at how it decreases case and covid mortalities”, perhaps you forget that covid is fraudulent, so using any aspect of it is meaningless.

        Particularly when comparative control is say, remdesivir, ventilators, vaccines, vs “zelenko” protocol, with unnecessary HCQ. You know, which includes unnecessary homogenized industrial toxic peddling, with ignorance of status, essentials, requirements.

        The problem is, like anything else, no controls.


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          Along with of course, IGNORANCE of physically essential functions, toxicity, etc.

          Vitamin D, for instance, is useful when you have low Vitamin D. As it’s essential to genetic regulation. If you do not have low Vitamin D, it’s not gonna help. HCQ or ivermectin, is NEVER essential and can actually never truly help. It can obseure, on industry’s behalf, however.


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          John O'Sullivan


          We know COVID19 doesn’t exist and the pandemic is fake and the vaccines are harmful. We’ve been saying it from the outset. Our scientists have shown that. PSI encourages open minded and inquisitive debate on all science and medical issues. Freedom of choice to have whatever you deem is beneficial to health. As the saying goes – “everything in moderation can be good for you. ” Even fresh water can be toxic and will cause death if you drink too much.


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            Jerry Krause


            Hi John O’,

            “As the saying goes – “everything in moderation can be good for you. ” Even fresh water can be toxic and will cause death if you drink too much.” VERY GOOD!!!

            One hot topic it seems you and other PSI Readers have not yet considered is found at this website (https://wildfiretoday.com/2021/08/21/will-unvaccinated-firefighters-be-restricted-from-traveling-to-fires/). Everything seems related to everything. PSI was founded because there was not forum for alternative science to the GHE, Global Warming, and Climate Change. Large portions of North America and other continents are burning up and a fact is for the first time in history we now have the DATA of many weather stations and atmospheric sounding, and now SMOKE and CLOUDS which can be observed from satellite. Which DATA did not exist before WWII!!!

            I certainly do not know the FUTURE but we need to take advantage of ALL THIS MISS-FORTUNE that is now occurring our WORLD. I have FAITH that GOOD might come out of this MESS which all around us. We must NOT GIVE UP and KEEP FIGHTING until the END COMES.!!!

            Keep up the good work which you and the founders of PSI started!!!

            Have a good day, Jerry

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      Michael Radney


      He admitted Sars Covid 2 is an overstated flu-like virus, not that it didn’t exist!


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    People cheer for enslavement, right?

    I finally figured out what society is all about. I wrote a story about it before, it was about my dead best girlfriend and a submarine.

    So, you tell someone “Be afriad”…
    And then they’re like “I’m fucking terrified”
    But it gets better. Because then you tell them “Listen, I’m kinda lazy. But I’d like for you to mask yourself and perhaps get an anal sample to test if you’re positive”.
    They’re like “That sounds fantastic, I’ll do that straight away. Can we go to the restaurant?”.

    So you have to explain “No, sorry. I have a special place for you. And I know exactly what you need.”

    At that point, there’s not much of a discussion going on. That actually makes them happier, knowing they’re injected with death poisons in the comfort of their “own” homes, WHILE they get fucked. But because the death poisons didn’t work so well on some initially, they have to use ivermectin or HCQ and perhaps some more death poison injection.

    Good idea to camp around 5g towers, btw. It’s the newest thing. Like the occupy movement.



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      Ken Hughes


      I just read all of your comments, thought about them, and concluded I don’t have a clue about what your point is


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      Denis dombas


      Your reasoning is quite stupid and backed by nonsense ,


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    I agree with Dr. Hodkinson but I am still left puzzled about how this fraud became established. Why have almost all health experts, governments and their advisers bought into this fraud?

    Evidence should matter and I have not seen anything that suggests that masks, social distancing and lockdowns have anything other than a very minor effect. None of these actions were listed in the pandemic plans of any government.

    My biggest concern is that an experimental vaccine has been imposed on us without rigorous testing. We all want health treatments with minimum risks so how has this horror been so readily accepted? The thalidomide case is something we surely all remember, showing how important trials are for heath treatments. There was also the MMR-Autism scandal which was based on corrupt research and supported by The Lancet, a publication we should be able to trust..

    I’m convinced that Covid is very similar to flu, and I would have liked this to have been discussed in more detail in the video, but it has been talked up as something more severe. My observations are that people will exaggerate their symptoms. When I was working colds were eliminated and everything became flu, all to get more time off sick. The claims for the vaccines are not supported by the trial results, and the trials did not run long enough and did not have any specific objectives. It is one fraud after another.

    I do not understand how people can have so little appreciation of the processes that are needed to ensure our protection from untested treatments.


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      Ken Hughes


      Alan, To my mind, there can be only one explanation for the global coordinated approach which buys into this fraud,…..that is,……that the approach has and is being globally coordinated.

      One must ask, who or what body has the power to instruct the governments of the world? There is only one possibility,….the central banks with their co conspirators, the world bank, the UN. the WHO, etc.

      Only the global banking cartel has the power to ruin a country’s economy and so can threaten any government into compliance.

      This requires the installation of key co conspirators within governmental organisations well in advance of the pandemic and this requires the conspiracy to have been planned years ago, only now coming to fruition.

      There are clear indications of this approach in the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s report from September 2019. Take a look at who funded the report.


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        Michael Radney


        Don’t forget the WEF. (World Economic Forum)


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      Denis dombas


      Gag orders and black mail is explanation for sheeple being afraid to talk about it.


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      i would like to comment on your assertion that the MMR – autism scandal was based on corrupt research , supported by the Lancet, a publication we should be able to trust. I presume you mean the studies which Dr Wakefield put forward, at the time. First, we have to get away from trusting any publications, just because we have been told they are peer reviewed, or checked by scientists. The former editor of the BMJ, Richard Smith, tells us that not only are studies published fraudulently , citing results which none of the researchers were involved in, but even sometimes from organisations which don’t actually exist. You have also to remember that even if someone , for instance Dr Wakefield, becomes aware of a failing in a medication and publishes a study, which others agree with, it isn’t long before pressure is put on the organisation to discredit the study , and usually the credentials of the Dr. Funding is removed from more research, and so many of the other scientists buckle under the threats and retract their findings. It happened recently in the Lancet when a Dr wrote in with her concerns about the jab, only to have her letter retracted some time after. We are not even allowed to see any opposing views. So, while undoubtably there may be some corrupt research sometimes, more often it is the pharmaceutical companies that persistently remove any opposing facts , which could lead to loss of a few more billions in their coffers.


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    Heretic Jones


    The video is quintessentially Canadian: bland and ineffective. Much like the fact that Canadian bacon is just ham.


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      USA Bacon


      Canadian bacon sucks!


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    I think I dropped some bad acid!


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      denis dombas


      DeadHead, nonsense mostly, if you can’t see fraud in this ,injections that do not protect from anything but causes death and injuries ,and what is future going to bring with these gene altering substances?I’m sorry to say but sounds like brain dead!


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      Herb! Statue bro.


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    Control Rat


    Oh Brave Doctor… Thank you for your wisdom and seeing thru the curtain of fear that the politicians have created!!!!!!!!!!!

    And thank you for vindicating my position and giving me strength to continue to tell friends and acquaintances that this is all propaganda and creating fear. The politicians are lying at us … Globalists, Deep State, Criminal Cabal etc is doing everything they can think of to try to control/kill us!!!


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    Dr. Roger Hodkinson on COVID19: “It’s all been a pack of lies” | Principia Scientific Intl.


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