‘Died Suddenly’ – An Explanation

The best explanation of the situation I have come across date comes from ‘A Midwestern Doctor’ who writes ‘The Forgotten Side Of Medicine’

To date 8,527 views and 28 shares on substack have been made of my short article in knee-jerk response to the documentary ‘Died Suddenly‘.

Over on facebook my post has hit 6.8k views with 127 comments and 46 shares, breaking all previous records.

On Twitter the usual antics are going on – my impressions count has dropped from a few thousand to just 163, now with just 4 ‘hearts’.

Shadow banning of my account on Twitter is not new news, and right now it sure looks to me that Elon et al don’t want talk of this disturbing documentary circulating any more than is necessary.

Twitter aside, that’s a lot of readership for which I don’t have any answers.

As a numbers guy I can tell you that excess deaths are significant and climbing, and across the board we are seeing deterioration in health that is not just unusual but unprecedented once we turn the handle and crunch more numbers.

But that’s all I can tell you, which is why I keep my eye out for somebody well-qualified that is making a great deal of sense of those numbers.

Such a person is ‘A Midwestern Doctor’ (AMD) who writes the mind-blowing The Forgotten Side of Medicine blog.

Yes, this can be heavy going technical stuff but it’s well worth persevering or asking somebody to decipher it.

This morning I am digesting a thoroughly absorbing piece entitled ‘What is Causing the Blood Clots from “Died Suddenly?”‘, and I highly recommend this for anybody seeking an explanation.

Like me, AMD is torn over the production value of the documentary since it contains material enabling it to be easily passed off as conspiracy hype. Then again, hype is what engages people these days. Subsequently, AMD has produced edited versions that have less error, less hype and arguably more impact, links to which are available in their article.

Protein Folding

According to AMD it sure looks like protein folding irregularities lie at the heart of severe COVID-19, long COVID and vaccine harm (both immediate and delayed), these being driven by the presence of the spike protein. AMD draws upon a solid body of research to reach the following conclusion:

In summary, this study demonstrated that there are always slightly irregular or misfolded fibrous blood clots being formed within the body, but at the same time the body has a mechanism for removing them.

However, once small amounts of spike protein are added into the mix (at concentrations I believe will be reached through vaccination) those irregular fibrous clots spiral out of control and come to dominate the clotting process.

At this point, the body’s mechanisms for removing them are no longer able to outpace this growth function and they instead grow until they are constrained in size by the blood vessels they are within like the large fibrous clots shown in Died Suddenly.

Ante Mortem Hypercoagulation

My penny worth – as expressed in my initial article – is that these clotting processes likely continue after death, these grotesque results being an example of ante mortem hypercoagulation.

I’ve chewed this over with a switched-on GP and we agree that the size and quantity of fibre and clots, along with the level of blood decomposition seen by embalmers, is not plausible in a living person.

We presume that the emergence of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) and the rise in excess young death around the globe is due to onset of these processes.

It is more than sobering to think that this diabolical mechanism was most likely developed as part of Gain-of-Function research.

The only way I can summarise all this is by declaring that humanity is in the cross hairs like never before, and in more ways than one.

I have no doubt that genius solutions will be found but that is not going to happen until people accept the situation, no matter how dire, and push for change.

See more here substack.com

Header image: Youtube

About the author: John Dee (not his real name) is a former British government G7-level scientist who now uses his analytical skills to highlight where the public is being lied to on various subjects.

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Comments (5)

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    …humanity in the cross hairs like never before…check out the scientist John Calhoun and his mice utopia experiments from the 1960s. These experiments are extremely relevant to today’s socialist/leftist movement. As far as the destruction of humanity goes, we are much farther along than we know. The current agenda the elitists are pushing forward assures the end for all of us.


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    a j potter


    Very interesting the John Calhoun stuff. I want to point out we are not mice.


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    That dude quotes “Clot Adams” on his blog and wants to be treated seriously? Nope. Dilbert bro is an idiot that simply describes an unoriginal and observable phenomena, nothing more.

    When that tool told non-vaxxers that they got “lucky” when they were proven right about the mRNA vax (being dangerous) I had to move on. What a jack ass. He got jabbed and is now having issues but somehow it was a 50/50 chance that the jab was a kill shot- no one could’ve known? Ha!!

    Sorry but it was just common sense. Like how I don’t know, can’t prove, if jumping off a bridge will kill me, but I’m not stupid enough to try it. Just be glad fauci wasn’t telling people to jump from heights, I’m sure half the nation would’ve done that too!

    Folks. Don’t listen to the hustlers or the hustled. Both mean you harm or are incompetent at the very least. No. Listen to yourself and people you know in real life.


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    Geraint HUghes


    Do anti-fibrin protolease enzymes remove this fibrous clots anyone know?


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    Good article, it highlights the ‘main feature’ of these bio weapon shots – the clotting. It removes the hype Peters included in his ‘died suddenly’ movie. It exposes Peters sensational brand of journalism for that ‘gotcha’ affect, luring folks in with half baked truths and presentations. Hollywood type mentality should never be used when presenting a serious issue that is affecting the world. The point was not lost in presenting Adams’ key point in the usage of visual metaphors.


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