COVID Fraud:The UK Government’s Outright Lies to The People

The UK Chief Scientific Officer Sir Patrick Vallance has just lied outright to the British people, yet again like Gates and Ferguson massively exaggerating the threat (even disregarding that there are no matching deaths for cases) and no one in the mainstream media notices and calls them on it.

“At the moment we think that the epidemic is doubling roughly every 7 days, could be a little bit longer a little bit shorter, but roughly every seven days… If, and that’s quite a big if, but if that continues unabated and this grows doubling every seven days then you what you see of course, let’s say we have 5000 today there would be 10,000 next week, 20k the week after, 40k the week after and you can see by mid-October if that continues we would end up with something like 50,000 cases in the middle of October per day…”

[ITV at 8 minutes]

So… here’s a chart with Vallance’s claim:

Doubling every seven days (x1.104 per day, a little over 10% per day) in the dotted pink line, to get to 50,000 cases by mid-October. Notice you have to start with 5 cases not 600 cases, else it would not be 50,000 a day but 6m cases a day. So, like Ferguson, what he says as parameters and what he charts are utterly different.

Now compare the gradient of the pink line (double every seven days) with the actual cases and best-fits for growth for those cases, as illustrated by the other lines. That’s 3.5% per day, 27% per week, or 1.27 times. A bit lower than 2 times. It will give rise to 8,580 cases per day, not 50,000.

Even that however misrepresents the ‘contagion’ in two fundamental ways:

The ‘Exponential’ Meme

Vallance refers to ‘continues unabated’ = same rate = exponential.

Whitty refers explicitly to exponential multiple times.

NO contagion is ‘exponential’, growing exponentially for months. Try and find any contagion in Google (“epidemic chart”). You will find that for Ebola, Sars, Flu (1918 and Seasonal), daily graphs are consistently standard humped curves.

The ‘It’s Real Not Testing’ Meme

DEATHS aren’t following the CASES as others have pointed out.

We can see that in the following chart: (I download WHO data from the WHO Covid-19 Dashboard, do my own analysis and prepare my own charts).

The pink line in this chart shows what deaths should look like if they’re to track cases, using the 16% death rate that the UK government found popular in the primary contagion. That is a separate topic.

The red line shows that there simply are no deaths to match. In fact, while cases have increased 10.8 times since the cases minimum, 14th July, deaths have actually fallen 9%. (We use a weekly average figure to smooth the daily variation somewhat).

To utterly mis-state the present situation in tree fundamental manners (growth rate, exponential, no deaths): that isn’t a quirk, a slip, a minor error from the UK’s Chief Government Advisor…

The pink line in the first chart cannot by any stretch of the imagination be argued to be a good fit for the cluster of blue and gold lines which represent actual cases and best-fit growth lines.

This is fraud, pure and simple, and what does it do yet again, but exaggerate the epidemic.

The UK government has just formally re-committed to its original fraud with an entirely new scenario. Thus the original fraud was not a mistake, any more than this one is.

We need a good lawyer.

{Editor’s note: Any UK barrister/lawyer versed in pursuing actions against the government for abuse of power, misfeasance in public office, please contact me asap at: [email protected]}

Watch Andrew Mather’s Youtube videos. 

See his interview below on The UK Column:

About the author: Andrew Mather is a retired British mathematician and posts insightful videos under the title Peerless Reads. 

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Comments (12)

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    Brian James


    Sep 17, 2020 Amandha Vollmer: Healthy People Do Not Carry Disease

    July 4, 2020 at Gerald Celente’s garden in Kingston, NY


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    Roger Higgs


    Why aren’t tens of thousands of honest medical doctors across the world speaking out against the covid fraud? Scared for their jobs? Have they no conscience? It’s pathetic.


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      The NHS staff at my surgery say all the policies are pointless. The nurses will go out protesting about salaries but they will not protest about this.


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      Hi Roger,
      Not many people are aware of the level of “indoctrination” the MD’s and other medical pros are exposed to. Medical schools are bought and paid for by the Big Pharma and most of research activities is as well.
      Also, do you remember the big deal about a former MD Andrew Wakefield? He probably had some problems, but he could have been correct about vaccination and look how much concentrated effort the involved parties expended to destroy him.
      In the balance, how much would one want to sacrifice for the common sheeple’s well-being? Especially when these could turn out to be the first to testify against them?
      Gloomy, I know — we lost already…


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    We need a good lawyer to speak out against government tyranny here in the US. We did used to have one in the man whom I almost got to meet, but then his heart froze because antifa possessed him.


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    Ken Hughes


    Yes indeed, and this very evening we had the first attempt by the media to rationalize the discrepancy between increasing “cases” and actual deaths.

    We are being told that increases in “infections” is mainly amongst the young which is why the fatalities are still low, but that the longer this goes on, the more older and vulnerable will become infected and so deaths will rise more rapidly.

    Apparently, we are expected to believe that the young do not normally come into contact, directly with the older generation. All those uncles and aunts, fathers and Mothers, grandfathers and Grandmothers never meet their younger family members.

    Well, I was not aware the older generation had been in lockdown, protecting them from the young?

    Clearly, to anyone with a modicum of commons sense and logic, this excuse is a complete load of garbage.

    One thing is for sure, they can’t keep this pretense up for much longer. The truth will become more and more embarrassingly obvious to all and they will be exposed for the liars they are.


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    All this slack-brained hype is based on increased PCR testing showing more positive results. These numb-nut fools then erroneously but deliberately misconstrue these ‘cases’ as ‘infections’ (couched in the crap ideas of ‘asymptomatic’ spread — there is NO good evidence for such a thing) when most are not. PCR tests are known to give False Positives, (see Study Finds Immunity to Coronavirus Linked to the Common Cold ), and PCR test IS NOT a diagnostic tool, it can only (at best) show the presence of a very, very small part of a piece of matter (a particular set of nucleotide) that may, or may not be from the COVID virus.

    PCR positive ‘Cases’ are NOT evidence of infection, they’re NOT necessarily evidence COVID, they are evidence that a non-diagnostic tool — the PCR method* — has (or maybe not) found some nucleotide types arranged in a certain order.

    *Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method widely used to quite quickly make millions to billions of copies of a specific DNA sample, allowing scientists to take a very small sample of DNA and multiply (or amplify) it to a large enough amounts to study in detail. How sensitive the test is relies on the number of multiplication(amplification) steps done. The more step taken the more likely the chance of false positives. Currently the UK NHS is way over the top with reported multiplication (amplification) steps at 45 — thus lots of false positives.
    Also see


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    Hi John (The Editor In Chief)
    I see you’re looking for a good lawyer to take on the UK government — please consider the example of Julian A’s experience with this “UK Justice System.”
    There is a much deeper problem than many realize with this plandemic/scamdemic; the plutocracy in charge is by definition very murky (as in not-transparent / not-accountable etc.) way of “governing” — the only way to kill this beast is by mob and guillotines!
    I may send a few bucks in support when I see any light in the (however) far end of this “tunnel,” but I’m very skeptical of that undertaking… However, I will gladly send you my diamond guillotine sharpener!


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    Dean Michael Jackson


    The Marxist establishment naturally doesn’t call out Marxist sociopaths, don’t you know!

    A little remedial history lesson you weren’t taught during school days by the Marxist establishment, although if you had thought about it, you too would have easily made the following ‘discoveries’ (why is it always left to the Irish to save Western Civilization? And a Catholic, at that!):

    “Trust but VERIFY” – President Ronald Reagan’s watch phrase when dealing with the USSR…

    (1) The West conspired to not VERIFY the ‘collapse’ of the USSR, even though the survival of the West depended on verification should the ‘collapse’ be a ruse, which proves (1) there was no ‘collapse’ of the USSR, because if there had been a ‘collapse’ the West would have immediately VERIFIED the ‘collapse’; and (2) the West’s institutions were co-opted by Marxists, explaining the West’s enabling of the fake ‘collapse’ of the USSR…quod erat demonstrandum.

    (2) Throughout the 1980s the West conspired to regurgitate Soviet Bloc under counting of communist party membership numbers in order to facilitate the canard of imploding Soviet Bloc political establishments, explaining the West’s enabling of the fake ‘collapse’ of the USSR…quod erat demonstrandum.

    (3) Before any religious sectarian strife in Yugoslavia (1991 – 2001) first there would have been massive reprisals against the reviled Communists who implemented draconian discriminatory policies to wipe out religion in Yugoslavia. LCY anti-religious discriminatory policies were so effective that within fifty years those who were without a religion increased by an astronomical 3,100%! The fact that no reprisals took place against LCY members proves that the ‘religious strife’ and ‘breakup’ of Yugoslavia was manufactured and controlled by the Communists.

    (4) The World War I Allies never did immediately send a naval expedition to Petrograd to easily topple Lenin & Bolshevik’s November 7, 1917 coup, thereby promptly returning Russia to the war, Russia’s involvement in the war being a critical variable for the Allies’ victory strategy against the Central Powers, proving (a) that the Allies knew they were going to win the war; (b) that the war was set up to (i) weaken the West’s influence in the world; (ii) weaken the West’s people’s confidence in their institutions and what those institutions stood for; and (c) one objective of the war was to settle into power the first above board Marxist state, with more to follow. In fact, there already was an anti-Marxist force in Russia at the time that if ordered would have conquered all of Bolshevik Russia during this period when the Bolsheviks were very weak. The unit was the 60,000 strong Czechoslovak Legion (soon to be 100,000 strong) but instead of sending the legion 700 miles north to Petrograd, the Allies sent it on a 6,000 mile odyssey across Russia to Vladivostok for evacuation to Europe(!), once again proving the Allies knew they were going to win the war…that the war was a Marxist operation.*

    (5) “On the initiative of the KGB, an army of Soviet vigilantes five million strong, the so-called ‘druzhiny’, was recruited from among the Komsomol activists. Their units were led by retired Chekists. They have been patrolling and policing the streets of all the Soviet cities. Their primary task has been to prepare the Soviet people to ‘behave’ during the forthcoming ‘liberalisation’.” – KGB defector Major Anatoliy Golitsyn, ‘The Perestroika Deception‘, March 1989, pp. 14-15.

    (6) Leningrad Oblast (Province) is still named Leningrad Oblast! Engels City is still named Engels City! Engels Air Force Base is still named Engels Air Force Base! Russian military personnel still refer to each other as “Comrade”! Kaliningrad Oblast is still named Kaliningrad Oblast! The State Emblem of the Soviet Union is atop the Duma building, and illuminated at night for clear viewing! Soviet Red Stars are still attached to the bows of Russian naval ships! The Hammer & Sickle logo is still on Aeroflot commercial aircraft! Not one statue to Lenin has been destroyed in Russia, where out of the 3,000 still standing throughout Russia, only a handful have been carefully taken down (in locations where tourists frequent) and hidden away in parks and museums, the remainder of these monstrosities to Russian nationalism/Russian Orthodox Church rubbing historical salt into still open wounds of Russian nationalists! The Russian ‘electorate’ are only ‘electing’ for president Soviet era communist party member Quislings, who persecuted the 85% of the religious population held captive by the Communist Party during the ‘Soviet era’!

    Got the picture, now? So spread the word…

    At my blog, read the articles…

    ‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’

    ‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’

    Then read the article, ‘The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation’


    The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.

    My blog…

    Even more telling is neutral Denmark’s laying mines off its coastal waters in international waterways in August, 1914 [thereby violating the 1857 treaty opening the Danish Straits to all shipping, where, “No ship of any kind may, under any pretext whatsoever, be subjected to detention or obstruction at the passage of the Sound or the Belts”] at the prompting of Germany (Germany too lays mines in the Danish Straits) and Great Britain does nothing! Not a word from the Allies (and the usual deafening silence from the Marxist co-opted press), in fact, even though access to the Baltic Sea is critical for the Allies to roll up Germany quickly by (a) closing the Baltic Sea to all German surface/subsurface vessels; (b) denying German access to trade with Sweden; (c) bringing the Royal Navy and the Imperial Russian Navy together; (d) forcing Germany to relocate critically needed infantry divisions and heavy armaments away from the Western Front for the new Baltic Front; (e) allowing British and Russian troop landings across the Baltic coasts, preventing German forces from moving eastwards towards Russia; thereby (f) knocking Germany out of the war before one shot is fired.


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