Covid-19 Inquiry Consultation on Draft Terms of Reference

Here is another open letter to MP’s from Doug Brodie, concerning the Covid-19 Inquiry Consultation on Draft Terms of Reference

I note the Covid-19 Inquiry draft Terms of Reference published here and that comment submissions on this draft close on 7 April 2022. Rather than wrangling over trivia questions such as whether we should have locked down harder or sooner, I think it important that the inquiry should investigate “big picture” issues as encapsulated in my eight simple questions below, framed to make it easier to join all the dots to understand what really happened:  

[Square brackets enclose my own answers to my own questions, contrasting starkly with the wholly fallacious claim of disgraced ex-Health Secretary and WEF acolyte Matt Hancock that “we got all the big calls right on Covid”.] 

1.    Why has our sovereign country become so subservient to the bidding of the unelected, unaccountable, obviously-untrustworthy WHO given that it is headed by a compromised Marxist placeman (Tedros) and is overwhelmingly controlled by totalitarian dictatorship China and Microsoft multi-billionaire cum vaccine fanatic Bill Gates? 

[Answer: Subservient kowtowing to a global organisation like the unaccountable WHO (or the unaccountable UN IPCC on climate change) is very dangerous as it exposes the general public to undemocratic despotic abuse, as happened with Covid‑19. Our puppet politicians and health authorities accepted without demur the unsubstantiated WHO assertion that the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus would cause a deadly pandemic and that the only solution was to toss aside our longstanding pandemic preparedness plan, which made no reference to lockdowns, in favour of unprecedented globally lock-stepped lockdowns and other ineffective interventions, totally disregarding our constitutional rights.  

During the pandemic the WHO even fraudulently redefined the long-established meanings of “a vaccine” and “herd immunity” to fit its twisted agenda. Consider also how the WHO is seeking to strengthen its authority over all UN member countries through a “power-grab” undemocratic Pandemic Treaty, to which puppet Western politicians already seem amenable. It will define how each country must respond to any pathogen which the WHO in future deems to be a pandemic, on past form most likely unjustifiably or fraudulently. See the World Council for Heath letter of protest. 

Bill Gates is a deranged but influential megalomaniac who wants to inject everyone in the world with his barely-tested, experimental vaccines yet he can’t even look after his own health. 

International lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich asserts in his opening statement to the Grand Jury trial of Covid‑19 crimes against humanity that WHO-compliancy happened because the SARS‑CoV‑2 so-called pandemic has been a globally pre-planned “plandemic“ engineered by a cabal of unelected, unaccountable technocrats – he calls them “psychopaths and sociopaths” – from the Davos World Economic Forum (WEF), Big Money, Big Tech, Big Pharma, billionaire “environmentalists” and the WHO and UN, with elected politicians and public bodies acting as subservient puppets. 

The cabal launched their desperate plan in early 2020 to pre-empt a looming banking system collapse due to the massive debt load run up by their abuse of our fiat currencies, e.g. €44 trillion of unfunded public pensions in Europe and $30 trillion of US debt. They and their supporters weaponised SARS‑CoV‑2 to attempt no less than a controlled demolition of our political and financial civilisation to replace it with a totally undemocratic, dystopian New World Order in which they retain their power and wealth while the rest of humanity is reduced to Orwellian serfdom. 

Joining all the dots as marked out by my eight simple questions to reach this shocking “conspiracy theory” conclusion explains the otherwise unfathomable Covid‑19 goalpost moving and deadly political play‑acting of the past two years.] 

2.    Why did all the world’s governments and health authorities react in lockstep at the start of the pandemic by adopting the Drosden Covid‑19 PCR test which suffers the apparent defect of creating large numbers of false positive test results? 

[Answer: The Drosden Covid‑19 PCR test was deliberately mal-engineered, as explained in this Fuellmich testimony, and the government knew about this because two senior PHE staff members were involved in signing off on this fraud. WEF clone governments all around the world adopted the Drosden test in order to create a “casedemic” of scary false positive Covid‑19 test results which they would fraudulently pass off as Covid-19 “cases” in order to instill fear and panic among the general public to further the ulterior, nefarious motive exposed by the Fuellmich evidence.] 

3.    Why did all the world’s governments and health authorities react in lockstep at the start of the pandemic by deliberately banning cheap and effective drugs such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as Covid‑19 treatments which clinical evidence shows could have prevented a large percentage of all Covid‑19 deaths? 

[Answer: They did it to panic the general public into believing that the only exit from the pandemic was by taking the experimental, still-untested vaccines, which they wanted everyone to take for the ulterior, nefarious motive exposed by the Fuellmich evidence. The “Three weeks to flatten the sombrero” false promise made by Boris Johnson (WEF acolyte and Bill Gates chum) at the start of the March 2020 lockdown was a sham because, as we now know, he had already decided that Covid‑19 restrictions would be spun out and the goalposts moved until everyone had been vaccinated. The “Partygate” shenanigans showed they knew they were at negligible danger from the supposedly “deadly virus”. 

These banned drugs have been proved safe and effective as Covid-19 treatments by many independent doctors all around the world, for example ivermectin by this US doctor who has successfully treated over 2,200 Covid patients, by the Indian health authorities in the contrarian state of Uttar Pradesh and hydroxychloroquine by this South African doctor who has treated 10,000 patients with his own supplies of the drug, not one of whom died or even had to go to hospital. He reports that other doctors around the world using the same protocols have had the same success. It is a crime against humanity that these life-saving Covid‑19 treatment drugs are still banned to this day.] 

4.    Why did governments and health authorities around the world all react in lockstep at the start of the pandemic by not only deliberately denying suffering patients cheap and effective Covid-19 drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine but also, under cover of lockdown, by administering toxic drugs such as midazolam and remdesivir to the old and vulnerable? 

[Answer: They did this to “euthanise” large numbers of defenceless, mostly elderly victims, falsely attributing their deaths to Covid‑19 in order to panic the general public into believing that the SARS‑CoV‑2 is deadly – it isn’t, for most it is a flu-like virus with a survival rate of about 99.9 percent, a figure that would have been even higher if the necessary life-saving drug treatments had not been deliberately banned – and that the vaccines were the only hope of salvation. 

For evidence of these deliberate killings see this chilling Fuellmich testimony starting 2:14:15 and a tearful UK care home whistleblower on the murder of care home residents while the country was in lockdown, supported by this Daily Exposé study and this UK Column report on “fast track” end of life care plans (from 44:00 min). See also the astonishing John O’Looney testimony below my next question.] 

5.    Why did governments around the world all cover up and dismiss the massive spike in deaths among of the mostly elderly vaccine recipients immediately following that the start of Covid‑19 vaccine rollout? 

[Answer: They suppressed this reality in order to continue their vaccine rollout “no matter what” because their evil, globally-coordinated ulterior motive was to impose vaccine passports on the entire population. The massive spike in UK Covid‑attributed deaths in Jan-Feb 2021 (bigger than the original 2020 “midazolam” spike) is shown in this graph (takes a few seconds to appear). It also shows that the Covid‑attributed deaths trend since the start of 2021 to the present time with vaccines is much worse that the Covid‑attributed death trend in 2020 without vaccines. So much for the canard that the vaccines have been “a great success story”. 

The spike in deaths among the immune-impaired at the start of vaccine rollout was not unique to the UK: a steep rise in deathscoinciding with the start of vaccine rollout occurred in many other countries around the world as shown by this chilling video animation, confirmatory details here. This Norwegian report explains why it happened. Both UK death spikes are quantified by funeral director John O’Looney in his “horror story” testimony starting 3:20:30. The UK authorities shamelessly passed off the vaccine-induced death spike as their long-threatened Covid‑19 “second wave”, an effect which they knew coronaviruses do not exhibit (dual wave Spanish Flu is not relevant as revealed here) but which they nevertheless falsely promoted to terrorise the general public.] 

6.    Why did governments and health authorities around the world all behave in lockstep by immorally insisting that the novel, experimental, minimally-tested Covid-19 vaccines had to be administered to: (i) Pregnant women, a clinical no-no since the 1960s Thalidomide tragedy, (ii) The young who are at negligible risk from this virus, especially children, and (iii) The many who had already contracted Covid and recovered, including most children, leaving them with good natural immunity but at risk of a deadly hyper-immune response which an unnecessary, toxic mRNA vaccination could induce? 

[Answer: The authorities clearly don’t give a dȧmn for vaccine injury risks to the general public, just as they don’t give a dȧmn for the massive societal and economic collateral damages caused by their criminally disproportionate overreaction to SARS‑CoV‑2 in support of their WEF/globalist paymasters. They were determined that nothing would stand in their way of their ulterior motive of trying to coerce the entire population into taking the vaccine. They clearly lied when they said originally that only the vulnerable needed to take the vaccine and definitely not children. Now they want to give it to 5‑year‑olds, next babies. 

The WEF/globalist Covid-19 “plandemic” has thankfully gone awry now that we are faced with mild Omicron which is said to be no worse than a bad cold and with clear evidence that we are in an epidemic of the vaccinated. Yet the authorities refuse to accept reality and are still criminally exhorting and coercing people through their immoral, medically-pointless vaccine mandates and passports to play Russian roulette with their health and even their lives by taking the booster, then a second booster and so on ad infinitum if Health Secretary and WEF acolyte Sajid Javid has his way. We are subjected to radio adverts saying the vaccines are safe and beneficial for 5‑year‑olds, on the say-so of the criminal WHO. All those responsible deserve to go to jail. 

The tide may be turning now that Mark Steyn on rebellious GB News has started exposing how badly we have all been deceived and abused over the past two years.] 

7.    Why have governments and health authorities around the world all behaved in lockstep by insisting to this day that the Covid‑19 so‑called “vaccines” are “safe and effective” when they are clearly the most horrendously dangerous vaccines of modern times by a massive margin? 

[Answer: In addition to the death spike immediately after vaccine rollout among the elderly immune-impaired (described above), the vaccines also cause an ongoing very high incidence of adverse reactions across all age groups, recorded in the UK by the Yellow Card system and in the US by VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). These adverse reactions are downplayed by the authorities with studied denial of reality and blatant stonewalling. 

The UK Yellow Card system has so far recorded about 1.5 million Covid‑19 vaccine adverse reaction reports and over 2,000 suspected vaccine-induced deaths. Even the MHRA which manages the system admits that the numbers are vastly under-reported and may be only 10% (or less) of the real numbers yet it has so far failed to provide any quantitative risk assessment on these reports. Why else would “health watchdog” public servants act with such appalling lack of concern for public health if not because they are working to the agenda of the WEF/globalist psychopaths? This includes setting up for the absurd 100-day mission to respond “innovatively” to the next confected pandemic crisis. 

Covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions include blood clots, strokes, spontaneous abortions, heart attacks and dangerous weakening of the immune system of recipients. In June 2021 this renowned professor warned (from 23:00) that repeat vaccination boosters carry a progressively increased risk of injury. Many studies have found tragic increases in health problems among vaccine recipient age cohorts as the rollout has progressed, e.g. unprecedented deadly strokes among 20‑year‑olds and a 19‑fold increase in myocarditis cases among 12‑15‑year‑olds. 

Head of the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Dr Tess Lawrie has noted: “there is a tight temporal relationship between Covid-19 vaccination and deaths: 15 percent of deaths occurring within 24 hours, 22 percent within 48 hours and in 37 percent of deaths, the patient became unwell within 48 hours of Covid-19 vaccination with an event that led to their death”. 

A recent study on UKHSA data shows Covid‑19 vaccine effectiveness plummeting towards minus 400 percent, confirming many similar studies showing that we are now in an “epidemic of the vaccinated”. It is now obvious that the vaccines are useless at preventing infection, do not prevent transmission and on balance probably do more harm than good. One US analyst has estimated from the US VAERS data that almost 300,00 people in the USA have been killed by the vaccines. Calamitous data from a US insurance company shows a 40% increase in deaths of people aged under 64. 

Damning evidence from the fraudulent vaccine clinical trials that criminal Big Pharma regulators wanted kept secret for 75 years – “follow the science”, yeah right – is slowly being made public by US court order, for example here and here. 

Truly frightening very recent Session 97 evidence from the Fuellmich Grand Jury trial is given by American lawyer and CEO of a large insurance group Todd Callender who is leading a lawsuit against the US Department of Defense. Based on the Department’s own data he starts his testimony with: 

“Everybody that got the Covid injections was given some form or level of AIDS, autoimmune deficiency syndrome. The ones that got the one shot, it seems that they have about 30% of their natural immunity destroyed. By the time they get three shots, all their natural immunity is completely gone. And we’re seeing that with our doctors, experts who are testifying, in their practices. The real epidemic is, now … based on what it is we are seeing the rates right now: excess mortality, 84%; excess, every kind of disease at 1,100%. We are expecting a 5,000 or so percent increase in excess mortality for this year. An enormous number”. 

Watch the testimony of the brave Australian senator calling out the fascist vaccine behaviour of the Australian authorities: “How the h€ll did you expect to get away with it?” and echoing Fuellmich: “We’re coming for you, we have the stamina to hound you down, and we dȧmn well will!”. 

All historical precedent is that a new vaccine will be withdrawn after a tiny fraction of the vaccine adverse reaction reports already racked up on Covid-19. That it is not being withdrawn in the case of Covid is further proof that Covid has never been about public health. It is clearly the Fuellmich-exposed “plandemic” with the mundane primary objective of getting the entire population hooked on vaccine passports, the ulterior motive being that these will morph into digital ids, paving the way for a global surveillance dystopia of mandatory vaccinations and social credits with central bank programmable digital currencies to enslave us all on a Universal Basic Income and control our spending, consumption, travel and who knows what else (CO2 rationing?) under a system of undemocratic technocratic world governance. 

In the infamous “Great Reset” words of the WEF’s Klaus Schwab “By 2030 you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”. The general public need to snap out of their psyops-induced cognitive dissonance to see what is really going on.] 

8.    Why do we, as a supposedly democratic country, tolerate such overwhelming censorship of accurate facts and expert evidence which run counter to the highly contentious and clearly immoral government official line on Covid-19? 

[Answer: For background, mainstream media censorship is proved by my easily-verified analysis containing this simple table. It shows how crucial facts and evidence which are freely reported in the sparsely-visited non-mainstream media, such as the “Yellow Card” adverse reaction reporting system, are totally censored out of the “nobbled” mainstream media and thereby hidden from the vast bulk of the general public. The BBC’s bias is particularly egregious and irksome as it is taxpayer-funded. The MSM censorship has been aided and abetted by Big Tech who have made a fortune out of Covid. Follow the money! 

A recent example is the shocking news that fifteen fit, young, fully-vaccinated tennis players were unable to finish the Miami Tennis Open, including favourites Paula Badosa and Jannik Sinner. Try finding any full report of this in the mainstream media. 

Government, regulators and the mainstream media have all been complicit throughout the “plandemic” in unprecedented measures to constrain freedom of speech and action. Ofcom instructed broadcasters not to broadcast facts and opinion that might undermine compliance with the official guidance, unless to attack it: this from a regulator which has a statutory duty is to uphold freedom of speech. The mainstream media was “nobbled” not just by Ofcom but by huge payments from multi-billionaire vaccine megalomaniac Bill Gates and huge payments from the government for Covid‑19 propaganda advertising. New World Order affiliate Professor Neil Ferguson whose wildly-exaggerated predictions of Covid‑19 deaths caused panic to “justify” lockdown received a large payment for his unit from Bill Gates. Dr Andrew Hill who played a key WHO role in the banning of ivermectin received a large payment for his unit via Bill Gates (watch the video to see this corrupt doctor squirm). 

On top of all the bribery, censorship and propaganda in the face of what proved to be for most people a relatively mild, easily treatable virus (if the necessary cheap and effective drugs hadn’t been deliberately banned), a virus which was deemed to be statistically endemic by June 2020, the Government chose to use so-called “nudge” techniques – unethical psychological manipulation (psyops) – to control mass behaviour, as exposed by Laura Dodsworth in her book “A State of Fear”.  

See also this article on how government/WEF/MSM mind control of the general public extends into climate change (insane Net Zero) and the long-planned war in Ukraine. Both of these contentious endeavours seem deliberately designed to drag Western economies deeper and deeper into the mire, with energy bills set to triple, blackouts looming and self-harming anti-Russia sanctions worsening Western shortages. Everything nowadays seems planned make our situation so miserable that we will welcome the tyranny of the WEF’s Great Reset with open arms, egged on by the Fuellmich-accused boss of BlackRock. 

Unfortunately we are heading into even worse 1984 dystopia through new laws which, via a new “Ministry of Truth”, will impose even more severe constraints on freedom of speech including undefined restrictions on content deemed “legal but harmful” on pain of a lengthy prison sentence. This could result in the closing down of our few remaining outlets of independent non-mainstream reporting and the censorship of anti-establishment consultation submissions such as this. A good summary of these draconian moves is given in this UK Column News report on the innocent-sounding but distinctly-Orwellian Online Safety Bill. 

Why else would they be doing this if not to pave the way to ram through their tyrannical “Great Reset” on behalf of their WEF paymasters with a ruthless determination to crush all dissent?  

To end on a note of optimism, the WEF/globalist megalomaniac plan for technocratic trans-humanist world domination and control will ultimately flounder, although most probably not before they have well and truly wrecked the Western economies, because China, Russia, many other non-Western countries and most Republican states in the USA will have nothing to do with it. The same applies to the lobotomised WEF/Biden/Johnson/Sturgeon et al plans for unilateral Net Zero.]

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Comments (5)

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    Gary Brown


    September 25, 2021 “Shrink the World’s Population”: Secret 2009 Meeting of Billionaires “Good Club” Is Worldwide Depopulation Part of the Billionaire’s “Great Reset”

    For more than ten years, meetings have been held by billionaires described as philanthropists to Reduce World Population culminating with the 2020-2021 Covid crisis.


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    Richard Noakes


    Re: covid-19-inquiry-consultation-on-draft-terms-of-reference – is this just another committee with no teeth, whatever their findings, nobody will be legally held to account?


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    well said, sir.
    several points.
    1947 nuremburg trials also prosecuted, convicted and executed doctors, politicians and judges for war crimes – as well as military personnel.
    regulators, politicians, judges and medics that have committed treason and crimes against humanity are hardly likely to prosecute themselves. the guilt exposed by fuellmich’s nuremburg 2.0 will not be prosecuted by the very criminals committing the most heinous crimes known to man.
    we are entering the AIDS phase (IIDS = Injected Immune Deficiency Syndrome?) = note that each and every incremental adverse event reported on the Yellow Card System, by EUDRA or VAERS is, by definition a deficiency in the immune system caused by the injections.
    lastly, the clinical trials were known to cause 24% adverse events (4 times that in the placebo) and almost 50% more deaths in the injected group BEFORE the injections were approved. every death and injury is PRE_MEDITATED. check the numbers out on page 11 and 12 here:
    note also that the PRE-clinical trials were fraudulently conducted here:


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      PS. as you stated, the use of a “terms of reference” to set a template is bureaucratic ass covering or a sop to gather information for the WHO to enact measures via this type of “focus group” method.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Hooligan:
      The fake Nuremberg “trials” run by 200 Jews where the victors sat in judgement of the accused in order to cover up their genocidal conduct was another Zionist psy op. None of the NSDAP actors were executed but it was all part of the staged event.

      Fulmrich, Wodag and crew are just diversions to make the goyim thank that they can sit back on the couch and let the lawyers handle things. It apparently never occurs to many simps that all of the countries high courts are filled with the same puppet actors as the executive and fake congresses. There is no AIDS or HIV as PCR inventor Kary Mullis exposed from the time of the AIDS “epidemic” CDC invention to line the insiders pockets back in the 80’s.

      What is the point in referencing fake “drug trials”, when this entire eugenic fraud, Rockefeller founded CDC poison injection, control plan, including the hospital protocol of Remdesivir and ventilators is an attack on all of humanity. Several independent labs have confirmed the primary ingredient in vials tested is graphene oxide. The fake trials are just more subterfuge for this criminal conspiracy.

      Here is information on the fake Nuremberg “trials.” As fake as the moon landings, Saddam’s bio labs, the fake virus and the war in Ukraine. And I almost forgot the atomic weapons.


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